Thursday, September 30, 2010
Democrats' sneer policy is recipe for defeat
Dems skip town without stopping Obama Tax Hikes
State Police: Crimes Reported in PA Dropped 5.4% in 2009

Crime was down in Pennsylvania last year, which is somewhat of a surprise considering the state of the economy.
From a new report released by the Pennsylvania State Police showing overall crime down 5.4 percent and violent crime down 4.9 percent last year:
The breakdown of reported Crime Index offenses for 2009 is as follows:
* Murders dropped 8 percent from 704 to 648;
* Forcible rapes increased 4.9 percent to 3,620;
* Robberies declined 6.9 percent to 17,464;
* Aggravated assaults dipped 4.8 percent to 26,291;
* Burglaries dropped 6 percent to 54,519;
* Larcenies/thefts were down 5.6 percent to 203,268;
* Motor-vehicle thefts fell 20.2 percent to 17,776, and
* Arsons declined 9.3 percent to 2,157.
Follow the link below for more crime statistics and a link to the full 2009 report.
State Police: Crimes Reported in PA Dropped 5.4 Percent in 2009Labels: Crime, Pennsylvania
Pew Study Finds Curbing Federal Debt Easier with Both Spending Cuts and Tax Hikes
Rendell earns a 'D' in Fiscal Report Card
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
John Stossel on what 'Taxing the Rich' really means
From a new column by John Stossel on the absurdity of the Democrats "tax the rich" campaign:
Progressives want to raise taxes on individuals who make more than $200,000 a year because they say it's wrong for the rich to be "given" more money. Sunday's New York Times carries a cartoon showing Uncle Sam handing money to a fat cat. They just don't get it.
As I've said before, a tax cut is not a handout. It simply means government steals less. What progressives want to do is take money from some -- by force -- and spend it on others. It sounds less noble when plainly stated.
Read the full column at the link below:
Taxing the Rich - HUMAN EVENTSLabels: Democrats, Taxes
More bad news for Democrats
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Recession officially over: Somebody tell the unemployed
From The Christian Science Monitor: Unemployment lasts longer than ever before, home values keep declining, foreclosures abound and people are growing poorer. This is the rebound?
No wonder the Democratic Party is headed for historic loses in the Nov. 2 elections.
Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress for four years and the White House for nearly two years.
It's the Obama Recession and it's not ending as long as Dems control the federal government.
Read more at the link below:
Recession officially over: Somebody tell the unemployed. - CSMonitor.comLabels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Democrats, Jobs
Pennsylvania Ranks Among Top Four in Digital States Survey
Obama to Dems: 'Stop Whining'
That great motivational speaker, Barack Obama is telling Congressional Democrats who followed him over the cliff to "stop whining" as they face political annihilation on Nov. 2. Heckavu pep talk, Barack.
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats
PA Game Commission Praises Enactment of Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Bill
Facebook Threats Becoming Increasingly Complex
Monday, September 27, 2010
Report: Obama Tax Hike Will Devastate Middle Class

The Heritage Foundation has released a new report detailing the devastating effects on middle class families if Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats allow the Bush Tax Cuts to expire.
Democrats, who control both houses of Congress and the White House, have refused to extend the middle class tax cuts, which are set to expire on Dec. 31, 2010. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said no vote will be taken until after the Nov. 2 election.
The Heritage Foundation says the Democrats' attempt to spin the tax cuts as class warfare is an insult to voters. Failing to extend the Bush Tax Cuts will result in higher taxes for most Americans.
From the report:
The President and his supporters are calling for tax increases, primarily on upper-income taxpayers and businesses— including small businesses, the primary job creators in the country. Those who will be most burdened if this plan becomes law are the millions of Americans just starting their economic lives and the millions more trying to find work after the worst recession in 60 years.
The rest, whose lives are affected by the investments and business decisions of those taxpayers in the high-income classes, will share the burden.
No income earner will be unscathed. Instead of extracting more income from the private economy, Congress should immediately reduce its spending and enact fundamental entitlement reform that supports strong economic growth.
