Monday, January 31, 2011
Federal judge: Obamacare is unconstitutional
National School Choice Week Captivates Nation
Good Omens for the GOP in 2012
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Poll: 68% Prefer A Government With Fewer Services, Lower Taxes
Nearly 7 in 10 Americans say they want a smaller federal government and reduced taxes. They sent that message to Obama and the Democrats in November 2010, but it hasn't sunk in yet. Just wait until 2012.
America's Best DaysLabels: Government Spending
Columnist: Christie Showing Washington How to Get It Done
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Facebook adds controversial new feature
Sen. Ron Johnson Delivers Weekly GOP Address On Government Blocking Job Creation
Friday, January 28, 2011
Outrage After Mother Sentenced to Prison for Sending Her Children to Better Public School
PoliticsPA's Celebrity Look-Alikes
If you're wondering whatever happened to Abe Vigoda, he might be serving in the Pennsylvania Legislature.
Take a look at this humorous slide show of celebrity look-alikes and Pennsylvania politicians.
PoliticsPA's Celebrity Look-AlikesLabels: Pennsylvania
Schwank Vs. Medaglia in special election for PA Senate seat
What I know about Larry Medaglia Jr., the Republican candidate in the special election for the 11th state Senate seat in Berks County: The Berks County Register of Wills office is more efficient thanks to reforms Medaglia has instituted, saving taxpayers money.
What I know about Judy Schwank, the Democratic candidate: When she was chairwoman of the Berks County Commissioners four years ago, she was the deciding vote for a 34% property tax hike for Berks County homeowners and businesses.
The race is basically a fiscal conservative vs. a tax-and-spend liberal.
The election to fill the unexpired term of the late Sen. Mike O'Pake will be held Tuesday, March 15.
Schwank Vs. Medaglia in special election - Boyertown Area Times - Berks-Mont NewsLabels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Republicans
Poll: 50% Now Oppose President's New Spending Proposals
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sarah Palin Headlines Reagan 100 Celebration
Ground Zero Mosque's New Imam has Radical Ties
It's a Muslim world
From a new report by Pew Research Center:
The world's Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1.6 billion in 2010 to 2.2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life. Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over the next two decades.
Read the full report
CongressVotes - Bringing Capitol Hill to Your iPhone & iPod touch
Group: Obama's State of the Union Talks New Jobs While Policies Destroy Them
Auditor General Jack Wagner Says Pa. Needs Sentencing Reform, Construction Freeze to Shrink Corrections Costs
The Real State of the Union
Toomey Committee Assignments Play to His Strength: Crunching Numbers
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
At least 2,000 problem gamblers in Pennsylvania's 2011 Top Ten 'Dubious Polling' Awards
Rep. Michele Bachmann Delivers Tea Party Response to State of the Union
'The President Can Do More to Create Jobs'
Revere America Files Brief Attacking Health Law's Requirement to Buy Unwanted Insurance
Richard Viguerie Criticizes Both President Obama and Congressional Republicans for Failure to Propose Serious Cuts in Spending
FRC: President Obama's State of the Union Address Leaves the Family Behind
U.S. Chamber Pledges to Help Pass Medical Malpractice Reform this Year
Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft
Libertarian response to State of the Union
This Way Down: CED Releases Budget Debt Crisis Report
President Peddles Amnesty Yet Again in Second State of the Union, says FAIR
Newspaper: Failing grade is embarrassment to Pa. lawmakers
From an editorial in The Mercury:
Safe driving standards and more restrictive teen driving laws have been adopted in neighboring states of New Jersey, New York, Delaware and Maryland.
Pennsylvania has gotten failing grades on many fronts recently, and new Gov. Tom Corbett says he intends to change some of that.
This fix is simple. It doesn't cost anything except leadership to enact safe driving laws.
Pennsylvanians deserve better than laws that fail.
