Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Auditor General Jack Wagner Calls for Hearings on Reallocation of $370 Million in Tobacco Settlement Funds

Democrat Jack Wagner raises good points about diverting the tobacco settlement money, but where was he during the eight years of Gov. Ed Rendell's tenure, including the last four years when Democrats also had a majority in the state House?

The money was diverted by Rendell and the Democrats but Wagner didn't seem to have a problem with it then.

Auditor General Jack Wagner Calls for Hearings on Reallocation of $370 Million in Tobacco Settlement Funds



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is one Democrat who calls 'em like he sees 'em. it is Jack Wagner. He was a more effective critic of Rendell than many of Ed's cronies in the GOP Assembly!

The Wagner report brought to light what happened to the money under Ed Rendell - something that no reporter eved did. So, it was useful as well as ground-breaking.

March 30, 2011 at 7:49 AM 

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