Economic conditions, already in a death spiral under Obama, will get worse, according to the report:
• Slower economic growth: Inflation-adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) would fall by a total of $1.1 trillion between FY 2011 and FY 2020. GDP in 2018 would fall by $145 billion alone. The growth rate of the economy would be slower for the entire 10-year period.
• Fewer jobs: Slower economic growth would result in less job creation. Employment would fall by an average of 693,000 per year over this period
* 238,000 fewer jobs in the critical economic recovery year of 2011;
* In one year alone, 2016, job losses top 876,000.
• More unemployed Americans: Slower growth in employment translates to a higher unemployment rate, which would rise more each year during the 10-year period than it would without the Obama tax hikes.
* In other words, for Americans who are unemployed now, their prospects of employment would worsen under the Obama tax plan.
You can view the report by clicking
Labels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Congress, Democrats, Taxes
Command Change for PA National Guard
State Police: Number of Police Pursuits in PA Down 12.9 Percent in 2009
Poll Reveals Government Spending is Personal to Voters
Spirit Halloween Announces 2010 Top Costumes
Tea Party brewing: Smells like victory
Good column by Jordan Sekulow on the rise of the Tea Party movement despite the non-stop bashing by the left-wing media:
Call us tea partiers, radical right-wingers, Republicans, fundamentalists, Libertarians, or Independents. On November 2nd, you'll be calling most of us winners.
Read the full column at The Wshington Post's
Labels: Conservatives, Tea Parties
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Bill O'Reilly: Citizen journalist shames press corps
From Bill O'Reilly's latest column on a brave woman who stood up to Obama about his broken promises and failed presidency:
Shaming the White House press corps, a regular American named Velma Hart recently asked President Barack Obama the toughest question he has heard since being elected to the Oval Office. After describing herself as a middle-class American with two kids attending private school and a person who supported the president's vision and promises of a better future for Americans, Hart dropped a bomb: "My husband and I have joked for years that we thought we were well beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives, but quite frankly, it's starting to knock on our door and ring true that that might be where we're headed again. ... Is this my new reality?"
Read the full column at
Townhall.comLabels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Liberal Media Bias
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Weekly GOP Address: 'Pledge to America'
Friday, September 24, 2010
Four from Phila. area make Forbes' richest list
Legislators move to reform Delaware River Port Authority
Organize4Palin launches new webiste

A new website designed to rally voters behind candidates Sarah Palin has endorsed has launched today.
Although Sarah Palin is not directly involved with, her image is all over the site, including snapshots of Palin with more than 30 candidates Palin has endorsed for various races across the country.
Palin knows about the site and apparently approves because she informed her 282,000-plus followers on
Twitter of the launch: "Check out this grassroots effort to help commonsense conservatives get elected this year!"
And speaking of Sarah Palin, her new book,
"America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag," is scheduled for release this November.
Labels: Conservatives, Sarah Palin
The Tea Party Impact on GOP's "Pledge to America"
Franklin & Marshall College Poll: Dems in Deep Trouble
G. Terry Madonna has released a new Franklin and Marshall College Poll focusing on voters in Pennsylvania's 8th Congressional District, primarily Bucks County, and Pennsylvania's 3rd Congressional District, primarily Erie. Both incumbent Democrats are trailing their GOP challengers, according to the polls.
Here are the key findings:
· In the 8th congressional district, Mike Fitzpatrick has an advantage over incumbent Patrick Murphy among all registered adults, 46% to 36%, with about one in five (17%) adults still undecided. Fitzpatrick’s advantage is larger among those more likely to vote, 49% to 35%, with 15% undecided. The survey finds that Fitzpatrick’s advantage increases as the likely voter screen becomes more restrictive.
· Two in five (41%) registered adults in the district rate Representative Murphy’s job performance as “excellent” or “good.” About the same proportion (40%) believe he deserves re-election while almost half (47%) believes it is time for a change.
· In the PA senate race, Pat Toomey leads Joe Sestak in the district among all registered adults, 39% to 30%, and among likely voters, 42% to 32%. In the gubernatorial race, Tom Corbett leads Dan Onorato among registered adults, 37% to 29%, and among likely voters, 40% to 30%. Many registered adults in the 8th CD are still undecided about their choices for US senate (30%) and governor (34%).
