Thursday, March 31, 2011
Your daily dose of liberal media bias - Media Research Center: NYT Food Writer Mark Bittman: People Will 'Starve to Death' Under House Budget
Labels: Liberal Media Bias
Columnist: Do school districts have to raise property taxes?
The beef taxpayers have is with their local school districts, which raise taxes every year. School boards have done a terrible job of balancing their budgets over the years.
Do school districts have to raise property taxes? -
Labels: Education, Pennsylvania, Property Taxes
Julia Hearthway to Lead PA Department of Labor and Industry
Pennsylvania Governor Corbett Completes Cabinet by Naming Julia Hearthway to Lead Department of Labor and Industry
Labels: Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Corbett Puts Rendell 'Tour Bus' For Sale

A tour bus used by former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell to push his big government agenda - at taxpayer expense - will be sold, Gov. Tom Corbett announced Wednesday.
Corbett called the bus a "white elephant" that cost Pennsylvania taxpayers more than $66,000 for maintenance "despite it being driven less than 26,000 miles in eight years."
It appears Rendell shot the transmission on the bus, leaving behind an anticipated repair bill of at least $5,000.
"My administration is committed to refocusing state spending on the core functions of government and that does not include maintaining a 41-foot motor coach that has largely sat in the garage," Corbett said in a press release. "This fiscal year alone taxpayers have paid for batteries, towing and window tinting. As of today, we will not ask taxpayers to put one more cent into the upkeep of this vehicle."
On a more serious note, Corbett has commissioned a review of the state's massive vehicle fleet to determine if the state can save money by reducing the number of vehicles it owns.
Read the full release at the link below:
Governor Corbett Sends Defunct Tour Bus to the Auction Block
Labels: AP Photo, Government Waste, Rendell, Tom Corbett
Democrat Announces Candidacy for Pennsylvania Attorney General
Tom Corbett resigned as Attorney General when he was sworn in as governor on Jan. 18.
Corbett nominated Pittsburgh federal prosecutor Linda L. Kelly to succeed him as Attorney General on Feb. 8 but Kelly has not been confirmed yet by the State Senate.
William H. Ryan Jr. is currently serving as Acting Attorney General.
Kathleen Granahan Kane Announces Candidacy for Pennsylvania Attorney General
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania
Rep. Joe Pitts to Obama: 'We shouldn't be half-way at war'

"Today, my colleagues and I were briefed on the Libyan engagement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen. Unfortunately, many of our questions remain unanswered.
"My first concern is that we are refusing to admit that this is a war. If anybody fired 160 missiles at us, flew bombing missions and sent in attack gunships, we would call that an act of war. This engagement and our involvement in it are both ill defined.
"Even after today's briefing, it is obvious that we do not have a clear picture of the Libyan rebels. In fact, there are reports that Al Qaeda militants are involved in the fight against Qaddafi. When we engage American forces, we must have clear goals and a strategy to accomplish these goals.
"As a young man, I fought in the Vietnam War, another engagement with unclear objectives and uncertainties about our allies. I know that the men and women of our armed forces are conducting this engagement with dedication and professionalism. The President should first seek direction from Congress, which has the constitutional power to declare war. Then he has a responsibility to give our troops the tools and direction to achieve the mission he has laid out for them.
"We shouldn't be half-way at war."
Labels: Barack Obama, Rep. Joe Pitts
Report: PA leads nation in worst bridges
From a new report, "The Fix We're In For: The State of the Nation's Bridges," which ranks states in terms of the overall condition of the state's bridges:
The five states with the worst bridge conditions have over 20 percent structurally deficient bridges: Pennsylvania has the largest share of deteriorating bridges at 26.5 percent, followed by Oklahoma (22.0%), Iowa (21.7%), Rhode Island (21.6%), and South Dakota (20.3%).New Report Highlights Mounting Challenge of Aging Bridges
Labels: Pennsylvania
Rep. Doug Reichley to host 3 town meetings
From a Reichley press release:
"I know many of you have questions about some of the proposals in Governor Tom Corbett's state budget recommendations," said Reichley. "Check for a town meeting time and location that suits your schedule. I hope to see you there and await your questions."For more information, or to RSVP, contact Reichley's district office at 1245 Chestnut St., Unit No. 5, Emmaus. The phone number is (610) 965-9933. Reservations are suggested, but not required. Walk-ins are always welcome.
