Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Rep.-elect David Maloney turns down pay raise

Republican David M. Maloney won't take office until January, but he's already paying dividends for constituents in the 130th State House District.
Maloney announced Tuesday he will not accept the automatic 1.7% cost-of-living adjustment increase that members of the Pennsylvania Legislature gave themselves.
The automatic COLA raise was enacted in 1995 and gives a yearly pay raise for state legislators, members of the executive branch, including the governor, state judges and other state officials. (Gov.-elect Tom Corbett has also announced he will not accept the raise.)
Maloney issued the following statement: "Taking the increase is simply not the right thing to do. I have met so many people in our district this year who are truly struggling to pay bills, taxes and keep their homes. With Pennsylvania's high unemployment at nearly 10% and many of those out of work will be seeing the end of their unemployment benefits soon and as the Social Security Administration said there will be no increase again for our seniors, this is not the time for a COLA increase."
Maloney said he will return the COLA to the taxpayers of Pennsylvania.
"It is the people's money. We also have a nearly $5 billion dollar hole in our budget coming next year so every belt needs tightening. The State Legislature needs to lead by example."
Maloney, a reform candidate who unseated Democratic incumbent Rep. David Kessler, represents the 130th district, which includes Boyertown, Birdsboro, Fleetwood and Earl, Douglass (Berks), Ruscombmanor, Amity, Rockland, Pike, Oley, Union and Colebrookdale townships and parts of Exeter Township.
Labels: Berks County, Pay Raise, Pennsylvania Legislature
17 Killed, 348 Injured in Holiday Crashes Investigated by State Police
PA Auditor General: No Pay Raise For Public Officials
Conservatives vs. liberals: Before you indoctrinate your kids, read this
Will pay freeze come back to bite Obama?
Rep. Toepel District Office Moving to Red Hill

State Rep. Marcy Toepel, R-147th Dist., plans to move her district office from Schwenksville to Red Hill, effective Dec. 1.
The address of the new district office is 80 Gravel Pike, Unit A, Red Hill, PA 18076.
Toepel's district office phone and fax numbers will also change. The new phone number will be 215-679-3082. The new fax number will be 215-679-3156.
Office hours for the new district office will remain the same, opening Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays 9 a.m to 4:30 p.m., and Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Toepel's current district office located in Schwenksville is closed as of Nov. 30.
Toepel, who won a special election in May to fill the remainder of former state Rep. Bob Mensch's seat, won a full two-year term to the state House in November.
Labels: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Look who wants to compromise
Cleaning up Rendell's mess
Monday, November 29, 2010
The race for Montco commissioner is on!
Democrats Defect to GOP
And the hits just keep on coming!
From The Associated Press:
Staggering Election Day losses are not the Democratic Party's final indignity this year.
At least 13 state lawmakers in five states have defected to Republican ranks since the Nov. 2 election, adding to already huge GOP gains in state legislatures. And that number could grow as next year's legislative sessions draw near.
The defections underscore dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party — particularly in the South — and will give Republicans a stronger hand in everything from pushing a conservative fiscal and social agenda to redrawing political maps.
Labels: Democrats, Election 2010, Republicans
Largest Federal Employee Union Denounces Obama Administration Proposal to Freeze Pay
Generosity is still alive
Rep.-elect David Maloney to relocate district offices

Here's one way to save taxpayers a few bucks: Do-it-yourself.
Newly-elected state Rep. David Maloney, a contractor by profession, will pitch in to re-do his two district offices in an effort to save his constituents some money.
In addition to relocating his two offices in the 130th House District, Maloney will pick up a hammer and nails and help with the interior refurbishing of the facilities.
Maloney, a Republican, ousted two-term Democratic incumbent David Kessler to represent the Eastern Berks County seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
From a press release issued by Maloney:
State Rep.-elect David Maloney says he will offer constituent services for residents of the 130th House District at two new offices.
The southern part of the district will be serviced at a new office at 515 Old Swede Road (Rt. 662) Douglassville in the Old Swede Office Complex.
"This office will allow easier access to the residents of Amity, Douglassville, Birdsboro, Exeter and Union townships," Maloney said.
The Boyertown office will move from South Warwick Street to 46 E. Philadelphia Ave., next to the landmark Bause’s Drug store.
"Rent and utilities for the two new locations will be less expensive than what was offered to us to stay at the old locations," Maloney said. "Neither of the old offices were wheelchair accessible. Now both offices will be."
Maloney, who has a background in construction, said he will help re-fit the Boyertown office space himself to save taxpayers some money.
Move-in dates for the Douglassville office will be Dec. 6 but phone and computer lines may not be in place by then.
"The Boyertown office phone number will remain the same as before, 610-369-3010 and we will do our best to retrieve messages and return calls until we are fully functioning at 46 E. Philadelphia Ave. We hope to have our Boyertown re-fit done by the end of December for sure. We will have a new phone number for Douglassville and new email addresses. Our offices will also have a new 130th District website that we will make public as soon a possible," Maloney explained.
Maloney does not take office until Jan. 4 when he takes his oath in a ceremony at the Capitol in Harrisburg.
Open House dates for both offices will be announced when they are both fully operational.
Labels: Berks County, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rep. David Maloney
Saturday, November 27, 2010
America's Standard - Before Obamacare Ruins It