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Failing grade is embarrassment to Pa. lawmakers -
Obama Fails to Address Inflation in State of the Union
Rep. Paul Ryan Gives Republican Response to State of the Union Address
John Stossel: My State Of The Union Address
GOP Senators Find Little to Like in Obama's Speech
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Obama's Failed Energy Policies Drive Up Gas Prices
2011 State of the Unborn Address Launches Safe, Secure, 'Kids-only' Social Network for 'Tweens'
Record-Breaking Year for College Savings in Pennsylvania
Pa. gets 'F' grade for driving laws
Corbett Releases Plan to Reform Pennsylvania Government
Monday, January 24, 2011
National School Choice Week Television Ad
Judicial Watch Details Ambitious Investigative Agenda for 112th Congress
Gettysburg National Military Park Quarter Debuts Jan. 25
Liberal Group's Name-Calling Thwarts Real Immigration Reform
Game Commission Offers 'Seedlings for Schools' Program
'We're going to need a bigger boat'
Study: 1 in 6 Seniors Lives in Poverty
Corbett Administration Takes Steps to Expand PA Fair Care
Berks GOP backs Medaglia for state Senate run
Berks County Register of Wills Larry J. Medaglia Jr. is the Republican choice to run for the unexpired state Senate term of the late Sen. Mike O'Pake.
The special election is scheduled for March 15 and should be the best chance Republicans have of taking the seat held by O'Pake for nearly 40 years.
Medaglia, of West Reading, faces former county commissioner Judith A. Schwank, who is the Democratic Party's pick.
While well-known, Schwank does have one big drawback. She voted to raise county property taxes by 30 percent when she served as a commissioner, something Berks County residents won't soon forget.
Berks Republicans tab Medaglia for O'Pake seat - pottsmerc.comLabels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Republicans
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hitler Finds Out That Olbermann Has Been Fired
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Keith Olbermann Signs Off
Sen. John Barrasso: Why repeal of Obamacare was necessary
Friday, January 21, 2011
Rising GOP Star: Rep. Paul Ryan
Gas prices rise: Is Obama to blame?
Columnist: Why Everything Starts With Repeal of Obamacare
Congested Roads Hitting Americans In the Pocketbook
Repeat Offender First to Receive Jail Sentence Under New PA Poaching Penalties
'The Philadelphia Horror'
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Greatest Moments of Liberal History
Pennsylvania unemployment drops to 8.5%
Just the thought of Ed Rendell leaving the governor's mansion after eight disastrous years was enough to prompt Pennsylvania employers to start hiring.
The unemployment rate for Pennsylvania dropped to 8.5 percent in December, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: December 2010Labels: Jobs, Pennsylvania
Why Sarah Palin Drives Them Wild
Former Sen. Fred Thompson returns to films
Cyprus Church thanks Boy George for icon's return
Bad news Democrats: 2012 could be worse than 2010
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
CNN, Quinnipiac, Gallup, and Rasmussen Agree: Americans Want Repeal
Columnist: The blinders of hubris
Survey: Concern Over Internet Security Remains High
Obama Ignores China's Dismal Human Rights Record
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Parting Words From Ed Rendell
1.1M Sign Petition to Repeal Health Care Law
Americans Urge Congress to Appeal ObamaCare
Text of Gov. Tom Corbett's Inaugural Address
A road map to rebuild Pennsylvania

After eight disastrous years under Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell, Pennsylvania is is serious trouble.
But there is hope. Rendell is gone. Republican Tom Corbett will be sworn in today as the state's new governor.
With so many problems facing Gov. Corbett, where to begin?
The Commonwealth Foundation, an independent, non-partisan, free-market public policy think tank, has come up with a road map to help rebuild Pennsylvania's economic vitality, offering 80 concrete recommendations to make needed reforms to various state programs and agencies.
From the introduction to the report:
Pennsylvania's newly-elected governor and the 2011-12 General Assembly will face a host of challenges created by the previous governor bent on a tax-borrow-spend-and-control mentality that has driven the commonwealth into a potential $5 billion budget deficit. These fiscal challenges also include an education system with a wide achievement gap for students and parents demanding more options for their children, a recession that has led to the highest unemployment rate in 30 years, a public that has lost faith in its leaders and economic growth that has trailed the rest of the nation for decades.
Pennsylvania must undergo a rapid transformation to reverse the poor policy decisions that have eroded economic freedoms and brought the state to its present condition. To provide a road map for success in this critical endeavor, the Commonwealth Foundation has compiled a list of 80 policy recommendations for Gov. Corbett and state legislators to help lead a Pennsylvania comeback.
You can download the full 12-page "80 Ideas for a Prosperous Pennsylvania" report
Labels: Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell, Tom Corbett
Ahead: Speech Codes, Gun Bans And Obstructionism
House GOP Gives Obama An Ultimatum On Debt Ceiling
Monday, January 17, 2011
Say Goodbye to Ed Rendell
As we count down the hours to the end of the Rendell Administration, columnist Brad Bumsted offers up a collection of some of the dumbest things Fast Eddie said during his tenure as Pennsylvania governor.