Three town meetings are scheduled on the following dates at three locations:
Wednesday, April 6
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Cetronia Fire Company
18 South Scenic St., Allentown
Saturday, April 9
8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Lehigh Lodge
2120 Route 100 South, Macungie
Route 100 Macungie
Saturday, April 16
8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Bally Senior Center
425 Chestnut St., Bally
Labels: Berks County, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Members of Congress Collect Unpaid Tickets
From Roll Call, a newspaper that covers Congress:
According to a Roll Call survey of vehicles parked on Capitol Hill and at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, as of mid-March, lawmakers were carrying at least $15,000 in outstanding tickets — ranging from expired meters to speeding camera violations — and potentially thousands of dollars more.Members Collect Many Unpaid Tickets : Roll Call News
Labels: Congress
Auditor General Jack Wagner Calls for Hearings on Reallocation of $370 Million in Tobacco Settlement Funds
The money was diverted by Rendell and the Democrats but Wagner didn't seem to have a problem with it then.
Auditor General Jack Wagner Calls for Hearings on Reallocation of $370 Million in Tobacco Settlement Funds
Labels: Jack Wagner
Getting Hosed At The Pump
Labels: High Gas Prices
Spring-Ford budget cuts
Also, school board members have to provide better answers about why their districts are in such bad financial shape other than blaming Tom Corbett.
If these school districts were run like a business, they'd be in bankruptcy. Schools boards have been giving away the store for years with generous contracts to teachers and administrators and construction of Taj Mahals.
Spring-Ford residents speak out about budget cuts (video) -
Labels: Education, Property Taxes
Few government employees denied pay increases for poor performance
Few employees denied step increases for poor performance -
Labels: Labor Unions
Monday, March 28, 2011
Newspaper: CBO's toll-road fib
From an editorial in The Washington Times on why this new tax would hurt everyone
There's no such thing as a "nonuser" of the road network. America has 208 million licensed drivers out of a population of 240 million of driving age. Only a handful of people depend on the bicycles, buses and trolleys that meet with liberal approval. Everyone benefits from having food and other goods delivered by truck. Motorists are one of the most overtaxed groups in America, and the automobile has done more to enable this country's economic success than any other invention.EDITORIAL: CBO's toll-road fib - Washington Times
Labels: Democrats, Taxes, Transportation
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
On the heels of 'ObamaCare' conservatives target 'ObamaRail'
On the heels of 'ObamaCare' conservatives target 'ObamaRail' - The Hill's Transportation Report
Labels: Barack Obama, Debt, Government Spending, Government Waste
Missed Opportunity For Tom Corbett
Group: Lawmakers Not Asked To Sacrifice In Corbett’s Budget « CBS Pittsburgh
Labels: Tom Corbett
Top 10 Spending Cuts Thwarted by Democrats
Top 10 Spending Cuts Thwarted by Democrats - HUMAN EVENTS
Labels: Debt, Democrats, Government Spending
Friday, March 25, 2011
Columnist: Big labor its own worst enemy
Wisconsin is not the only state where leftist thugs have behaved inappropriately. In Idaho an education reform bill that would have eliminated tenure and seniority and allowed more charter schools to be established drew the ire of unions. The superintendent of Idaho's public schools, Tom Luna, who championed the reform plan, had his car vandalized. One protestor even showed up at the home of Luna's mother.Read the full column at the link below:Uncivil unions: Big labor its own worst enemy -
Obama celebrates Greek Independence Day
Greece declared its independence from the Ottoman Turks on this day in 1821. The struggle lasted until 1832 when the Greeks finally drove the Turks out, ending 400 years of occupation.
"Zito H Ellas"
Obama to celebrate Greek Independence Day - San Jose Mercury News
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Remembering A Hollywood Legend

Randy Bish, who I consider to be the best editorial cartoonist in Pennsylvania, does a wonderful job with this tribute to Elizabeth Taylor, from today's edition of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Check out more of Bish's cartoons at the newspaper's website.
Labels: Randy Bish Cartoon
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Corbett orders re-bid of Graterford Prison expansion project
"This, by no means, is a failure in design – it's an opportunity for us to improve upon the design," acting Corrections Secretary John Wetzel said. "Before we spend millions of dollars building a new prison, we need to ensure the money is being spent in an appropriate manner and that the prison design is in line with our department's mission."