From Investor's Business Daily:
Health Care: Those who wish to nationalize medicine point to America's low position in world health rankings. But when a rich Saudi who could go anywhere for treatment chose, where did he go? America, of course.
When King Abdullah flew out of Saudi Arabia Monday to be treated after a blood clot had complicated a slipped disc, he didn't choose France, Italy, Britain, Canada, Morocco, Oman or Cyprus, all nations that stand higher than the U.S. in the World Health Organization's ranking of health care systems.
Neither did he stay in Saudi Arabia, travel to relatively nearby Malta or Greece. He avoided Andorra, Spain, Monaco and the United Arab Emirates, again, all judged by WHO to have better health care than the U.S.
So why is Barack Obama trying to dismantle the best health-care system in the world? Read the full editorial at the link below:
America's Standard - Investors.comLabels: Obamacare
Bill O'Reilly: The Borrowed Buck Stops Here
Friday, November 26, 2010
'Fair Game' tanks at box office
Poll: Two-Thirds Favor Cutting Federal Payroll by 10%
Many Say Government Now Operating Outside the Constitution
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving message from President Ronald Reagan
US Rep. Joe Pitts: Giving thanks in America
Video: 'Help You Make It To Your Flight'
The real agenda behind Obama's TSA
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Governor Rendell Signs 22 Bills
Table Game Revenue Figures For October Released
David McCullough Tells a World War II Christmas Story
California's 'Embryonic Boom' Goes Bust
Soldier from Berks County killed in Afghanistan
PennDOT: Slick Roads Possible on Thanksgiving Day, Drive Accordingly
GOP Makes Big Gains Among Hispanics
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Ed Rendell blames dumb voters for tossing out Dems in PA
U.S. House Speaker-Elect Boehner Joins Visible Vote
Officials Confirm PA's First Flu Death of the Season
Survey: Pennsylvania Motorists Believe They Are Safe Drivers
As someone who has been driving Pennsylvania roads for about 30 years, I beg to differ with a new survey that says the majority of Pennsylvania motorists consider themselves "safe drivers."
I suspect that 3,800 Pennsylvania drivers responded to the online survey conducted by PennDOT were fibbing on some of the questions.
I think Pennsylvania drivers are among the worst in the country.
And here's a telling statistic from the survey to back me up: Pennsylvania in 2009 had 35 percent more fatal crashes than New Jersey, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
And I think N.J. drivers are the worst in the nation. So what does that say about Pennsylvania drivers?
Survey: Pennsylvania Motorists Believe They Are Safe DriversLabels: Pennsylvania, Transportation
Book Review: Sarah Palin's 'America by Heart'
Woman Who Was 'Exhausted of Defending' Obama Loses Her Job
Ground Zero Mosque Seeks Money From 9/11 Fund
NJ lawmakers pass bill regulating overpaid school superintendents' contracts
Monday, November 22, 2010
Pay raise for PA politicians kicks in Dec. 1
Christmas comes early for members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, already among the highest paid "public servants" in the United States.
An annual automatic cost-of-living increase kicks in Dec. 1 for state lawmakers, judges and other elected officials.
From The Associated Press:
Pennsylvania's legislators, judges and top state officials are about to get automatic pay raises of 1.7 percent. Newly elected and returning legislators will get their raises starting Dec. 1, officials said Monday.
The annual salaries for rank-and-file legislators will increase from $78,315 to $79,623. Salaries for legislative floor leaders will rise from $113,468 to $115,364.
Read the full story
here.Labels: Pay Raise, Pennsylvania Legislature
Bill O'Reilly: Obama Vs. Bush
Teach Your Kid How to Sense BS
Mutiny on the Goodship Obama?
Senate GOP Leader: Stop the Obama Tax Hikes
Friday, November 19, 2010
Newspaper: Fire Eric Holder
From Investor's Business Daily:
The acquittal of a Gitmo detainee of the murder of 224 people shows the stupidity of civilian trials for those at war with us and the blind incompetence of an administration that believes in them.
Attorney General Eric Holder should be fired. Failing that, he should have the decency to submit his resignation, which should be promptly accepted. He is the architect of a policy that treats mass murder like a bank robbery and gives perpetrators the functional equivalent of a slap on the wrist.
Read the full editorial at the link below:
Fire Eric Holder - Investors.comLabels: Barack Obama, Terrorism
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Anti-Rendell Movement: Pennsylvania Political Power Shifts West