· Unemployment and the economy (57%) are the primary issues facing respondents and their families in the district.
· The positive job performance rating for President Obama (37%) is low in the district, but is similar to his overall state-wide ratings. Governor Rendell's positive job performance rating (46%) is higher than the president's in the district and is also higher than his overall state-wide rating.
Read the full poll results
Small Business Financing Bill May Shortchange Veterans
African American Likely Voters' Support for Tea Party is Significant in Recent Poll
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Game Commission 2011 Calendar on Sale
Republicans unveil 'A Pledge to America'
Republicans today released "A Pledge to America," a 48-page blueprint for real hope and change ... not to mention undoing the damage Obama/Pelosi have done to America.
You can download a PDF version of the document
Video: Mourning in America HD
Viguerie: GOP's New Pledge Gets 1 1/2 Cheers
'Zero tolerance' for Obamacare critics
Check out the latest column by Nat Hentoff, a lifelong Democrat and liberal icon, who believes Barack Obama is the most dangerous man who has ever occupied the White House. In his latest column, Hentoff criticizes the gestapo-like tactics used by Obama and his minions to defend Obamacare, which Hentoff believes will end up hurting senior citizens.
'Zero tolerance' for Obamacare critics - The Mercury
GOP offers plan to reverse failed Democratic policies
The Pledge to America: The Basics
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Judicial Watch Sues DOJ for Documents Detailing White House Involvement in Black Panther Case Dismissal
Two Decades of Sen. Reid Translate into Escalating National Debt, Higher Taxes
PA Senate: Toomey 49%, Sestak 41%
PA Governor: Corbett 49%, Onorato 39%
A New Jersey: Remember November Part I
Would you hire Barack Obama?
In Pennsylvania, natural gas industry flexes its muscle
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
PA Table Game Play = $34.5M Revenue
2010 Child Passenger Safety Week
Evening News Ratings Plummet
Pennsylvania Voters Reject Obama/Pelosi Agenda
New poll shows Obama is on the fringe
AD WATCH: Lentz fibs on pay raise, tax cuts
Monday, September 20, 2010
Four PA Congressional candidates make GOP 'Contender' list

How Pennsylvania votes on Nov. 2 could determine how big the anticipated GOP landslide will be. Republicans could pick up 6-7 additional Congressional seats in Pennsylvania alone if the anti-incumbent mood continues at the polls.
There are fewer safe Democratic seats, including a handful in Pennsylvania that the National Republican Congressional Committee says could be had be Republicans.
Four Pennsylvania candidates are among the 13 added to the NRCC's "Contender" list this week.
They are
Dee Adcock (PA-13);
Tim Burns (PA-12);
Tom Marino (PA-10) and
Keith Rothfus (PA-04).
All four were considered long shots against established Democratic incumbents, but things are changing quickly as voters are about to punish Congressional Democrats for four years of failure.
By reaching the first and second step of the three-step "Young Guns" program, the GOP candidates have reached the fundamental benchmarks to place them on the road to victory, according to an NRCC press release.
"These candidates have worked hard to meet the benchmarks that have been laid out before them and are determined to hold Washington Democrats accountable this November," said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX). "Middle-class families are tired of watching the Democrat majority spend this country deeper into recession while they have been forced to tighten their belts. With Americans desperate for change, these 23 candidates are determined to reign in reckless spending, cut taxes and return the economy back to a state of vitality."
Read more about the surging GOP candidates at the link below:
News - NRCC Announces New "On the Radar" and "Contender" CandidatesLabels: Congress, Republicans
Rendell Regime Spies on Critics
Rally to rebuild Greek Orthodox Church destroyed by 9/11 terrorist attacks
Dog lovers outraged by new Pa. law
Liberal jumps sinking ship
Defeating the Obama Machine
Newspaper hammers Sestak for false attack ad against Toomey
If you can't defend your own record of supporting the failed Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda 100% of the time, you lie about your opponent. That seems to be liberal Democrat Joe Sestak's campaign strategy against Republican Pat Toomey in the race to replace Arlen Specter in the U.S. Senate.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the most liberal newspapers in the country, hammers away at Sestak for what it labels a "false" ad against Toomey. It's the second time the newspaper has called out Sestak for misrepresenting Toomey's record.