Read the full release from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections at the link below:
Corbett Administration Redefines Focus of SCI-Graterford Construction Project
Labels: Government Spending, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Obamacare Disaster
"Obamacare is a disaster. Rather than liberate the American health care system from bureaucracy and waste, it blankets it with more of both, suffocating innovation and destroying freedom. The result is a system that is inconsistent with the freedom, prosperity, high living standards, and traditions of the American people."Read more of what Ferrara has to say about the centerpiece of the failed Obama presidency at the link below:
The Obamacare Disaster - by Peter Ferrara - Policy Studies
Labels: Obamacare
Obamacare: One year of broken promises
Obamacare: One year of broken promises -
Labels: Obamacare
School Choice Rally for Senate Bill 1 in Pennsylvania
Learn more about the effort to pass a School Choice law in Pennsylvania here.
Labels: Pennsylvania, School Choice
PA State Rep. Scott Petri Calls for Investigation into Philadelphia School Funding
PA State Rep. Scott Petri - Petri Calls for Investigation into School Funding Irregularities
Labels: Government Spending, Government Waste
Obamacare One Year Later

"It is clear that the President was right about one thing: The American health care system was financially unsustainable.
Proponents claimed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act would address the symptoms. But the early evidence is that it limits freedom and increases costs. This is evidenced by the 1,040 waivers granted to states and organizations that sought exemptions from new regulations.
Our health care system is too large and too complex to manage at the federal level -- and too important to be debated outside the earshot of citizens. The Health Care Compact enables citizens to engage in the policy process at the state level, and to prescribe laws that match the needs of their communities."
Labels: Broken Promises, Obamacare
Monday, March 21, 2011
Phillies the Favorite to Win 2011 World Series
Phillies the Favorite to Win 2011 World Series
Labels: Phillies
CBO: Obama budget worse than projected on 10-year deficit
CBO: Obama budget worse than projected on 10-year deficit - The Hill's On The Money
Labels: Barack Obama, Debt
America's Best Days
America's Best Days
Labels: Polls
Lefty Blogger Exposes How Political Lies Are Spread Over Liberal Blogosphere
Lefty Blogger Exposes How Political Lies Are Spread Over Liberal Blogosphere
Labels: Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberal Media Bias
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Don't read too much into special election
Don't read too much into special election -
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Friday, March 18, 2011
Obama to worried nation: Trust me
Isn't this the same guy who reassured us that unemployment would not rise above 8% if Congress passed his $787 billion stimulus package in 2009?
Isn't this the same guy who assured us he would end the war in Afghanistan?
Isn't this the same guy who promised transparency and accountability in government?
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises
Gov. Corbett breaks major campaign promise
From the editorial page of The Pottstown Mercury:
THORNS to Gov. Tom Corbett for reneging on his campaign pledge to end legislative grants known as WAMs and approving more than $48 million in pet-project grants. The requests had been submitted during the administration of former Gov. Ed Rendell, and a Corbett spokesman said the new administration felt an obligation to honor them. Tell that to local school districts, who feel there should be an obligation to support public education. Or, to taxpayers who believe Corbett has an obligation to clean up Pennsylvania's legislative spending practices. All told, the Corbett administration provided a list of more than 1,200 grant applications it was approving from programs previously submitted. The biggest grant was for $5 million for a nonprofit-run statewide program called the Fresh Food Financing Initiative. WAMs, state grants known as "walking around money," are requested by legislators to court favor in their home districts. In his successful campaign for governor, Corbett aired a TV ad attacking WAMs, in which he said, "The first thing we're going to do is put a stake in the heart of the WAMs program. Millions of dollars spent on legislative pet projects with little oversight." Maybe it could be the second or third thing he does.
Labels: Broken Promises, Tom Corbett
Thursday, March 17, 2011
With world in crisis, Obama heads to fundraiser
So what does Barack Obama do? He's off to Chicago to raise money for his 2012 re-election. The man knows his priorities.
Obama to headline Chicago reelection fundraiser - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Labels: Barack Obama
House votes to defund NPR

If liberal elites want their own radio network, let them pay for it.
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement:
Republicans said today that the arrogant liberal sneers at taxpayers in Flyover Country deserve to be met by NPR raising its own money in its own fancy cafes. And an organization that admits catering to a "core audience that is predominately white, liberal, highly educated, elite" is among the last that should survive budget cuts if legislators are serious about cutting unnecessary spending.House approves GOP bill to defund NPR - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
We applaud the 228 Representatives who stepped up to say so with their votes in the House today. If the Senate and President Obama really care about reckless spending, they'll pony up and do the same. The time is now to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on funding NPR.