Ed Rendell's legacy after eight years as governor: A state teetering on the verge of bankruptcy and a Democratic Party in shambles, having lost the governor's race and control of the state House.
Rendell is counting down his last few days in the governor's mansion. Former Speaker of the House John Perzel, a RINO who helped push the Rendell agenda through the Legislature, lost his bid for re-election. Former Sen. Vince Fumo is behind bars. And now Philly Rep. Dwight Evans is no longer a player in Harrisburg. How the mighty have fallen.
With the ouster of Evans by his own party from the powerful post of House Appropriations Committee Chairman, Philadelphia won't have a seat at the adult table when the Pennsylvania Legislature reconvenes in 2011.
From a story by Brad Bumsted about how power has shifted to Western Pennsylvania:
HARRISBURG -- The balance of power at the state Capitol that for decades tilted toward Philadelphia now largely lies in the hands of Western Pennsylvania lawmakers.
Senate Democrats on Wednesday elected Jay Costa of Forest Hills as minority leader, giving Allegheny County three of the four floor leaders in the General Assembly in January. House Majority Whip Mike Turzai is a Bradford Woods Republican, and Oakmont Democrat Frank Dermody will become House minority leader.
Gov.-elect Tom Corbett of Shaler will take office with two other legislative leaders from the West: House Speaker-elect Sam Smith, R-Punxsutawney, and Senate President Pro Tempore-elect Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson County.
Additionally, House Democrats on Tuesday chose Rep.Joe Markosek of Monroeville as ranking Democrat on the budget committee, displacing 20-year veteran Rep. Dwight Evans of Philadelphia.
An erosion of an inner circle of leaders during the past four years was capped by the Nov. 2 election, in which voters handed the House back to Republicans. Former Senate power broker Vincent Fumo, D-Philadelphia, is in federal prison for fraud, and former House Speaker John Perzel, a seated GOP member from Philadelphia, faces trial next year on felonies for allegedly using public resources for campaigns.
Read the full story at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell
Krauthammer to headline Pennsylvania Leadership Conference

The 2011 PA Leadership Conference, featuring the largest gathering of conservatives in Pennsylvania, has lined up one of the sharpest conservative thinkers in the world for this year's event.
Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and a Fox News commentator, will be the dinner speaker at the 2011 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 8-9 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill, Pa.
From a press release announcing Krauthammer's appearance:
"We are excited to have Dr. Krauthammer as the next in a long series of influential conservative speakers to address the annual Pennsylvania Leadership Conference," said Lowman Henry, President of the Pennsylvania Leadership Council which organizes the event. "In an era when many commentators offer only shop worn analysis, Dr. Krauthammer stands out as a thoughtful voice of reason who injects logic and perspective into the public debate."
The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere annual gathering of public policy conservatives from through the commonwealth and beyond. The conference features well known national speakers, and a who's who of state-level government and policy leaders offering commentary and panel presentations.
Dr. Krauthammer was named by the Financial Times as the most influential commentator in America. Since 1985 he has written a syndicated column for the Washington Post, winning the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished commentary in 1987. His column now appears in more than 250 newspapers worldwide.
A contributing editor to the Weekly Standard and to the New Republic, Dr. Krauthammer is a Fox News contributor appearing nightly on Fox's evening news program Special Report with Bret Baier. He is also a weekly panelist on Inside Washington.
Complete information and registration for the 2011 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference can be found at the conference's newly redesigned website,
www.paleadershipconference.orgLabels: Conservatives, Pennsylvania
The Greecing of America, Simplified
Democratic state lawmaker busted on marijuana charge

On the same day most Pennsylvania newspapers ran a story from The Associated Press that revealed that 19 members of the state Legislature had criminal records, a Democratic state representative was busted for allegedly smoking marijuana at a tailgate gathering at a Pittsburgh Steelers game.
From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
State Rep. Paul Costa faces a court hearing on a citation accusing him of smoking marijuana during a tailgate party outside a Pittsburgh Steelers game, his lawyer said Tuesday.
Undercover Pittsburgh police Officer Alex Lee Myers was patrolling the parking lots outside the Oct. 3 game at Heinz Field, which the Steelers lost to the Baltimore Ravens, and said he saw Costa, 51, a Democrat from Wilkins, sharing a joint with another man.
"He adamantly denies that he smoked any marijuana," said Costa's attorney, Phil DiLucente. "No narcotics of any kind were found on him. In fact, he detests marijuana."
Rep. Costa has represented the 34th House District since 1999. He ran unopposed for re-election to a new term on Nov. 2.
Read the full story at the newspaper's
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature
Newspaper: Time for state to make teacher strikes in PA illegal
Harry Reid's new chief of staff is also his top donor
GOP to force vote on NPR defunding
A win for terrorists courtesy of Obama
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Another One Bites The Dust
Harris Poll: Are America's Best Days Behind Us?
Pennsylvania Ranks 30th in Protecting Kids from Tobacco
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Union Members: Where Do Your Dues Go?
Rep. Schroder blasts pension bill