Check out his latest column, "Eddie's greatest hits," at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Labels: Pennsylvania, Rendell
Obama then and now

Sen. Barack Obama on the Senate floor in 2006:
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance the government's reckless fiscal policies."
President Barack Obama, after running up the national debt by more than $3 trillion in just two years to a record $14 trillion, now wants Congress to raise the debt ceiling limit ... so he can keep spending money we don't have.
And has anyone in the mainstream media pointed out Obama's hypocrisy? Nope. They're too busy trying to blame Sarah Palin for something ... anything.
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Debt, Liberal Hypocrisy
Top 10 Obama Administration Investigation Targets
Rendell Era Almost Over
Laura Vecsey of The Harrisburg Patriot-News, notes that Tom Corbett, the Anti-Rendell, is about to be sworn in as Pennsylvania's next governor. Not a moment too soon.
Check out her column, "Tom Corbett to usher in striking changes as Pennsylvania's governor,"
Labels: Rendell, Tom Corbett
Columnist: Martin Luther King: A True Republican
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Rep. Jeff Flake: Tribute to Ariz. victims
Will Obama back Social Security cut?
How Priebus Won RNC Chairmanship
Pennsylvanians Choose Delaware as 2011 River of the Year
Friday, January 14, 2011
Welcome to Obama's private prison?
EPA's Assault on U.S. Economy Continues
PA Revenue Department Updates Online List of State Tax Liens
Rendell Calls for End of Pennsylvania Death Penalty
Governor Rendell Signs Six Execution Warrants
Poll: 75% Want Health Care Law Changed
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Video: Real Airport Security
Palin Derangement Syndrome Is Back
Obamacare repeal vote back on House agenda
ACLU: Lawmakers can't outlaw incendiary political speech
Moving out of Pennsylvania

Once again, more people moved out of Pennsylvania than moved in, according to the 2010 United Van Lines Migration Study.
The company has been tracking state-by-state migration patterns for the past 34 years.
Pennsylvania, with high property taxes and a poor business climate, is one of nine states designated with the "High Outbound" label.
Neighboring New Jersey, home of the highest property taxes in the nation, topped the annual survey.
The District of Columbia was the top destination in the United States for the third consecutive year, the survey says. (Must be all those government workers Obama has hired.) Among states, Oregon and North Carolina were listed as "High Inbound" on the survey.
From the United Van Lines survey:
New Jersey (62.5%) claimed the top spot on the high-outbound traffic list. Also in the North East, New Hampshire (55.6%) had the seventh highest out-bound traffic.
The Great Lake region continued to have the highest out-bound traffic levels in the nation, with four of the region’s states experiencing high outbound traffic. Michigan (62%), which was the top outbound state from 2006-2009, fell to No. 2 in 2010. Illinois (57.3%), Ohio (55.6%) and Pennsylvania (55.4%) also experienced high out-bound traffic.
Missouri (60.1%) ranks No. 3 among states with high outbound traffic. 2010 is the first year since 2002 Missouri has not appeared in the balanced category. North Dakota (60.8%) and Kansas (56.6%) also experienced high-outbound traffic in 2010.
Check out the full survey at United Van Lines'
website. Also check out what had to say about the survey
Labels: Jobs, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Property Taxes
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A good week for anyone named Aichele

Pennsylvania Gov.-elect Tom Corbett announced Wednesday his general counsel will be Stephen S. Aichele, chairman and past managing partner of the Philadelphia law firm Saul Ewing.
The nomination of Stephen Aichele means Pennsylvania will soon be employing two members of the Aichele family, prominent Republicans from Chester County.
On Monday, Corbett selected Aichele's wife, Carol, a Chester County commissioner, as his choice for Pennsylvania's Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania cabinet members earn $142,310 a year.
The state's Office of General Counsel, which Stephen Aichele will oversee, is the largest of the state's legal enterprises, employing approximately 500 attorneys who represent the governor and 32 executive and independent agencies, according to reporter Michael P. Rellahan.
Secretary of the Commonwealth, which Carol Aichele will supervise, is responsible for overseeing the state's election system and monitoring 800,000 licensed business and health professionals.
Read more about the Aicheles going to Harrisburg in
The Mercury.
