Saturday, December 31, 2011
AP vote on Top Ten News Stories of 2011
It happened 10 years after 9/11 and bin Laden was no longer directing terrorist operations.
The bigger story was the devastating earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown that hit Japan.
A natural disaster that left 20,000 people dead and caused $200 billion in damage - not to mention the long-term threat from the radiation release - is much more significant.
I think liberal media bias played a role in the selection of the bin Laden story. The Obama-loving media wants to prop up their man as some sort of super-warrior who finally got the 9/11 mastermind. I don't think it was the top story of the year.
If you want more evidence of liberal bias, check out what the AP says about the U.S. economy, which has been on life-support since Obama took over: "By some measures, the U.S. economy gained strength as the year progressed."
Not sure what planet these AP voters are living on.
The only people doing well are Barack Obama and the Wall Street types who are bankrolling him.
AP vote on Top Ten News Stories of 2011 -
Friday, December 30, 2011
Editorial: Feds have a poor way of defining poverty
Editorial: Feds have a poor way of defining poverty -
Part-Time Congress
You'll get no argument here about the need for a part-time Congress. Look at all the damage a full-time Congress has done to the U.S.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
2011 one of deadliest years for law enforcement officers
2011 one of deadliest years for law enforcement officers -
Obama's new tax on the poor: Internet gambling by states
From an editorial in The Christian Science Monitor:
The Obama Justice Department quietly issued a legal opinion – just before a long Christmas weekend – that allows states to set up nonsports Internet gambling. The opinion upends decades of contrary decisions, but its real effect will be on the poor (and young) who suffer the most from gambling.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Editorial: Obama's new tax on the poor: Internet gambling by states
Labels: Barack Obama, Gambling, Taxes
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
So long Jim Gerlach, hello Joe Pitts
So long Jim Gerlach, hello Joe Pitts -
Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands
Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands - HUMAN EVENTS
Monday, December 26, 2011
Columnist: Pa. making needed welfare reforms
Pa. making needed welfare reforms -
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Operation Holiday delivers to 237 families
Operation Holiday delivers to 237 families (video) -
Season's greetings to H-burg lobsters
Season's greetings to H-burg lobsters -
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Republican Presidential Candidates wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Labels: Humor, Merry Christmas, Republicans
Friday, December 23, 2011
Newspaper: Voters leaving Democratic Party in droves
Voters are leaving main parties in droves –
New Law Gives Pennsylvania Insurance Department Expanded Rate Authority for Small Employer Health Policies
Columnist: Obamacare abominations for business
Obamacare abominations for business -
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Which party is pocketing most of Wall Street's money?
Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are being bankrolled by Wall Street.
Editorial: Guess which party is pocketing most of Wall Street's money? -
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Liberal Media Bias
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Rendell Spending Spree Still Haunts Pennsylvania
Déjà vu All Over Again: Mid-year Cuts and a Budget Shortfall on Tap for 2012
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Newspaper: Holder Cowardly Plays Race Card in 'Fast and Furious'