Rep. Curt Schroder (R-Chester County) says he voted against a pension "reform" bill that he believes only postpones the pension crisis and creates even larger budget problems in the near future for Pennsylvania taxpayers.
From a Schroder press release:
"House Bill 2497 is not the answer to Pennsylvania's pension crisis," said Schroder. "In January, we will have a new governor and a new House. This important issue should not have been decided by a lame duck governor and 21 legislators who are no longer accountable to the taxpayers. Instead of passing a deficient and short-sighted piece of legislation, I believe we should have taken the time to thoughtfully consider a defined contribution pension plan for new employees, similar to a 401(k). This is the direction most of the country is taking and I believe it is the best solution for the long-term health of Pennsylvania's pension plans."
Pennsylvania is facing a multi-billion dollar unfunded liability in its pension systems. Schroder said that while HB 2497 addresses some of the more immediate issues concerning the pension system, without further changes the plan will again require huge taxpayer contributions in a few years that will force the issue to be revisited. "Anyone who believes this issue is now solved will be in for a rude awakening by 2015," Schroder said.
"The state employee and school pension systems currently have a guaranteed rate of return, and they have been underfunded for many years. This underfunding continues with passage of this alleged pension fix. With the economic downturn, we can no longer afford a system that guarantees a return on investment when the returns are not there. HB 2497 assumes that Pennsylvania will experience gains of 8 percent over the next several years even though recent gains have been only about half of that. It also assumes employee contribution rates will rise and make up the difference. It is highly speculative that either would happen."
The bill passed Monday evening in the House by a vote of 165-31 and is awaiting Gov. Ed Rendell's signature.
Labels: Curt Schroder, Pennsylvania Legislature, Pensions
New Documentary Exposes the Threats to American Parental Rights
1 in 10 Americans Touched by Bed Bug Problem
Obama: American Journalists 'Never Say Thank You'
Pa. workplace fatalities down in 2009
At last, we can thank Barack Obama and Ed Rendell for something.
According to the Philadelphia Business Journal, Pennsylvania had 166 workplace fatalities in 2009, down from 241 in 2008.
I'm guessing the reason workplace fatalities in Pennsylvania were down last year is the fact that hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians lost their jobs and had no workplace to go to thanks to the failed policies of Ed Rendell and Barack Obama.
Read more: Pa. workplace fatalities down in 2009 at the Philadelphia Business Journal
Labels: Barack Obama, Jobs, Rendell
The magic of Ben Bernanke
Monday, November 15, 2010
'Union pension bailout' awaits Rendell signature