Labels: Chester County, Pennsylvania, Republicans, Tom Corbett
The Left's History Of Violence
Global Warming?

News Item: Snow is on the ground in 49 of the 50 states today.
Labels: Global Warming
Columnist: The charlatan's response
George F. Will exposes the political opportunists on the far left who attempted to use the Arizona shooting tragedy to promote their own agendas.
From his latest column:
Three days before Tucson, Howard Dean explained that the tea party movement is "the last gasp of the generation that has trouble with diversity." Rising to the challenge of lowering his reputation and the tone of public discourse, Dean smeared tea partiers as racists: They oppose Obama's agenda, Obama is African-American, ergo ...
Let us hope that Dean is the last gasp of the generation of liberals whose default position in any argument is to indict opponents as racists. This McCarthyism of the left — devoid of intellectual content, unsupported by data — is a mental tic, not an idea but a tactic for avoiding engagement with ideas. It expresses limitless contempt for the American people, who have reciprocated by reducing liberalism to its current characteristics of electoral weakness and bad sociology.
Read the full column at the link below:
The charlatan's response to the Arizona tragedy - pottsmerc.comLabels: Far Left, Liberal Hypocrisy
PA Auditor General Says State Contracting Reform Could Save Millions of Dollars
Sarah Palin answers left-wing critics
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Columnist: The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2010
The list could include 200 people, but columnist John Hawkins has come up with the 20 most annoying liberals of 2010.
Making the list are such left-wing luminaries as Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Joy Behar, Chris Matthews, Meghan McCain, Keith Olbermann, Helen Thomas, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi.
And it isn't hard to guess who made it to the No. 1 spot as the most annoying liberal.
Check out the full list at
townhall.comLabels: Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberals
Majority of States Receive Below Average Grades on Education Reform Laws
Rendell: It's Not My Fault
'Obamacare mess is legacy of Democrats' brief moment of power'
Limbaugh Blasts Media Response to Giffords Shooting,
The Arizona Tragedy and Mental Health Care
Taxpayer Funding = More Abortions
CBS Poll: American Public Not Buying Democrat, Media Spin on Arizona Shooting
Monday, January 10, 2011
Auditor General Jack Wagner Offers Property Tax Relief Assistance for Pennsylvania Homeowners
Left Has A Fingerpointing Field Day After Arizona Shootings
Ed Rendell Embarrasses Pennsylvania
Newspaper: Media exploit mental illness for political gain
From a terrific editorial in The Wall Street Journal about the liberal media's reprehensible attempts to link a crazed gunman with the conservative movement.
From the editorial:
On all available evidence, Jared Lee Loughner is a mentally disturbed man who targeted Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and anyone near her in Tucson on Saturday because she was prominent and they were tragically accessible. He joins Sirhan Sirhan, John Hinckley Jr. and many others whose derangement led them to horrible acts of violence. Whatever confused political motives he expressed seem merely to be part of the maelstrom of his mental sickness.
In a better world, no one would attempt to exploit his madness for political gain. We would instead focus on the contributions of Ms. Giffords, by all accounts a laudable public servant. We would celebrate the lives of the other victims, and we would praise the survivors who intervened to tackle Mr. Loughner and disarm him before he could kill others—like 74-year-old retiree Bill Badger, who was grazed in the head by a bullet before helping to restrain the shooter.
But the shooting news had barely hit the wires on Saturday before the media's instant psychoanalysis put the American body politic on the couch instead of Mr. Loughner. "Bloodshed Puts New Focus on Vitriol in Politics," declared a story in the New York Times, which focused primarily on the tea party and Sarah Palin in the context of mass murder. The story even hauled in opposition to health-care reform.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's
Labels: Liberal Fascism, Liberal Media Bias, Newspapers
Gun Rights Group Deplores Arizona Shooting, Subsequent Exploitation
Governor Rendell Orders Flags Statewide to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Arizona Shooting Victims
Budget Chef Presents: How to Balance the Budget Without Raising Taxes!
'The Arizona Tragedy and the Politics of Blood Libel'
Glenn Reynolds, writing in The Wall Street Journal, points out the outrageous behavior of the mainstream media following Saturday's tragic shootings in Arizona.
"Those who purport to care about the tenor of political discourse don't help civil debate when they seize on any pretext to call their political opponents accomplices to murder," Reynolds writes.