Labels: Government Waste, Liberal Media Bias
Poll: Most PA residents oppose Corbett education cuts

A new Franklin & Marshall College Poll of Pennsylvania voters released today shows that most Pennsylvania residents don't believe the state has recovered from Rendell's fiscal mismanagement.
Here are the poll highlights from Terry Madonna, director of the F&M Center for Politics and Public Affairs::
1) Most (53%) Pennsylvania adults believe the state is headed in the wrong direction, and most say they are worse off (31%) or the same (57%) financially as they were last year. Equal proportions of adults believe they will be better off financially (27%) as believe they will be worse off financially (26%) in the coming year. Pennsylvanians feel no better about their financial conditions than they did last fall.Complete results can be found in the attachment or at
2) Most state residents believe the state's financial condition is bad (47%) or very bad (31%), although only one in five (20%) believes Pennsylvania is in worse fiscal condition than most other states. Residents generally have confidence in Governor Corbett's ability to handle the state’s budget problems, as 53 percent express confidence (8% very, 45% somewhat) while 39 percent lack confidence in the governor, (23% not very, 16% not at all)
3) There remains strong opposition to increasing the state income and sales tax—only one in four (27%) residents supports increasing the income tax and only one in three (36%) favors increasing the sales tax. There is strong support for taxing the companies that extract and sell natural gas (62 percent favor while 30 percent oppose) and an even larger percentage of residents favor taxing smokeless tobacco and cigars (72 percent favor while 26 percent oppose).
4) Pennsylvanians are not in favor of the education cuts proposed by the Corbett Administration. Funding cuts to school districts are opposed by 78 percent of respondents while cutting funding to public universities in the state is opposed by 67 percent of respondents. Cuts to Medicaid do not draw much support either (70 percent of Pennsylvanians oppose these cuts).
5) Two in three (64%) Pennsylvanians favor selling the state liquor stores.
6) Respondents were divided about reducing the pay and benefits of state employees (47 percent opposed while 45 percent favored the reductions) although three in five (60%) support reducing the number of state employees.
7) Pennsylvanians are divided in their opinion about how to handle the state's fiscal situation. Two in five (39%) state residents believe the state should balance its budget through program and service cuts while a similar proportion (38%) believes the state should both cut spending and increase taxes to balance the budget. Few (6%) believe that tax increases alone are the way to solve the state's budget problems.
Labels: Pennsylvania, Polls, Tom Corbett
Columnist: Obama Continues Energy Deception
Obama Boldly Continues his Energy Deception - HUMAN EVENTS
Labels: High Gas Prices
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sen. Argall: Time is right to reduce size of Pa. Legislature
"The General Assembly cannot continue to ask state agencies to continue to cut costs unless we are also willing to lead by example," Argall writes in a recent op-ed.
Time is right to reduce size of Pa. Legislature -
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform
Perspective on the 11th Dist. Senate race
The pundits are trying to make a big deal about a Democrat winning an election in legislative district where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 2-1 margin.
A little perspective is in order on the Judy Schwank-Larry Medaglia race to fill the seat of the late Sen. Mike O'Pake.
Republicans held 30 of the 50 seats in the Pennsylvania Senate before the election. Republicans will hold 30 of the 50 seats after the election.
O'Pake was the No. 2 ranking Democrats in the Senate after spending nearly 40 years in the chamber.
Schwank will be the No. 20 ranking Democrat and the lawmaker with the least seniority in the minority party until her term ends at the end of 2012.
Nothing changed for residents of the 11th Senate District other than losing what little clout O'Pake had.
PoliticsPA Editorial: Why SD-11 Was a Big Win for Democrats
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Schwank wins special election for 11th Senate seat

It's one of the most heavily Democratic legislative districts in Pennsylvania. The 11th District includes the City of Reading, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 5-1 margin.
The most recent voter registration numbers show 82,727 registered Democrats to 48,674 Republicans in the 11th District.
Democratic Sen. Mike O'Pake first won the Senate seat in 1972 and had two more years left in his current term when he died Dec. 27 at age 70 from complications following heart surgery.
Democrat Judy Schwank, a former two-term Berks County commissioner, won the special election Tuesday to finish O'Pake's term, with 20,124 votes to Republican challenger Larry Medaglia's 14,794.