The Pennsylvania House overwhelmingly passed a flawed pension "reform" bill Monday that does little to reform the golden pension plans enjoyed by government workers and teachers and will end up costing Pennsylvania taxpayers billions of dollars.
A number of Republicans joined the lame duck Democrats in pushing the bill through.
The Commonwealth Foundation, an independent, non-profit public policy research and educational institute based in Harrisburg, offers some insight into HB 2497:
HARRISBURG, PA — The Commonwealth Foundation expressed disappointment with today's passage of House Bill 2497, which defers significant pension costs on to future generations while failing to adequately reform the state's largest defined benefit pension systems.
"We attempted to bring fiscal sanity to the pension discussion, but the reality was that self-interested unions were successful in drowning out the voice of the taxpayers," said Matthew J. Brouillette, president and CEO of the Commonwealth Foundation. "Despite arguments to the contrary, this bill didn't 'save' the taxpayers any money. Taxes will still be going up with this 'reform' next year — $646M more just to pay for PSERS and SERS — and every year thereafter. But it did prevent moving new employees into a Defined Contribution plan — a major victory for labor unions like PSEA, AFSCME and SEIU."
"Yet we remain hopeful that a new administration and new legislature will begin the process of fully reforming Harrisburg to protect the taxpayers in the future," said Brouillette. "Many lawmakers voted for HB 2497 as the 'first step' to pension reform. We look forward to working with lawmakers who understand this cannot be the final action, and with new leaders who understand the need for real pension reform and controlled spending."
The only silver lining on this cloudy day is the fact that the Legislature can revisit the pension fiasco in 2011 when both chambers will be controlled by Republicans and Gov.-elect Tom Corbett will take office.
The Commonwealth Foundation has posted a complete roll call of how the House voted
Labels: Labor Unions, Pennsylvania Legislature, Pensions
New Report: Hunger Reaches Record High
Taxpayer Group Raises Red Flags on Senate Retransmission Consent Hearing
Newspaper: Criminal background checks of legislators raise many questions
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Weekly Republican Address: Focus on 'People's Priorities'
Friday, November 12, 2010
Newspaper: 6,600 state workers owe PA back taxes
No wonder Pennsylvania is broke. It's own state workers don't pay taxes.
The Harrisburg Patriot-News reported earlier this week that more than 6,600 state workers - essentially 1 in every 11 state employee - owes the back taxes.
Why did it take Pennsylvania this long to go after the 6,600 state workers who owe money?
This is the kind of stuff that went on right under Ed Rendell's nose for 8 years.
Let's hope Gov.-elect Tom Corbett will put a stop to the fleecing of taxpayers.
Read the full story at the Harrisburg Patriot-News
Labels: Pennsylvania, Taxes
Study: Fiscal-Issue Ballot Measures Not Always Followed
No Automatic Recount Warranted for PA General Election
A wake-up call for tone-deaf Democrats
Half of Americans want ObamaCare repealed. Just wait until a provision that requires anyone who does business in the U.S. to fill out a 1099 form for the IRS kicks in. You'll hear the outcry loud and clear, even if you're a tone-deaf Democrat.
From a new column by Daniel Henninger in The Wall Street Journal:
Calvin Coolidge once said, "The chief business of the American people is business." The Democrats just lost America because they forgot that.
On second thought, you can't forget what you never knew. The Democrats running things the past two years proved they have no clue about the business of business. In their world, the real world of the private economy is an abstraction, a political figment.
Daniel Henninger says that the Democrats decoupled from business - and lost the election.
Exhibit A: Along the road to ObamaCare, the party's planners inserted into the bill the now- famous 1099 provision, requiring businesses to do an IRS report for any transaction over $600 annually. No member of Congress, White House staffer or party flunky thought to say, "Oh, wow, this 1099 requirement will crush people running their own businesses. Are we sure we want to do this?" Yes, and that 1099 fiasco is a metaphor now for the modern Democratic Party.
Read the full column at the newspaper's
Labels: Democrats, Election 2010, Obamacare
Thursday, November 11, 2010
PA lawmakers who broke the law
The Associated Press has put together an investigative story exposing some of the legal troubles that Pennsylvania lawmakers have gotten themselves into over the years.
Nineteen lawmakers have arrest records, according to the AP.
The story, written by By Mark Scolforo, will be published starting Sunday in most Pennsylvania newspapers:
Here's a preview the wire service sent to its member newspapers:
HARRISBURG — Drug offenses, gun charges, theft and drunken driving turned up in the backgrounds of some state lawmakers when the entire Pennsylvania General Assembly was checked against public records, news accounts and other sources. At least five lawmakers were found to have convictions of criminal offenses and six others with convictions in cases that were later expunged or stricken. Another five who turned up in the AP investigation with records of arrests or citations either won acquittals or their cases were dropped.
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
New Congress Should Remove Restrictions on Flexible Spending Accounts to Help Consumers
AARP warns about Obama Assault on Social Security
'Media Malpractice... How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted'
PA House Democrats in disarray

After two years of failed leadership in Harrisburg, Democrats in the Pennsylvania Legislature have turned on each other and what's left of their leadership. Sit back and enjoy the show.
From a new column by veteran Harrisburg observer Laura Vecsey:
It's one thing for state Senate Republicans to accuse House Democratic leaders of walking out on the people's business because someone might have something to hide.
Partisan accusations and game-playing have achieved art-formlike levels at the state Capitol, especially after two years in which the Party of No thwarted many plans of Gov. Ed Rendell and House Democrats.
But when the disappearance of Speaker Keith McCall, Majority Leader Todd Eachus and Appropriations Committee Chairman Dwight Evans ignites disgust and ire of rank-and-file Democrats, too, that means no one's buying what House leaders are saying.
That puts an uncomfortable, if not shameful, coda at the end of the House Democrats' final days of power.
Read the full column at the Patriot-News
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
Veterans Day 2010 Big Salute to America's Heroes
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Federal workers earn six-figure salaries
From USA Today:
The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds.
Read the full story at the newspaper's
Labels: Government Spending, Labor Unions
State Police to Offer Child Safety Seat Inspections Across PA
Columnist: 5 things Obama ought to do right now
Daniel A. Cirucci, a lecturer in corporate communication at Penn State Abington, offers some sound advice to Barack Obama to help salvage his failed presidency, but don't expect The Chosen One to follow any of it. Obama has that rare combination of arrogance and ignorance that will put him right next to Jimmy Carter on the list of worst presidents.
Here's a sampling of Cirucci's advice:
1. Dump what's left of the Chicago Gang
2. Lose the strut and the condescension
3. Get rid of the TelePrompTer
4. Bring the Grand Tour to a close
5. Obama should have a nice, long sit-down with the former president Bill Clinton
Read the full column
Labels: Barack Obama
'A New Poster Boy for Greed & Arrogance'
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
New leadership team for PA House unveiled