A scathing editorial in Investor's Business Daily about Attorney General Eric Holder playing the race card:
The attorney general says he and the president get criticized because they're African-American. He once said we need an honest discussion about race. OK, let's talk about him hiding behind his.Read the full editorial at the link below:
Times have changed since the evening of April 7, 1775, when Samuel Johnson said that patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel.
In the supposed post-racial era ushered in with the election of President Obama and the appointment of Attorney General Eric Holder, racism has replaced it as the ultimate defense against charges of incompetence and misguided policies.
In an interview with the New York Times published over the weekend, Holder accused those who want to know who authorized the Fast and Furious gun-running operation of being racially motivated.
The 60 congressmen, two senators, two sitting governors, and all the major presidential candidates who have openly called for Holder's resignation are not concerned in his view about how two U.S. agents and hundreds of Mexicans got killed with U.S. guns.
No, according to Holder, they are motivated by the color of Holder's and President Obama's skin.
Eric Holder Charges Critics Of 'Fast and Furious' Gun-Running With Racism -
Labels: Liberal Hypocrisy, Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Obama Boasts He's 4th Best President of All Time?
Read more here: Bloggers Slay Obama Over 4th Best President Boast
Labels: Barack Obama
Biggest Political Lie of the Year: The Democrat MediScare Campaign
Politifact Lie of the Year: The Democrat MediScare Campaign - HUMAN EVENTS
Monday, December 19, 2011
Eric Holder Plays the Race Card
Eric Holder Plays the Race Card - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama Letter to Wealthy Friends
Obama Letter to Wealthy Friends | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP
Labels: Barack Obama, Liberal Hypocrisy
Pennsylvania's Stronger Teen Driver Law to Take Effect Dec. 24
Pennsylvania's Stronger Teen Driver Law to Take Effect Dec. 24
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Ex-Fannie, Freddie execs charged with fraud
Former CEO Daniel Mudd collected more than $80 million in his time at Fannie Mae.So many powerful people in Washington - both Democrats and Republicans - get rich at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer. And nothing will change until voters send a clear message by voting out most of the incumbents in Congress.
Former Freddie Mac CEO Richard Syron reportedly took home over $19 million in cash, stocks, and other executive compensation in 2007.
Ex-Fannie, Freddie execs charged with fraud –
Labels: Corruption
Obama Caught Lying in '60 Minutes' Interview
Obama Caught Lying in 60 Minutes Interview | Red Dog Report
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Columnist: Choking on Obamacare

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, by 2008 the cost of federal regulations had reached $1.75 trillion. That was 14 percent of national income unavailable for job-creating investments. And that was more than 11,000 regulations ago.Read the full column at the link below:
Choking on Obamacare -
Pennsylvania Jobless Rate Drops to 7.9%
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation for November 2011
Labels: Jobs, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Climatology professor doubts global warming claims
"Is our climate changing? Are we to blame? It's changing because it always has changed and should be changing," Legates said.
Tea Party group discusses climate change -
Labels: Global Warming
Columnist: Let the sunshine in, Penn State
For once, get ahead of the story and do something right. Even though the university has had special protection from the Legislature and is not subject to the Open Records Law, like the governor, the Department of Education, state-owned universities and the State System of Higher Education, it can release whatever information it wants.Read his full column, "Let the sunshine in, PSU" at the newspaper's website.
Penn State receives $227.6 million in public subsidies. That's billions of dollars over the years, counting annual appropriations and capital projects money.
In the aftermath of the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse allegations, numerous news organizations have requested records and contracts showing how much Penn State has spent on legal and public relations consultants.
Labels: Penn State
Auditor General Asks Gov. Corbett To Stop DRPA from Funding Private-Sector Projects
Auditor General Jack Wagner Asks Gov. Corbett To Stop DRPA from Funding Private-Sector Projects
Operation Holiday needs donations
Since there are no administrative costs, every penny donated to this charity goes to help the needy.
Operation Holiday needs donations to help 601 children -
Labels: Newspapers
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Anger With Congress At 2006, 2010 Levels
Anger With Congress At '06, '10 Levels - Ronald Brownstein -
Your Daily Dose of Liberal Media Bias
In Report on November Deficit, AP's Crutsinger Miscasts Post-9/11 Economy of 'A Decade Ago' |
DNC Chair Denies Unemployment Has Gone Up Under Obama
DNC Chair Denies Unemployment Has Gone Up Under Obama
Monday, December 12, 2011
State police could lay off 400-500 troopers
State police could lay off 10% of troopers -
Labels: Pennsylvania State Police
Congressman Proposes Cutting Pay, Eliminating Pensions
Coffman has been serving on Congress since 2009 and obviously hasn't been brainwashed by the political lifers who run Washington.
Rep. Mike Coffman: Time to Kill Congressional Pensions and Cut Pay - HUMAN EVENTS
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Opinion: Don't be fooled by the latest jobless numbers
The technical reason the number of unemployed declined is that more than 350,000 people stopped looking for work last week and are no longer being carried on the books. In fact, if the total number of people who have stopped looking for work over the past few years were being counted (either because they are being sustained by endless unemployment insurance benefits or are simply discouraged because the economy IS moribund), the more accurate unemployment figure is closer to 17 percent ... (Table U-6 — Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, from Bureau of Labor Statistics).Don't be fooled by the latest numbers -
The jobless rate has now remained above 8 percent since February 2009, the longest stretch since monthly records began in 1948. Additionally, there are still 5.7 million long-term unemployed (jobless for 27 weeks and over), which represents 43 percent of the total unemployed and the average duration of unemployment rose to 40.9 weeks, the highest on record.
Labels: Jobs
Thursday, December 8, 2011
A reason to make the First Amendment part of the season