Even with Schwank's victory, Republicans hold a 30-20 majority in the state Senate. Republicans also control the state House and the governor's mansion.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Schwank continues to lead
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Schwank leads Medaglia in 11th Senate District race
Schwank has 9,026 votes to Medaglia's 5,641 ... but of the votes counted so far, 32 of the 59 districts are in the City of Reading, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by a 5-1 margin.
The eastern Berks County precincts, where Republicans hold the majority, still have not reported.
Schwank should have built up a much bigger lead over Medaglia in the Democratic-rich precincts in Reading and its immediate suburbs.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
American Red Cross Contributes an Initial $10 Million to Assist Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors
Summer jobs with Pennsylvania Turnpike
From a press release issued by Kampf's office:
Several positions are available, including toll, maintenance and clerical. Candidates applying for toll collector positions must be available to work any of the three shifts over a 24-hour period, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. All positions reflect a 40-hour work week and run from May 1 to Sept. 30, is limited to 16 weeks per employee.
The application is available online at All applications must be submitted to Representative Kampf's Harrisburg office at 429 Irvis Building, PO Box 202157, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2157.
Labels: Pennsylvania Turnpike
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunshine Week is reminder to protect Right-to-Know law
Sunshine Week is reminder to protect Right-to-Know law -
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Larry Medaglia makes his case for PA's 11th District Senate seat
Berks special election: Medaglia believes his GOP affiliation will help constituents -
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Friday, March 11, 2011
Columnist: All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train
All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train - Iain Murray - National Review Online
Labels: Al Gore, Global Warming
Rep. Quigley to host Town Hall-Style Conference Call

From a press release issued by Rep. Quigley:
"In light of the recent budget proposal from Gov. Tom Corbett, I am interested to hear what people have to say," Quigley said. "I am hosting this town hall-style conference call to give everyone I represent the opportunity to find out what is going on in Harrisburg and our community and also ask questions without having to leave their home."
At approximately 7 p.m. on March 14, automated calls will be placed to residents of the 146th District inviting them to participate in the hour-long call. Quigley stressed that at any point during the phone call, people will be given the chance to ask questions by pressing *3, and he will try to get to everyone's inquires during the allotted hour.
Labels: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Tom Quigley
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Questionable Spending by PA Lawmakers
Team 4: Thousands Spent On Bibles, Flags Unnecessary For State Lawmakers? - Video - WTAE Pittsburgh
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
Website attacks Schwank for raising taxes
The site - 52% Judy Schwank - takes its name from the fact that Schwank voted to raise property taxes by a total of 52% when she was a Berks County Commissioner.
"Judy Schwank Has Experience: She Knows How to Raise Our Taxes" states the website.
In addition to her record of raising taxes, the site also has information about a campaign contribution Schwank took in 2003 from former state Sen. Vince Fumo, who is now serving a federal prison sentence after he was convicted of corruption charges last year.
The site also disputes Schwank's claims of creating jobs while she was a county official.
The Republican candidate for the special election in the 11th Senatorial District (which was held by the late Sen. Mike O'Pake and covers most of Berks County) is Larry Medaglia, the current Register of Wills in Berks County.
The special election will be held Tuesday, March 15.
Check out 52% Judy Schwank here.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Newspaper: Is America Becoming A Welfare Nation?
More than one-third of all wages and salaries in this country are actually government handouts. We should be alarmed that we've become a nation of dependents.Editorial: Is America Becoming A Welfare Nation? -
Labels: Debt, Government Spending, Welfare
Dick Morris: Suspend the gas tax
Suspend the gas tax -
Labels: High Gas Prices, Taxes
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
'Let's make Pennsylvania the Texas of the natural gas boom'

Last year, Gov. Ed Rendell and Democratic lawmakers pushed for a plan to impose the highest severance tax in the nation on Marcellus Shale extraction in Pennsylvania.
The plan was defeated in the Legislature, primarily by Republican lawmakers.
Despite losing the governor's mansion and the majority in the House, Democrats are back again pushing for a tax on Marcellus Shale.
Instead of rushing into a quick decision, Gov. Tom Corbett has appointed a commission headed by Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley to study how Pennsylvania can best protect its natural resources while benefiting from a potential windfall.
