Friday, November 12, 2010

Newspaper: 6,600 state workers owe PA back taxes

No wonder Pennsylvania is broke. It's own state workers don't pay taxes.

The Harrisburg Patriot-News reported earlier this week that more than 6,600 state workers - essentially 1 in every 11 state employee - owes the back taxes.

Why did it take Pennsylvania this long to go after the 6,600 state workers who owe money?

This is the kind of stuff that went on right under Ed Rendell's nose for 8 years.

Let's hope Gov.-elect Tom Corbett will put a stop to the fleecing of taxpayers.

Read the full story at the Harrisburg Patriot-News website.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a reader I would much prefer that you report the facts rather than jump up and down making noise. The article you referenced notes two things that should be held up to your rantings:
1) It was under Governor Rendell's watch that State Worker's who owe outstanding PA taxes were reported and ramifications enacted.
2) Most of the 6,600 state workers were reported NOT for outstanding taxes but for missing paperwork that is required to be on file.

November 14, 2010 at 5:01 AM 

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