Give the First Amendment – and the nation – a unique gift this holiday season: On Dec. 15, "tweet" your support for this 220-year old guarantor of our basic freedoms.Gene Policinski is senior vice president and executive director of the First Amendment Center, 1207 18th Ave. S., Nashville, Tenn., 37212. Web: E-mail:
And don't stop there … round out the holidays by making that 140-character pledge the first step in a New Year's commitment to better understand and defend year-round those precious 45 words that define our core freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.
What's the reason to make the First Amendment part of the season?
For one thing, Dec. 15 is the 220th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, beginning with the First Amendment's protection of freedom of expression and freedom of religion. That's an event deserving in its own right of glitter and tinsel.
More urgently, it's a chance to challenge and maybe change a sad result of national surveys the First Amendment Center has conducted since 1997. In all that time, never more than six percent in any year could name all five freedoms unaided.
We live in times in which the First Amendment never has been more on display – or more contested.
There are the yearly Yule concerns over religious-themed songs and carols at public school holiday pageants, but also the miraculous example to the world of multiple faiths in one nation peaceably observing holy days and holidays alongside one another.
There are Occupy Wall Street demonstrators exercising their rights to speak freely, to assemble and to petition the government for change – in the manner of generations of Americans who have taken to the streets to make their voices heard.
The U.S. Supreme Court soon will decide a dispute over what we can see and hear on broadcast TV. Meanwhile, we’re all "a-Twitter" over how private are our personal facts and messages. And the fight goes on over how public are our public records.
The Internet, e-mail, Facebook and Twitter have brought new concerns about smut, identity theft and hate speech, all while also giving us an unparalleled opportunity to talk with our fellow citizens – provided that government does not get in the way.
Has there ever been a time when all five of our First Amendment freedoms were more in play?
The "Free to Tweet" initiative is an unprecedented, day-long online call to the American public to stand up on Dec. 15 for these fundamental freedoms. High school and college students nationwide, ages 14 to 22, get a bonus for participating: Expressing themselves freely with the hash tag #freetotweet on Twitter will mean an opportunity to win one of 22 scholarships each worth $5,000. (Find more details on the initiative and the competition at
For more than two centuries, the First Amendment has been protecting our right to speak out. Let's do just that on Dec. 15!
Labels: Constitution, First Amendment, Free Speech, Social Networking
Democrats Write Off Working Class Voters
Michael Barone: Democrats' Strategy Of Class Warfare May Lose Votes Of The White Working Class -
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Federal judge: Bloggers are not journalists

The ruling could have a chilling effect on so-called "citizen journalists" who have launched hundreds of millions of blogs.
The case involved Crystal L. Cox, a Montana blogger who made critical remarks about a local attorney. Hint to bloggers: Accusing a lawyer in public of criminal conduct may not be the smartest thing to do.
From The Associated Press:
U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez found last week that as a blogger, Cox was not a journalist and cannot claim the protections afforded to mainstream reporters and news outlets.Read the full story at the link below:
Although media experts said Wednesday that the ruling would have little effect on the definition of journalism, it casts a shadow on those who work in nontraditional media since it highlights the lack of case law that could protect them and the fact that current state shield laws for journalists are not covering recent developments in online media.
"My advice to bloggers operating in the state of Oregon is lobby to get your shield law improved so bloggers are covered," said Lucy Dalglish, executive director of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. "But do not expect the shield law to provide you a defense in a libel case where you want to rely on an anonymous source for that information."
Federal judge: Montana blogger is not journalist
Labels: Blogging, Constitution, First Amendment, Free Speech
Newspaper: Penn State's exemption in state law limits probe
Penn State's exemption in state law limits probe - Washington Times
Foundation: 1 Act of Violence Every 17 Minutes in PA Schools
Commonwealth Foundation: One Act of Violence Every 17 Minutes in PA Schools
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Bruce Castor: The Last Man Standing