From Corbett's Tuesday budget address:
But government is not meant to be the answer for jobs. The private sector is. The Marcellus Shale discovery, a natural resource deposit that rivals the ages of coal and oil, is a great example.Governor Corbett Announces Formation of Marcellus Shale Advisory Commission
Limited government means not mistaking someone else's property for your own. There has been much pressure to tax the gas being drawn from the Marcellus Shale. The Marcellus is a resource, a source of potential wealth, the foundation of a new economy. Not just something new to tax.
Pennsylvania can become a center not just of resources but a center of the industry that backs up those resources. For every pipe running a mile underground we should have jobs at distribution centers, at refineries, at shipping ports, and the offices and companies that run them.
These resources, by the way, belong to the people who own the mineral rights. Those people are getting their fair share by working out their own leases with the companies doing the drilling. That's how it should be. That's the American way. What Pennsylvanians will gain is the jobs, the spinoffs, and if we don't scare these industries off with new taxes, the follow-up that comes along. You see underneath the Marcellus Shale is another bonanza. It's called the Utica Shale. And where Marcellus promises 50 years of energy the Utica promises riches going into the next century. Let's make Pennsylvania the hub of this boom. Just as the oil companies decided to headquarter in one of a dozen states with oil ... let's make Pennsylvania the Texas of the natural gas boom. I'm determined that Pennsylvania not lose this moment. We have the chance to get it right the first time, the chance to grow our way out of hard days.
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature, Taxes, Tom Corbett
PA State Bookstore to Close, Online-Only Sales Planned
PA State Bookstore to Close, Online-Only Sales Planned
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Grading Tom Corbett's First Budget Speech

His first budget address, delivered Tuesday, was as sharp a contrast as you will get between the slick, polished, media-savvy Ed Rendell and Tom Corbett, a prosecutor who still doesn't feel comfortable in front of large crowds, even after being elected governor of one of the nation's largest states.
Corbett was all business Tuesday as he addressed a joint session of the Pennsylvania Legislature. The subject, digging out of the fiscal mess left behind by Ed Rendell, was a sobering topic.
Corbett tried a couple of funny lines, but his delivery was off. If you're looking for charisma, start changing the channel until you find Charlie Sheen.
Corbett is at his best when he talks straight to fellow Pennsylvanias. It's a refreshing change from "Fast Eddie" Rendell, who had trouble telling the truth.
The Commonwealth Foundation gave Corbett a solid "B" for his message. That's a big improvement considering the same group gave Ed Rendell eight straight "F" grades on his budget addresses.
Here's the CF press release analyzing Corbett's speech:
The Commonwealth Foundation graded Gov. Tom Corbett's budget address a solid B today in its call to end the tax-borrow-and-spend approach to budgeting that placed Pennsylvanian in the present fiscal crisis.
"Unlike the past eight years that earned a fiscal grade of F, this budget puts the taxpayers first and deserves a solid B for not increasing taxes, reducing expenditures, and putting the taxpayers' interests first," said Commonwealth Foundation President and CEO Matthew J. Brouillette. "But much more can be done to limit state government to its core functions and begin reducing Pennsylvania's ranking as the 10th highest tax burden in the nation."
Brouillette praised the governor's call to give taxpayers greater control over school property tax increases above the rate of inflation, but encouraged him to go further. "Act 1 of 2006 failed to control property tax increases, and homeowners are paying for that legislative failure today," said Brouillette. "But we should give taxpayers a say over any and all tax increases. These are the taxpayers' schools and they should decide if they want to pay a penny more for them."
The governor also called for wage rollbacks and salary freezes for state workers who received pay increases while the private sector lost jobs. "Gov. Corbett gave great hope that Pennsylvania can end the inequity between private-sector taxpayers and government employees who enjoys better health care benefits, better pensions, better job security, and an earlier retirement," said Brouillette.
"In calling for ‘collective sacrifices' in the union bargaining process, Gov. Corbett asked state government workers to share in the same economic reality and burdens the taxpayers have every day," said Brouillette. "With 17 of 19 state union contracts set to expire in June, this is a reasonable approach to restoring the balance of power back to the taxpayers of Pennsylvania."
Setting the agenda for greater school choice and expanded privatization to include ending the state monopoly over liquor, Gov. Corbett called for "reality-based budgeting" by changing the budget focus from inputs to outcomes and having government prioritize spending based on well-defined core functions.