From the latest Commonwealth Confidential column in The Inquirer:
But the ad goes on to say Toomey "got rich as Wall Street's top lobbyist" after he left Congress. This is an apparently reference to Toomey's leadership of the Club for Growth advocacy group from 2005 until early 2009. It is true that the Club for Growth was founded by top capitalists on the Street to push for limited-government policies and lower taxes, so there's no doubt that Toomey generally helped the financial industry. And he did earn a handsome paycheck working for the Washington group. But the Club has grown since its founding to include conservatives of various stripes among its 400,000 members.
Further, Toomey is not now – nor has he ever been – a registered lobbyist, according to records kept by the Clerk of the U.S. House and the Secretary of the Senate.
Read the full post and watch the misleading ad at the newspaper's
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Joe Sestak, Pat Toomey, Republicans
Conservatives Like Rep. Mike Pence for President
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Weekly Republican Address: Alternatives to Democrats' failed economic policies
Taxpayers Paid At Least $9 Million for Signs Promoting Obama's Economic Stimulus
Michael Moore: Ground Zero McDonald's Killed More People Than 9/11 Hijackers
Friday, September 17, 2010
Newspaper: $111M in stimulus created only 55 jobs
PA Court to Donald Trump: You're Fired!
Would Ed Rendel lie?
Somebody is not telling the truth about a no-bid contract designed for homeland security that ended up as a program to spy on critics of the Rendell Administration.
From reporter Brad Bumsted of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
HARRISBURG — The co-director of an institute that prepared bulletins for state Homeland Security on terror threats today took issue with Gov. Ed Rendell's statements about its work, saying the governor is "regrettably, misinformed."
Michael Perelman, a former York city police officer, issued a statement defending the work of the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.
"We provide information on potential issues that may require enhanced security responses in the protection of clients' obligations to pubic safety and protection of their assets," Perelman said.
Read the full story, Anti-terror contractor: Pennsylvania Gov. Rendell 'misinformed' at the newspaper's
Labels: Rendell
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Updated Online List of State Tax Liens
Pennsylvania Loses 17,000 More Jobs
The monthly unemployment statistic is an odd measurement because it counts the people looking for work, not the ones who have given up trying to find a job.
While the unemployment rate in Pennsylvania went down to 9.2% in August, down from 9.3% in July, the state lost another 17,000 jobs in August.
Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: AugustLabels: Economy, Jobs, Pennsylvania
Governor Rendell Announces Nominations, Appointments
Down and out in Obama's America
Rep. Joe Pitts, who represents Pennsylvania's 16th Congressional District, released a statement today in response to new government numbers that show nearly 44 million Americans are living in poverty. That's 1 in 7 Americans. How's that for hope and change? The poverty rate leaped to 14.3 percent last year, the highest rate since 1994.
Rep. Pitts' statement follows:
"This underscores that this recession is not just about banks, bureaucrats, and statistics. I've seen the effects of increased poverty first-hand as I've visited food banks throughout the district. Real people are hurting and there should be no margin for error in our efforts to help people, revive the economy, and create jobs.
"Washington's response to the recession has so far been ideological, partisan, and ineffective. Good ideas have been ignored while Congress has been distracted by other fights that should have waited. This is the No. 1 reason Americans are so angry right now."
The full report is available at: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Poverty
Tom Corbett ad takes shots at Ed Rendell
Public Reading of U.S. Constitution

Boyertown Residents Take Part in Nationwide Readings of the Entire United States Constitution
When: September 18, 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Where: Nancy's Front Porch @ 120 N. Walnut St. Boyertown, PA 19512
In an effort to help revitalize the nation's civic culture, residents of Boyertown will come together at 11:00 AM at 120 N. Walnut St., Boyertown for a public reading of the U.S. Constitution.
The event will be held at the home of Nancy Kline, event organizer.
David M. Maloney (R) candidate for the PA State House 130th District, will be on hand to do a partial reading.
Although this is not a political event, it is one of hundreds to be held on the same day in cities and towns all across the United States.