Castor was the top vote-getter in the 2007 election and was expecting to play a major role in leading Montgomery County government. Instead, Matthews stabbed Castor (and county taxpayers) in the back by entering into a back-room, power-sharing deal with liberal Democrat Joe Hoeffel.
The Matthews-Hoeffel regime has nearly bankrupted what was once one of the most fiscally-sound counties in Pennsylvania.
The Montgomery County Republican Committee censured Matthews for his betrayal and told him not to bother running for another term because the party would not support him. The Democratic Party also had enough of Hoeffel and told the career politician he would not be endorsed for re-election in 2011.
On Tuesday came the bombshell news that Matthews is facing criminal charges for a variety of alleged improprieties during his tenure as a county commissioner.
From a story by reporter Jenny DeHuff of the Norristown Times Herald
Alleging that Matthews repeatedly lied to jurors "with impunity," District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman unsealed a 69-page grand jury report detailing charges of perjury and giving false statements during a press conference Tuesday morning.So what does Bruce Castor, a former two-term county district attorney, think of all this?
The presentment was the culmination of an 18-month investigation into the inner workings of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. The allegations are extensive, from no-bid contracts with a Matthews-affiliated title insurance company to allegations surrounding his violations of the state's open meetings laws during repeated breakfast meetings at an East Norriton diner.
Ferman identified five areas outlined in the grand jury report, including the alleged use of campaign funds for personal expenses, the county's competitive (or non-competitive) bidding process, allegations of Sunshine Law violations by two of the county commissioners, matters of expenditures through the county's open space program, and a potential conflict of interest involving Matthews and a company called Certified Abstract, which had been given the county’s contract for title insurance.
DeHuff contacted the only commissioner who will be returning in January and this is what Castor had to say about Matthews, whom he described as a "very arrogant man" -
"Jim Matthews lied to the voters, to his supporters, to his contributors, to the party – those things don't surprise me, but when he lies to a grand jury, that is a crime. My experience is that perjury cases before a grand jury are almost always successful for prosecutors. I cannot recall a perjury charge in any court that I've ever worked in or around that did not result in a guilty verdict, because it's such a rarely used charge. A prosecutor only uses it when they're sure they're going to win."It appears Bruce Castor will get the last laugh.
Labels: Bruce Castor, Corruption, Democrats, Jim Matthews, Joe Hoeffel, Montgomery County, Republicans
Grand Jury: Montco Commissioner Jim Matthews lied under oath

Matthews' back-room deal led to deficit spending at the hands of Hoeffel, censure for Matthews from the county Republican Committee, which eventually forced Matthews from the GOP ticket.
The Matthews-Hoeffel deal also caused the defeat of the Republican majority on the commissioners' board for the first time in 140 years.
Now Matthews is facing criminal charges.
When you make a deal with the devil ...
Grand Jury: Montco commissioner lied while giving testimony -
Labels: Jim Matthews, Montgomery County
Monday, December 5, 2011
Columnist: Privatize the postal service

Labor costs are 80 percent of the USPS' costs (53 percent of UPS', 32 percent of FedEx's), in part because it has negotiated very friendly union contracts. The postal service did that because it is free from the tiresome need to make a profit and its competition is limited by law, which forbids anyone else to deliver a letter that is not "urgent."Read the full column at the link below:
Mail volume has declined 20 percent in five years and the decline probably will accelerate, in spite of the odd USPS ads seeking customers by saying letters "don't get lost in thin air," and "a refrigerator has never been hacked. An online virus has never attacked a corkboard." Surely privatization beats depending on the USPS for delivering the intellectual light that irradiates the republic.
Privatize the postal service -
Labels: Labor Unions, Postal Service
Rafferty DUI bill clears PA Senate