Here are your leaders in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives come January, when Republicans will hold a 112-91 majority, the largest in more than a decade.
SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Rep. Sam Smith (66th District, Jefferson County). Smith has served as leader since 2003. In 2000, Smith was elected whip until April 2003, when he was elected majority leader after the death of Speaker Matthew J. Ryan. Smith was first elected to the House in 1986, succeeding his father, former Rep. Eugene "Snuffy" Smith.
MAJORITY LEADER: Rep. Mike Turzai (28th District, Allegheny County). Turzai was first elected to the House in 2001. He previously served as whip during the 2009-2010 legislative session. In 2006, he was elected Republican Policy Committee chairman.
MAJORITY WHIP: Rep. Stan Saylor (94th District, York County). Saylor was first elected to the House in 1992. In the 2009-2010 session, Saylor served as the Republican Policy Committee chairman.
APPROPRIATIONS CHAIRMAN: Rep. William Adolph (165th District, Delaware County). Adolph was first elected to the House in 1988. Today, he was elected to his first full term as Republican chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Last year, he was elected to the position to replace former Rep. Mario Civera, who resigned.
CAUCUS CHAIRMAN: Rep. Sandra Major (111th District, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming Counties). Major was first elected to the House in 1994. She was re-elected to her third term as Caucus Chairman.
POLICY COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: Rep. Dave Reed (62nd District, Indiana County). Reed was first elected to the House in 2002. He is currently chairman of the House Republican Campaign Committee.
CAUCUS ADMINISTRATOR: Rep. Dick Stevenson (8th District, Mercer and Butler Counties). Stevenson was first elected to the House in 2000. This is his first election to House leadership.
CAUCUS SECRETARY: Rep. Mike Vereb (150th District, Montgomery County). Vereb was first elected in 2006. This will be his first term as Secretary.
A couple of quick thoughts: Only one woman on the leadership team? It's 2010 and women make up more than half the population of Pennsylvania. Republicans need to do a better job of getting women elected to the Legislature and giving them real clout. On the other hand, House Democrats have done no better, with just one female on their leadership team over the past two years. Rep. Turzai is a solid conservative and one of the smartest people in the Legislature. He should help usher in a new era of fiscal responsibility in state government. Rep. Mike Vereb, in just four years in Harrisburg, is making one of the quickest leaps to a leadership post in House history. He's a stand-up guy and will give Montgomery County a bigger say in the Legislature.
Read the full release from Rep. Smith's office at the link below:
Rep. Sam Smith - Republican Leader of Pennsylvania House of Representatives - New PA House Republican Majority Chooses 2011-2012 Leadership TeamLabels: Mike Vereb, Pennsylvania Legislature, Republicans
State Rep. Robert Donatucci dies at age 58
Judicial Watch Sues Obama Justice Department for Records on Slush Funds for 'Favored Groups'
Gary Sinise: Help build memorial for disabled veterans
Examination of NPR Board Finds Overwhelming Liberal Dominance
Liberals Openly Call For 'Violence' and 'Revolution' On MSNBC
Monday, November 8, 2010
Newspaper: Discouraged workers hit a record 1.2M
Another grim look inside Obama's America courtesy of USA Today:
Discouraged workers hit a record 1.2 million. Discouraged workers are those who want a job but aren't counted in the labor force because they've stopped looking for work.
Read the full story, "1.2 million people want a job but aren't looking," at the newspaper's
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Jobs
Tom Corbett's First 100 Days