Kline said, "This event, and the hundreds like it across the country, is our way of expressing our respect for the importance of the nation's founding charter and its relevance today. This is a real grassroots effort, of ordinary Americans talking to each other in person and on the Internet, to show there are people who think the nation's civic culture is important. Everyone should be familiar with the Constitution and what it says. It needs to be read, aloud!"
In addition to the local organizers, the We Read the Constitution Project is backed by national groups including
Let Freedom Ring and
Constituting America.
Labels: Berks County, Constitution, Patriots
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
As the latest Rendell scandal unfolds
New poll: Toomey 49%, Sestak 41%
With 48 days until the election, Republican Pat Toomey is building his lead against liberal Democrat Joe Sestak.
And with just 8 percent of Pennsylvania voters undecided, according to a new poll, Sestak is running out of time to make up ground.
From Rasmussen Reports:
Republican Pat Toomey inches closer to the 50% mark this month in his best showing yet in Pennsylvania's U.S. Senate race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Pennsylvania, with leaners included, shows Toomey earning 49% support, while Democratic hopeful Joe Sestak picks up 41% of the vote. Two percent (2%) prefer another candidate in the race, and eight percent (8%) remain undecided.
Read more poll results at the link below:
Election 2010: Pennsylvania SenateLabels: Joe Sestak, Pat Toomey, Polls
'Cyprus: Crossroads of Civilizations' to open at Smithsonian Sept. 29
PA Liquor Control Board Awards Nearly $1 Million in Grants to Aid Fight Against Underage, Dangerous Alcohol Use
U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers Release 2010 Best Law Firms Rankings
Lowman Henry to headline Berks County Patriots meeting

The September meeting of Berks County Patriots will feature guest speaker Lowman S. Henry, chairman and CEO of Lincoln Institute for Public Opinion Research Inc., a Harrisburg-based non-profit, educational foundation.
Henry, one of the leading political commentators in Pennsylvania, is also host of Lincoln Radio Journal and American Radio Journal. Henry will discuss the Nov. 2 General Election in a speech headlined, "November's elections could change the course of America."
The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 23, at 6:30 PM at the Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport.
For more on Berks County Patriots, visit the group's Web site at more on Henry, visit Berks County, Conservatives, Patriots, Tea Parties
Advocacy group targets Lentz in 7th Dist.
Tea Party frightens the far left
FRC's Tony Perkins Urges Conservative Coalition to Hold Fast to Principles
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
18 months of failed Obamanomics
'InTEXTicated' Teen Safe Driving Campaign Launched
Somebody finally read the Obamacare bill
Ray Stevens - God Save Arizona
Poll: Toomey, Corbett ahead in PA

Pennsylvania could be the bellwether for how the nation will go on Nov. 2. And if that's the case, it could be a Republican landslide.
From a new Fox News poll:
Pushback on Obama Agenda Gives Dems Trouble in Pennsylvania
Opposition to the policies of the Obama administration is helping Republican Pat Toomey gain an edge in Pennsylvania’s Senate race, according to a new Fox News poll.
Toomey drew 47 percent support among likely voters, compared to 41 percent for Democrat Joe Sestak in the race to replace Sen. Arlen Specter. Eleven percent were undecided.
Half of respondents said they wanted their vote to represent opposition to the policies of the Obama administration, and 56 percent favored repealing the president's national health care program. Only 40 percent approved of the job Obama is doing as president. The president carried Pennsylvania in a 10-point landslide in 2008.
Thirty-one percent said they were dissatisfied with the way the federal government works. Thirty-five percent said they were angry about it.
Jobs and the economy are far and away the top concerns for Pennsylvania voters -- 41 percent said these were most important. Concerns about the deficit and federal spending ranked second with 29 percent.
That could mean trouble for Sestak, who welcomes Obama for a campaign event in Philadelphia next week. While 21 percent of respondents said Obama's policies have helped the state's economy, 41 percent say they have hurt and 32 percent think they haven't made much of a difference. A 42-percent plurality in the industrial state opposes a plan to cap carbon emissions like the one proposed by Obama.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Corbett is faring even better than Toomey. Corbett led Democratic nominee Dan Onoroto 50 percent to 40 percent.