Read the full column at newspaper's
website.Labels: Liberal Hypocrisy, Liberal Media Bias
Liberal media has egg on its face - again
State Rep. Kate Harper enters race for Montco commissioner

State Rep. Kate Harper of Lower Gwynedd announced over the weekend she will seek the Republican endorsement for Montgomery County Commissioner.
Harper, a lifelong Montgomery County resident, is a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, representing the 61st House District.
It comes down to a numbers game for Harper. She is currently one of 203 House members in Harrisburg and although Republicans will hold the majority in the House over the next two years, Harper is not part of the GOP leadership.
Montgomery County has just three elected commissioners running one of the largest government operations in the state.
From a press release announcing her candidacy:
"These are challenging times and we need to search for creative solutions as we meet the challenges Montgomery County is facing in the coming years," Harper said. "I believe that as state representative I have demonstrated that I can build a consensus for even the thorniest issues and move forward - and I will bring that experience with me to the courthouse and work as team with whomever the taxpayers pick to manage Montgomery County.
Harper has an impressive resume.
Her political and professional experience includes 13 years as a Lower Gwynedd Township supervisor and six years on the Montgomery County Planning Commission.
She is a partner in the Fort Washington-based law firm Timoney Knox, LLP with a practice focusing on municipal law, real estate and civil litigation. She has also served as solicitor or special counsel to numerous municipal bodies throughout Montgomery County.
And then there's her 10 years of service in the Pennsylvania Legislature.
"Serving in the House of Representatives has been one of the best experiences of my life and I believe I can accomplish even more for the taxpayers in the role of county commissioner," said Harper. "But Montgomery County, like the rest of the Commonwealth, is facing unprecedented tough times and we need a common sense approach to getting back on track. And that means new leadership."
Three other Republicans - former Lower Merion School Board member Jill Govberg, Lower Merion Township Supervisor Jenny Brown and Montgomery County Jury Commissioner Marie N. Cavanaugh - have already announced their candidacy for Montgomery County commissioner.
And incumbent Republican Commissioner Bruce L. Castor Jr. is expected to announced plans for re-election soon.
Labels: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Saturday, January 8, 2011
New GOP House majority outlines priorities
The real unemployment rate?
Investor's Business Daily questions the Obama Administration's assessment of the nation's job picture. The reason the unemployment rate went down slightly in December is that more people have given up looking for work, the newspaper says.
Spinning The Data - Investors.comLabels: Barack Obama, Jobs
Friday, January 7, 2011
173 Extremists in Congress
While 19 courageous Democrats rejected Nancy Pelosi's bid for another term as Speaker of the House, 173 other Democrats backed Pelosi despite the damage she has done to her party and to the nation. Investor's Business Daily has some thoughts about the lemming Democrats left in the House in a new editorial.
173 Extremists - Investors.comLabels: Congress, Far Left, Nancy Pelosi
Rising gas prices got you down? Blame Obama
From an editorial in Investor's Business Daily:
Oil prices are surging to levels that will soon crimp economic growth. And what's our government doing about it? Just making it worse.
Obama' Oil War -
PennDOT Announces $24.7 Million for Smart Transportation Projects in 41 Communities
Rendell regrets supporting pay raise

It took five years to sink into his thick skull, but lame-duck Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has finally admitted he screwed up in supporting the infamous middle-of-the-night pay raise for lawmakers and other politicians in 2005.
From a story by Brad Bumsted in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Gov. Ed Rendell said today his one regret during his eight-year tenure was that he agreed to sign the 2005 legislative pay raise, which hiked lawmakers' pay by 16 to 34 percent.
He said he agreed to sign it after opposing it a year before because he was told by legislative leaders he'd get nothing on his agenda approved during his remaining years in office.
"The pay raise and the way it was structured was untenable," Rendell said at a news conference to talk about his tenure as governor. He leaves office Jan. 18 when Republican Gov.-elect Tom Corbett is sworn in. Rendell was elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006.
Most of the legislative leaders who hatched the pay raise scheme have been ousted or forced into early retirement in the past five years. The list includes John Perzel, Chip Brightbill, Robert Jubelirer, Mike Veon and Vince Fumo.
Also gone is former Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chief Justice Ralph Cappy, who also pushed for the pay raise. Cappy retired in 2007 instead of facing the voters in a retention election. The only person who escaped the wrath of voters was "Teflon" Ed Rendell.