Under Senate Bill 539, the maximum fine for a first DUI offense would increase to $1,000 and 100 hours of community service, according to Rafferty's office. A second offense would carry a maximum fine of $2,500 and imprisonment of up to six months. Drivers convicted of subsequent offenses could be jailed for up to two years.
"Penalties must be increased when drunk drivers put minor passengers in danger," Rafferty said in a statement. "Hopefully, this will serve as a deterrent, especially for adults who drink and drive with children in the vehicle. This legislation will help keep our roadways safe for our children, other drivers, passengers and pedestrians."
The bill passed the Senate by a 49-0 margin.
Legislative Pay Raise: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Lawmakers' automatic pay hikes take effect: Some argue that giving COLA back to the state or to charity isn't enough
Labels: Pay Raise, Pennsylvania Legislature
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Columnist: Bitter Residue Remains in Pennsylvania
Six weeks ago, Obama visited Pittsburgh. The union crowd was thin. Enthusiasm was nonexistent; so were local elected Democrats, who opted to shake his hand at the airport rather than stand on stage with him while he talked about jobs. Last week he went to Scranton, home to Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey. A no-show in Pittsburgh, Casey again declined to appear with the president.
Bitter Residue Remains in Pennsylvania
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises
Drop In Unemployment A Statistical Fluke?
"On closer inspection, the decline is highly questionable — and doesn't warrant a surge in optimism," the newspaper says.
Drop In Unemployment To 8.6% In November Is Good, But Not As Good As It Looks -
Labels: Barack Obama, Jobs
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Some lawmakers giving back their pay raises to Pa.
"It's a shared sacrifice and we (legislators) have to do our share, and that includes returning the cost of living raise. If every lawmaker in the state gave the raise back, we would save a half-million dollars. And that's not chump change."Some lawmakers giving back their pay raises to Pa. -
Friday, December 2, 2011
Chester County Treasurer Ann Duke to run for Pennsylvania auditor general

From the West Chester Daily Local News:
"In these tough economic times, it is crucial that every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely. I will bring the same commonsense, fiscally conservative reforms I have implemented in the Chester County Treasurer's office to the office of auditor general. We need a principled conservative reformer in the auditor general's office, and that is why I am running."Read the full story at the link below:
County treasurer talks about her run for state auditor -
For more information about Duke's campaign, visit her website,
Labels: Chester County, Pennsylvania Politics
Opinion: Stimulus was a failure by the numbers
How's that for hope and change?
Stimulus was a failure by the numbers - Lebanon Daily News
Pa. legislators 'slap' constituents in the face

From an editorial in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on the latest pay raise for members of the Pennsylvania Legislature:
The arrival of yet another automatic cost-of-living pay raise is proof positive of state lawmakers' craven disregard for both taxpayers and economic reality.Read the full editorial - The legislative COLA: Slap! - at the newspaper's website.
Labels: Pay Raise, Pennsylvania Legislature, Randy Bish Cartoon
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Democrat: Obama will lose Pennsylvania
If Obama can't win Pennsylvania, which last voted for a GOP presidential candidate in 1988, it's unlikely he'll reach the 270 electoral votes necessary for re-election. A Democratic presidential candidate hasn't won the White House while losing the Keystone State since 1948, according to CBS.Former Pa. Congressman with Dire Warning for Obama - 2012 Decoded
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Pennsylvania
Newspaper: Obama campaigns on taxpayers' dime
President Obama jammed traffic in Manhattan on Tuesday. State business? No, he was raising campaign funds. It's just the latest example of his questionable strategy of running for re-election by taking from the public.Read the full editorial at the link below:
And no, the public was not invited. Three stops the president made were strictly for fat-cat donors who paid as much as $36,000 a plate for the privilege, while reporters weren't even permitted to cover the protests outside the hotels.
Obama's Campaign Is All About Making The Public Pay For It -
Labels: Barack Obama
The Same: Bob Casey Jr. and Barack Obama
Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr. has voted for the Obama agenda 98% of the time. Both are responsible for the economic mess this country is in today.
Pennsylvania Tax Revenues $345M Behind Projections
From the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue:
Pennsylvania collected $1.7 billion in General Fund revenue in November, which was $63.3 million, or 3.5 percent, less than anticipated. Fiscal year-to-date General Fund collections total $9.4 billion, which is $345.3 million, or 3.6 percent, below estimate.Pennsylvania Revenue Department Releases November Collections
Labels: Budget, Pennsylvania, Taxes