Read more about key races at
FoxNews.comLabels: Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania, Republicans, Tom Corbett
Monday, September 13, 2010
Poll: Voters fault Obama on mosque, immigration
A new Quinnipiac University Poll finds American voters and Barack Obama headed for a collision course on Nov. 2, with voters disapproving of Obama's policies on such wedge issues as the Ground Zero mosque and immigration reform.
Also, 49 percent of American voters say Obama does not share their values, according to Quinnipiac.
"Illegal immigration and the proposed mosque near Ground Zero are taking a toll on President Barack Obama's standing with American voters," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "The fact that so many Americans think the President does not share their values might worry the White House. Historically, voters tend to see Democratic presidents as more likely to share their values than Republicans."
Read the full poll results
Labels: Barack Obama, Polls
Dan Onorato = Rendell Light
53% want Obamacare repealed
In Search Of: People Of Color
Lies Liberals Tell Themselves
Columnist: Failure is an option for Obama
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Andrew Breitbart 9 12 Rally 2010
62% Say No Matter How Bad Things Are, Congress Can Make Them Worse
American people and Obama headed in opposite direction
Saturday, September 11, 2010
In memory of our fallen countrymen
Newspaper: 41 Obama White House aides are tax cheats
Weekly GOP Address: 'Never forget the victims of 9/11 and their families'
Columnist: Media falls for Islamic propaganda
Patriot Day - Sept. 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Pennsylvania FOP backs Toomey in Pa. Senate race

Republican Pat Toomey has picked up another key endorsement in his US Senate race against liberal Joe Sestak.
From a story by Alex Rose in The Delaware County Daily Times:
PHILADELPHIA — Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former U.S. Rep. Pat Toomey received the endorsement of the 41,000-member Pennsylvania Fraternal Order of Police during a ceremony at the Michael G. Lutz Lodge on Spring Garden Street Wednesday.
"The FOP represents Pennsylvania's hard-working men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities and our families," said Toomey. "In a post-9/11 world we rely on our law enforcement officials in new and challenging ways and it is crucial that we support policies that make it easier – not harder – for law enforcement officials to do their jobs. I am honored by their endorsement today, and I look forward to working with them in the U.S. Senate."
Toomey is the Republican nominee for U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter's seat. He faces U.S. Rep. Joseph Sestak, D-7, of Edgmont, in the November mid-term election. Sestak defeated Specter in the May primary.
Pennsylvania FOP backs Toomey in Pa. Senate race - The Delaware County Daily Times : Serving Delaware County, PA ( Joe Sestak, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Rendell Orders Flags to Be Flown at Half-Staff on Sept. 11
Bill O'Reilly: Obama should ask Bush for advice
Immigration Hostility Widespread in U.S. and 5 Largest European Countries
WIll the Real Joe Sestak Please Stand Up?
Are We Ready for the Day Before Tomorrow?
Americans to Honor Sept. 11 with Acts of Service Across the Nation
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Steep Drop for U.S. in Competitiveness Rankings
The World Economic Forum has released its latest Global Competitiveness Report, showing the United States has fallen to fourth place.
Before Barack Obama became president, the United States was ranked first in the world.
"This disturbing news makes it clear that the administration and the Congress must take immediate action," said Marion C. Blakey, president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association. "We cannot risk falling further behind in today's competitive global economy."
Read more about the U.S. economic decline and what can be done to reverse the trend at the link below:
Steep Drop for U.S. in Competitiveness RankingsLabels: Economy
Dems need all the help they can get
New Health Law Puts Seniors at Risk
Obama 'Pay Czar' received six-figure salary, documents reveal
Obama lied ... again!
From the government accountability group Judicial Watch:
When President Obama appointed Washington lawyer Kenneth Feinberg "Pay Czar" in 2009, the press reported that he would perform his duties pro bono. Dozens of mainstream media stories confirmed that Feinberg, founder and managing partner of the Washington, D.C., firm Feinberg Rozen LLP, would not receive a salary to set pay limits for more than two dozen executives at companies receiving government bailouts. For example, Forbes magazine reported in August 2009, "Feinberg is receiving no compensation for his role."