Veteran state government reporter Brad Bumsted has a very informative article about what Pennsylvania Gov.-elect Tom Corbett is facing when he moves into the governor's mansion:
In his first 100 days as governor, Tom Corbett:
• Plans to present reform package to Legislature to eliminate unvouchered expenses for lawmakers and legislative discretionary grants, reduce $200 million legislative reserve fund and slash state's 16,000-vehicle fleet.
• Will appoint 18 Cabinet members, fill top staff positions, and ask Senate to approve his successor as attorney general.
• Plans to present budget to General Assembly in February with spending cuts, lower business taxes, reduced state regulation. May include longer-term agenda that details tuition vouchers for school choice and sale of state liquor system.
• Will push for immediate passage of Fair Share Act, a bill by Republican Rep. Mike Turzai of Bradford Woods, for fairer monetary awards in lawsuits. In civil cases with multiple defendants, those found less than 60 percent liable would pay an assigned percentage of the judgment based on their responsibility.
Read the full article at The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Labels: Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Legislature, Tom Corbett
Americans Want Congress to Stop the Medicare Physician Cut That Hurts Seniors
Senator-Elect Pat Toomey on CNN
Columnist: Winners and losers from Election Day
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
More evidence Obamacare is a bust
The Obama administration predicted 375,000 Americans would enroll in a new program for those who could not qualify for health insurance because of pre-existing conditions.
The number who enrolled so far? Just 8,000.
The problem? Most people cannot afford the $400 to $600 monthly premiums the program costs. And you thought Obamacare meant free health insurance, didn't you?
This is what happens when you don't read the bill before passing it.
Read more about the latest Obama failure at the link below:
Obama administration retools new health programLabels: Obamacare
Sen.-elect Marco Rubio Delivers Weekly GOP Address
Unemployment remains high
Voters sent a message to Obama
From an Associated Press news analysis of the Nov. 2 election results:
America spoke. So what exactly did the country say it wanted beyond an end to one-party rule?
Smaller government. Less spending. More jobs.
Now the big question: Will our tone-deaf president hear the voice of the people?
Voters sent a message to Obama - pottsmerc.comLabels: Election 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Keith Olbermann - In Memoriam
Columnist: Hug a Tea Party member today
If you're keeping score ...
Another glimpse inside Obama's America: A total of 141 U.S. banks have failed so far in 2010r, breaking last year's record of 140 bank failures.
During George Bush's last two years in office, a total of just 41 banks failed.
Recap: Obama - 281 bank failures, Bush - 28 bank failures.
Labels: Economy, Obamacare
George Will on midterm elections
George F. Will analyzes Tuesday's election results and concludes that it was a referendum on Barack Obama's failed presidency.
From his latest column:
It is amazing the ingenuity Democrats invest in concocting explanations of voter behavior that erase what voters always care about, and this year more than ever — ideas. This election was a nationwide recoil against Barack Obama's idea of unlimited government.
Read the full column at the link below:
George Will: Liberals, take note - pottsmerc.comLabels: Election 2010
In Memoriam: Fort Hood Jihad Massacre One Year Ago Today
Newt Gingrich: Zero Out the White House Czars
Krauthammer: A Return to the Norm
Charles Krauthammer on the meaning of Tuesday's GOP sweep:
The Republicans won by default. And their prize is nothing more than a two-year lease on the House. The building was available because the previous occupant had been evicted for arrogant misbehavior and, by rule, alas, the House cannot be left vacant.
The president, however, remains clueless.
Read the full column at the link below:
A Return to the Norm - HUMAN EVENTSLabels: Election 2010
Do The Dems Get The Voters' Message?
Sam Adams Alliance Announces Call for Nominations for 4th Annual Sammies Awards
Remember, Remember, The 5th of November
'Talking Politics' on WCHE 1520 AM

I will be the guest on
Life Unedited with John Aberle Saturday from 11 a.m.-noon on WCHE 1520 AM in West Chester.
The discussion will focus on the aftermath of the 2010 midterm elections, including the GOP gains in Congress and the Republican sweep in Pennsylvania.
You can call the station with questions or comments at 610-701-WCHE (9243)
If you can't pick up the radio station's signal, Aberle's program is simulcast live online at
www.WCHE1520.comLabels: Radio/TV
Thursday, November 4, 2010
America Elects Education Reformers as Governors
Voters Repudiate Bailouts and Bailout Secrecy
Power shift in Harrisburg
Columnist: We're All Bigots Now!
Turns out the majority of Americans, and not just the Tea Party folks, have had enough of Obama. The liberal media is eating crow this week, no longer able to call opponents of Obama's failed policies "bigots" or "extremists."
Ann Coulter has more on the repudiation of everything Obama in her latest column,
We're All Bigots Now! - HUMAN EVENTS
Thanks For The Memories Pelosi
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tea Party-backed Tarah Toohil topples top PA Democrat

Nobody saw this one coming. A political newcomer knocked off the top-ranking Democrat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Tuesday night.
Democratic Majority Leader Todd Eachus has been in the Legislature since 1997.
The upset victory by Tarah Toohil is a clear indication that Pennsylvania voters want to see major reform in Harrisburg.
From the Times-Tribune:
In a stunning upset, tea party upstart Tarah Toohil, a Republican, defeated incumbent Todd Eachus in the 116th legislative district Tuesday.
Mr. Eachus, the Democratic House Majority Leader, was first elected representative in 1996 and was campaigning for an eighth term.
Ms. Toohil is an attorney.
Ms. Toohil's victory sent shock waves through Hazleton and the state capital, with many observers predicting the race would be decided by 1 or 2 percentage points. She won by 1,742 votes, according to unofficial results.
"(The Eachus defeat) shows that anti-Harrisburg sentiment is very much alive," said Terry Madonna, pollster at Franklin & Marshall College.
Read the full story
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform, Republicans
Few Democrats survive healthcare vote
GOP Chairman Steele: Thank you, America!
Sen. Jim DeMint: Less Government, More Freedom
From Sen. Jim DeMint, writing in The Wall Street Journal:
Congratulations to all the tea party-backed candidates who overcame a determined, partisan opposition to win their elections. The next campaign begins today. Because you must now overcome determined party insiders if this nation is going to be spared from fiscal disaster.
Many of the people who will be welcoming the new class of Senate conservatives to Washington never wanted you here in the first place. The establishment is much more likely to try to buy off your votes than to buy into your limited-government philosophy. Consider what former GOP senator-turned-lobbyist Trent Lott told the Washington Post earlier this year: "As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them."
Read the full column at the newspaper's
Labels: Congress, Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Parties
FRC Action PAC Endorsed Candidates Celebrate Big Wins
Richard Viguerie: Republican Party is on Probation
Pennsylvania turns red