"This is a big step in the right direction, but it only slows the runaway tax-borrow-and-spend train that is state government," said Brouillette. "Pennsylvania still has a lot of work to be done, but we are hopeful this governor and this General Assembly will keep the promises they have made to the taxpayers."
To earn an A+, the Commonwealth Foundation recommends the complete elimination of "corporate welfare" programs; a more fiscally conservative revenue projection; reducing welfare fraud and abuse; and better financial planning for the coming pension, retiree health care, and Medicaid funding crises.
Labels: Budget, Debt, Pennsylvania, Rendell, Tom Corbett
Thomas Sowell Exposes Union Myths
The biggest myth about labor unions is that unions are for the workers. Unions are for unions, just as corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians.Read the full column at the link below:
Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" that the Obama administration tried to push through Congress. Employees' free choice as to whether or not to join a union is precisely what that legislation would destroy.
Workers already have a free choice in secret-ballot elections conducted under existing laws. As more and more workers in the private sector have voted to reject having a union represent them, the unions' answer has been to take away secret-ballot elections.
Union Myths - HUMAN EVENTS
Labels: Big Labor, Liberal Hypocrisy
Obama flip flops on Gitmo trials
Obama restarts Guantanamo trials | The Daily Caller
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Terrorism
Monday, March 7, 2011
Biggest Monthly Deficit Ever…
For February, Obama & Co. spend $223 billion more than the the government took in, adding to the astronomical national debt, which now tops $14 trillion.
Biggest Monthly Deficit Ever…
Labels: Barack Obama, Debt
Poll: 54% Favor Repeal of Obamacare
Health Care Law: 54% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Interview with Larry Medaglia, PA State Senate candidate
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Republicans
Taxpayer coalition backs Medaglia in PA 11th Senate Dist. race

In making its endorsement, the PTCC pointed to Medaglia's "unequivocal support for the principles embodied in the previously introduced School Property Tax Elimination Act legislation that will abolish school property taxes for all Pennsylvania homeowners and restructure a crumbling, antiquated education finance system."
Medaglia has pledged to support renewed efforts to eliminate school property taxes if he is elected to the Legislature, the PTCC noted.
"For 30 years, the homeowners of Pennsylvania have been deceived time and time again by phony, unsound property tax relief schemes and false promises of property tax reform," said David Baldinger, spokesman for the PTCC. "Larry Medaglia has taken a definite stance on this vital issue with his pledge to work for the passage of legislation supported by the PTCC that will at last give legitimate, sustainable relief to the homeowners of Pennsylvania through total school property tax elimination."
The PTCC is a member of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayer Associations, an alliance of 50 grassroots taxpayer advocacy groups across Pennsylvania dedicated to the equitable education funding reform through the principles and mechanism of the School Property Tax Elimination Act.
For more about the PTCC, visit the group's website.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Property Taxes
Newspaper: Corbett's staff gets thorn for blocking access to governor
Corbett's staff gets thorn for blocking access to governor -
Labels: Newspapers, Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett
Gov. Corbett shuts out media
Corbett shuts out media; Candidate embarrassed by governor's staff's actions (video) -
Labels: Berks County, Newspapers, Tom Corbett
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Poll: Thumbs Down on Obama's Job Performance
Americans Give President Obama Negative Ratings on Jobs, Economy, Healthcare, Education and His Handling of the Unrest in the Middle East
Labels: Barack Obama, Polls
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Online interview with Larry Medaglia
Go to The Mercury's website and watch the interview to learn more about Medaglia and the issues facing Berks County voters in the March 15 special election.
If you can't watch the interview live, it will be posted on The Mercury's website through March 15 so you can watch it any time.
The Democratic candidate, Judy Schwank, will be interviewed Thursday at 3 p.m.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Sen. Toomey: Congress cannot ignore debt crisis
In only the last decade — since 2000 — total federal spending has doubled. Last year's level reached 25 percent of our nation's economy — a post-World War II record and far higher than recent years have averaged. This spending surge has resulted in massive, record-breaking deficits. As recently as 2007, our deficit was only 1.2 percent of our gross domestic product. This year it is more than 10 percent, or $1.6 trillion. Our government is borrowing about 40 cents of every dollar it spends.Read the full column at the link below:
Congress cannot ignore debt crisis -
Labels: Congress, Debt, Government Spending, Pat Toomey
Pennsylvania Revenue Department Releases February Collections
Pennsylvania Revenue Department Releases February Collections