However, Judicial Watch has obtained the Treasury Department's June 8, 2009, welcome letter to Feinberg, congratulating him for being selected "Special Master of Executive Compensation" and listing his annual salary at $120,830. Judicial Watch has also uncovered a "Notification of Personnel Action," from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management dated June 8, 2009, also establishing Feinberg's salary level at $120,830.
Obama's Executive 'Pay Czar' Feinberg Received Six-Figure Salary According to Documents Uncovered by Judicial WatchLabels: Barack Obama, Broken Promises, Liberal Hypocrisy
Weekend with Barack and Joe
Votility Answers America's Call for Congressional Accountability
New Resources for Victims of Domestic Violence Available
PA Voter Registration Deadline is Oct. 4
Survey of Police and Teachers: Alcohol and Marijuana Most Serious Substance Abuse Facing Teens
638 gov't workers owe IRS $9.3M in back taxes
Interesting story in today's Washington Post about more than 600 Capitol Hill employees who owe the IRS more than $9.3 million in back taxes.
That's government workers collecting taxpayer money who refuse to pay their taxes.
What should we do about the tax delinquents? Let's see. There's at least 15 million unemployed Americans who would love to find a job - and would probably pay their taxes on time.
That won't happen because I'm guessing that most of the 638 tax deadbeats are registered Democrats and will keep their jobs as long as Aunt Nancy Pelosi and Uncle Harry Reid are running Congress.
From the Washington Post:
The average unpaid tax bill is $12,787 among the Senate's delinquent taxpayers and $15,498 among those working in the House.
IRS debt among government workers has surfaced as a political issue repeatedly over the years, most recently when Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced legislation this year to fire federal workers who owe back taxes unless they have entered into a payment plan. Eight Republicans co-sponsored the bill. No Democrats have signed on, and some have said firings would reduce the government's prospects of being paid.
"If you're on the federal payroll and you're not paying your taxes, you should be fired," Chaffetz said in an interview. He said the policy should apply across the board and "there should be no special exemptions."
Read the full story at the newspaper's
Labels: Congress, Democrats, Government Waste, Taxes
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New Toomey Ad: Focus on the Future
Joe Sestak's Arlen Specter Moment
Remember that devastating ad in the spring that had Arlen Specter saying he switched parties so he could get re-elected? It sank Specter's bid for the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate.
Now the man who beat Specter may have shot himself in the foot with this comment about the latest Obama plan to spend billions to revive the stalled economy: "Why now? We're doing it for the polls," Sestak said.
Sounds like another cynical Washington politician just trying to win re-election, doesn't it?
$50 billion stimulus could be issue in Pennsylvania Senate race - The Hill's Ballot BoxLabels: Arlen Specter, Joe Sestak, Pat Toomey
Hometown Heartbreak for NY Times: Mosque Opposition Spreads to Sophisticated New York City
Pennsylvania Poll Has Pro-Life Candidate Tom Corbett Leading Dan Onorato
Follow me on Twitter
I'm closing in on 1,000 followers on Twitter. If you have a Twitter account, you can follow me at or just click on that blue button on the right side of this blog.
Democrats resort to fear to rally base
Unable to defend the failed polices of Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress, Democratic leaders are trying to scare the Democratic Party base into showing up at the polls on Nov. 2. Except for the professional left, does any Democrat want to see another two years of Obama's radical agenda?
Dem base told: Fear Tea Party -
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pat Toomey: No More Bailouts
Guessing the Trigger Point for a U.S. Debt Crisis
Thanks to Obama's runaway spending, the U.S. is headed for a European-style debt crisis as early as 2015, according to new academic research by Arnold King of George Mason University.
From a recent post by King:
Leading authorities in the United States, including the Congressional Budget Office, use the term unsustainable to describe the long-term fiscal outlook. By the year 2080, spending on entitlements alone could exceed total federal tax revenues. In the very long run (meaning from the year 2035 through 2080), the problem is primarily one of excess costs in health care, meaning the tendency for health spending to grow faster than the rest of GDP. However, in the medium run, meaning from 2010 through 2035, the aging of the U.S. population is the dominant factor.