Pennsylvania no longer has the blues. After trending Democratic in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles, Republicans stormed back in a big way in 2010.
The Republican tide that swept across the nation Tuesday included Pennsylvania, where Republicans made significant gains at all levels of government.
Let's take a look at how the political landscape changed overnight in Pennsylvania: A Republican replaces Ed Rendell as governor; a Republican replaces Democrat Arlen Specter in the U.S. Senate; Republicans ousted five Congressional Democrats and held all current Congressional seats; Republicans held control of the Pennsylvania Senate by a 30-20 margin and Republicans regained control of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives with a solid majority of at least 110 seats in the 203-seat body.
A Republican will move into governor's mansion with Attorney General Tom Corbett defeating Ed Rendell-clone Dan Onorato. Republican Pat Toomey defeated liberal Joe Sestak for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Arlen Specter.
Pennsylvania voters tossed out five incumbent Democratic members of Congress from Pennsylvania, helping the GOP retake control of the House in Washington, D.C. Republicans will hold 12 of Pennsylvania's 19 Congressional seats come January.
Among Election Night highlights from Pennsylvania: Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta defeated 26-year career politician Paul Kanjorski and Republican Pat Meehan beat Democrat Bryan Lentz in the race for the Congressional seat being vacated by Sestak.
All of this took place in Ed Rendell's back yard in a state where Obama and his minions campaigned heavily for incumbent Democrats.
The message sent by Pennsylvania voters Tuesday was loud and clear: The Democrats agenda of deficit spending and higher taxes has to stop.
Labels: Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett
GOP picks up 5 Senate seats; best hope is 50-50 tie
Republicans picked up five Senate seats on Tuesday but there's no way to win the Senate majority because of several victories by Democrats. The best the GOP can hope for is a 50-50 ties, but the Republicans would have to win every race that still hasn't been decided.
Republicans scored big wins, taking Senate seats from Democrats in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arkansas, North Dakota and Indiana. But Democrats held on to seats in California and West Virginia.
Labels: Congress, Election 2010, Republicans
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
60 seats unlikely for GOP
It's going to be nearly impossible for Republicans to capture a 60-seat majority in the Senate because they've lost the Senate contests in Delaware, Connecticut and West Virginia. The GOP may end up with 55-58 seats when the dust clears.
Labels: Congress, Republicans
John Perzel ousted after 32 years in PA House
Former Pennsylvania Speaker of the House John Perzel, under indictment on corruption charges, has lost his bid for re-election in the 172nd House Dist. in Philadelphia.
That's good news for government reform advocates but bad news for Republicans who were counting on Perzel to hold the seat.
From The Associated Press:
Republican Perzel lost Tuesday to Democrat Kevin Boyle, whose brother Brendan also represents a Philadelphia district in the Legislature.
Perzel's loss is a setback for Republicans hoping to reclaim majority control of the House after four years in the minority. Democrats currently hold the chamber, 104 seats to 99.
Perzel is awaiting trial on public-corruption criminal charges for allegedly diverting taxpayer resources for campaigning.
Labels: Corruption, Pennsylvania Legislature, Republicans
Marco Rubio Wins Florida Senate Seat
WSJ: 'Exit Polls Suggest Long Night for Democrats'
GOP wins Indiana Senate seat
Republicans pick up the first of the 10 seats they need to take the Senate majority.
From The Associated Press:
Former Sen. Dan Coats easily dispatched Rep. Brad Ellsworth in Indiana to win back the seat he voluntarily gave up a dozen years ago.
In Kentucky, where Paul was making his first run for political office, he prevailed over Democrat Jack Conway.
The Indiana seat marked a gain for Republicans, and the Kentucky race was the first indication that voters were ready to embrace at least some of the Republican candidates whom Democrats had pilloried for months as being too extreme to win elections.
Interviews with voters revealed an extraordinarily sour electorate, stressed financially and poorly disposed toward the president, the political parties and the federal government.
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Election 2010, Republicans
Rand Paul wins Kentucky Senate seat
From Reuters:
Republican Rand Paul, a favorite among the conservative Tea Party movement, won a Senate seat in Kentucky on Tuesday over Democrat Jack Conway, NBC and CNN projected.
The victory preserves a Republican Senate seat Democrats had hoped to win and staunch expected losses elsewhere in the congressional elections.
He will replace retiring Republican Senator Jim Bunning.
Read more
Labels: Congress, Election 2010, Republicans, Tea Parties
10 Years After Bush v. Gore, Recount Laws Database Released
Revenue From Slot Machines 11% Higher In October
FRC Action to Host 'After the Vote' Live Webcast
Illegal Aliens Casting Ballots?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Governors Across the U.S. Endorse Tom Corbett