Read the full story, "Rendell: Pay raise for lawmakers was bad idea," at the newspaper's
Labels: Pay Raise, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell
Thursday, January 6, 2011
NPR Exec Who Fired Juan Williams Resigns
Final Tab for Pelosi's Speakership: $5.34 Trillion in New Debt

From Terence Jeffrey, writing at on the disastrous four-year tenure of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House:
In the 1,461 days that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) served as speaker of the House, the national debt increased by a total of $5.343 trillion ($5,343,452,800,321.37) or $3.66 billion per day ($3.657,394,113.84), according to official debt numbers published by the U.S. Treasury.
Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the House. During her tenure, she amassed more debt than the first 49 speakers combined.
The total national debt did not climb above $5.343 trillion (the amount amassed during Pelosi’s four years as speaker) until Feb. 26, 1997, when Rep. Newt Gingrich (R.-Ga.) was serving as the nation’s 50th House speaker.
Final Tab for Pelosi's Speakership: $5.34 Trillion in New Debt — Or $3.66 Billion Per Day | CNSnews.comLabels: Congress, Debt, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi
GOP targets 'Forces of Evil'
American Legion Applauds House's Constitutional Reading
'Commonwealth Commons' to Help PA Farm Show Visitors Connect with Programs, Services
U.S. Census Bureau Reports State Government Revenues Decline Nearly 31 Percent
State Treasurer: Pennsylvania Gaming Board Wastes Taxpayer Money
Governor Rendell Announces Appointments
Christianity Under Siege in the Muslim World
FRC Calls Mt. Soledad Cross Ruling an Affront to Religious Liberty, American Tradition Congratulates Congressional Freshman
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Newspaper: Will new members reduce size of PA Legislature?
GOP Takes Control of U.S. House
Columnist: Nancy Pelosi Might Just Be Insane
Auditor General Jack Wagner to Audit Performance of Malfunctioning Wine Kiosks
HHS Paying Google with Taxpayer Money to Alter 'Obamacare' Search Results
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
5 Things Obama Has Done to Raise Gas Prices
Columnist: The Greatest Story Never Told
From Gary Bauer:
Christian persecution has been on the rise for years, but it seemed to reach a new level of intensity in 2010. In fact, it's not an exaggeration to suggest that Christians in countries such as Iraq, Lebanon and Egypt now confront the prospect of extinction at the hands of radical Islam.
The Greatest Story Never Told - HUMAN EVENTSLabels: Christianity
Ads Issue Warning to Freshmen Lawmakers
How to stop Obama from spending
NIA's Top 10 Economic Predictions for 2011
National Debt Tops $14 Trillion
You may not have noticed it during the busy holiday rush, but the U.S. national debt has topped $14 trillion under Barack Obama.
It now stands at $14,003,283,000 - and rising by the second. Broken down by population, every man, woman and child in the United States owes $45,000.
The interest alone on the national debt has now topped $3.5 trillion.
Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats have increased the national debt by more than $3 trillion in just two years.
The debt was $10.6 trillion when Obama took office in January 2009.
And for the Kool-Aid drinkers out there who can't accept the fact that Obama has plunged the nation into uncharted debt territory, consider that it took George W. Bush eight full years to increase the debt by $4.9 trillion.
Left unchecked, Obama is on pace to push the debt to $16.5 trillion in 2012 (his last year in office) or $6 trillion more than the day he was sworn in.
If you can stomach it, follow the real-time debt at Barack Obama, Debt, Democrats, Government Spending
Monday, January 3, 2011
Obamacare repeal vote scheduled
11 Killed, 220 Injured in New Year's Holiday Crashes
Pennsylvania Unveils New Website to Help People with Gambling Problems
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tolls on Pennsylvania Turnpike rise Jan. 2
The gift that keeps on giving.
Annual Pennsylvania Turnpike toll increases are the result of Act 44 of 2007, signed into law by none other than Gov. Ed Rendell.
From The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission reminds travelers that tolls will go up on the state's toll roads at 12:01 a.m. Sunday; officials encourage motorists to take advantage of E-ZPass incentives that, for the first time, will represent a sizeable difference compared to cash rates.
Read the full story at the newspaper's
Labels: Pennsylvania Turnpike, Rendell
It Was A Very Good Year ... For Conservatives
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all!
The best part of 2011 so far? Most of us survived the first two years of the Obama Regime.
Only two more years to go until we can rid ourselves of the Obama nightmare.
Labels: Barack Obama, Happy New Year