Guessing the Trigger Point for a U.S. Debt Crisis | Mercatus
New Report Outlines Failures and Problems of Previous Immigration Amnesties
Introducing the Rendell Tax-O-Matic
State Police: Nine Killed, 271 Injured in Labor Day Driving Period Crashes
Best and Worst U.S. Cities to Hail a Taxi Cab
'America at Risk' to Premiere on September 11th
GOP stimulus coming Nov. 2
Monday, September 6, 2010
The USS Obama is sinking
Everyone knows by now that USS Obama is a sinking ship. The question is how many Congressional Democrats will Obama take with him to the bottom of the ocean?
From Rasmussen Reports:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday, Labor Day, shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.
Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters nationwide view President Obama as politically liberal. Republicans and unaffiliated voters see him that way. Democrats are fairly evenly divided. Among those in his own political party, 47% see the president as liberal while 40% view him as a moderate.
Read more poll results below:
Daily Presidential Tracking PollLabels: Barack Obama, Democrats
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Is It Better to Be Loved or Feared?
GOP calls Obama on failed economic policies
Friday, September 3, 2010 exposes Democratic Bailout Baloney
Incumbent Democrats are so desperate to get re-elected this November that they are lying to voters about their record of supporting Obama's big-government, higher-deficit agenda, according to a non-partisan watchdog group that has flagged misleading political ads by several Democrats.
Green Eggs and Ham - 2010 Edition
U.S. Underemployment at 18.6% in August
Obama Coalition Staying Home?
Hillary Clinton For President Ad
Democrats' Death March to November
Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics and a highly respected independent political analyst, has been looking into his crystal ball ... and it's not good news for Democrats.
Writing at his political blog, Sabato's Crystal Ball, he predicts that Republicans will pick up at least 49 House seats (they need 39 for a majority) in the midterm elections. Sabato also predicts Republicans will pick up 8-9 Senate seats (They need 10 for the majority but most pundits have been predicting a pick up of 5-6 seats, so Sabato's analysis leads one to conclude that control of the Senate is in play.)
Sabato also predicts that Republicans will pick up at least 8 governor seats and between 300-500 seats in state legislatures across the country. That's significant because the party that controls state legislatures will have the biggest say in redrawing Congressional and legislative boundaries in 2011. That could help Republican candidates for the next decade.
Here's what Sabato has to say about the House of Representatives:
2010 was always going to be a Republican year, in the midterm tradition. It has simply been a question of degree. Several scenarios were possible, depending in large measure on whether, or how quickly, the deeply troubled American economy recovered from the Great Recession. Had Democratic hopes on economic revitalization materialized, it is easy to see how the party could have used its superior financial resources, combined with the tendency of Republicans in some districts and states to nominate ideological fringe candidates, to keep losses to the low 30s in the House and a handful in the Senate.
But conditions have deteriorated badly for Democrats over the summer. The economy appears rotten, with little chance of a substantial comeback by November 2nd. Unemployment is very high, income growth sluggish, and public confidence quite low. The Democrats’ self-proclaimed “Recovery Summer” has become a term of derision, and to most voters—fair or not—it seems that President Obama has over-promised and under-delivered.
Here is what Sabato has to say about the Senate:
In the Senate, we now believe the GOP will do a bit better than our long-time prediction of +7 seats. Republicans have an outside shot at winning full control (+10), but are more likely to end up with +8 (or maybe +9, at which point it will be interesting to see how senators such as Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, and others react). GOP leaders themselves did not believe such a result was truly possible just a few months ago. If the Republican wave on November 2 is as large as some polls are suggesting it may be, then the surprise on election night could be a full GOP takeover. Since World War II, the House of Representatives has flipped parties on six occasions (1946, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1994, and 2006). Every time, the Senate flipped too, even when it had not been predicted to do so. These few examples do not create an iron law of politics, but they do suggest an electoral tendency.
Read the full analysis at
Sabato's Crystal Ball.
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Republicans
Thursday, September 2, 2010
PA Game Commission to Hold State Game Land Tours for Public
Ranking Our Roads: PA ranks 38 in national survey
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
PA's First Long-term Forest Assessment Finds Challenges Ahead
Gallup: GOP takes 10 point lead in generic congressional ballot
Montgomery County Education Equity Summit Set for Sept. 25
Another Democrat playing games with earmarks
President Obama's Recovery Summer Vacation