Monday, May 31, 2010

Judicial Watch on Joe Sestak Scandal

The non-partisan government watchdog group Judicial Watch is concerned about the pattern of ethical violations by the Obama Administration, leading up to the Joe Sestak bribe offer.

Judicial Watch is demanding the appointment of an independent counsel to investigate the matter.

The group released the following statement:
This latest bribery allegation reflects a disturbing pattern by the Obama White House. We still don't have all the details about involvement of Obama administration officials in the sale of Obama's former Illinois U.S. Senate seat by Rod Blagojevich. And we still don't have answers about the charge that Obama Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina offered a federal job to Colorado Democratic Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff to keep him out of the Senate race. There is also the report that President Obama tried to push disgruntled White House Counsel Greg Craig out of the White House by offering a federal judgeship on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. And now we have Joe Sestak.
Read the full statement at the link below:

Judicial Watch Statement on Sestak Scandal

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The True Meaning of Memorial Day

Friday, May 28, 2010

Gov. Rendell Signs Execution Warrant

Gov. Ed Rendell has signed 104 death warrants since becoming governor in January 2003, but nobody has been executed in Pennsylvania during his tenure as governor.

Governor Rendell Signs Execution Warrant for Jermont Cox


Government Reform Forum at Ursinus College

From the office of Montgomery County state Rep. Mike Vereb:
COLLEGEVILLE — Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery) encourages residents of the 150th Legislative District to attend his Government Reform Forum on Tuesday, June 1, at Ursinus College.

"When I was first elected to the House in 2006, it was on wave of voter outrage over the way things were being done in Harrisburg," Vereb said. "As a member of the Speaker’s Reform Commission last session, I worked hard to reform government operations and make state government more transparent. However, there is still much to be done. This forum will provide constituents with a chance to have an open dialogue with our panel to discuss what's next for the reform movement in Harrisburg and throughout the state. I encourage my constituents to come to the forum and let their ideas and opinions be heard."

A panel of local and county government officials, as well as news reporters who cover the different levels of government, will be on hand to give their view on what government reforms need to be enacted and to answer questions from the audience.

The evening's panelists include: Risa Vetri Ferman, Montgomery County district attorney; Jenny Brown, Lower Merion township commissioner; Stan Huskey, Norristown Times-Herald editor; Tony Phyrillas, Pottstown Mercury city editor; Alex Roarty, PoliticsPA correspondent; and Chris Freind, an independent columnist and investigative reporter based in Philadelphia.

This is an interactive event, with residents encouraged to submit questions for the panelists throughout the evening. Residents who are unable to attend are invited to submit questions for the panelists via Rep. Vereb's Web site,

The event will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Guest should use the Ninth Avenue entrance to enter the Ursinus College campus. Signs will be displayed throughout the campus to direct residents to Kaleidoscope Hall.

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Auditor General Jack Wagner Tells Civil Service Commission to Enforce Veterans Preference Program Provisions

Democratic 'Lost'

Newspaper: Rendell the Ridiculous

From the editorial pages of The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review comes this gem about Pennsylvania's beleaguered governor.
Rendell the Ridiculous

Politicians do say the darnedest things. Witness Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell.

Among the many laughable things Fast Eddie told The Wall Street Journal last week was how he'd sell ObamaCare to voters as an incumbent Democrat congressman:

"You know, in my district, I'd find the first child who took advantage to force an insurance company in September (when insurers will be barred from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions). I might even have a press conference with that child."

In other words, exploit for political gain the first suitable child who's handy. How disgusting.

Having given Dems in general such advice, Rendell said he'd shared with U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak, Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, what sounds like true wisdom: "Stay away from guys like me for a while."

But The Journal saved Rendell's biggest howler for last: "I am a fiscal conservative."

This, despite Pennsylvania's debt rising 78 percent, to $41 billion, in the last eight years -- and state spending per family of four rising by an inflation-adjusted $3,600 during seven years of Democrat budgets.

On second thought, this is no laughing matter. It's cause for tears.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

The far left turns on Obama

Governor Rendell Issues Memorial Day Flag Order

Hoeffel giving up dreams of higher office

After finishing a distant fourth in a four-man race for the Democratic nomination for Pennsylvania governor, Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Hoeffel says he will never run for higher office again (that's the good news) but instead will now concentrate on re-election to his county post in 2011 (that's the bad news).

Under Hoeffel's "leadership," Montgomery County has been beset by a series of ethics scandals and financial woes.

Hoeffel is 0-3 in bids for higher office (U.S. Senate, PA lt. gov, and governor) in his last three statewide elections.

"I'm back as county commissioner, and I have no intention or desire of running statewide again," Hoeffel told reporter Keith Phucas. "I told my wife, I got it out of my system."

Montco voters can finally send Hoeffel packing for good next year.

Read about Hoeffel's re-election plans in the Norristown Times Herald.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Facebook Redesigns Privacy - Again

The Economic Mess in Pictures

If you're still have trouble understanding the enormous damage Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats have done to the U.S. economy, check out the illustrations posted at Jake Towne for Congress.

Towne is an independent candidate for Congress in Pennsylvania's 15th Congressional District.

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Poll: 49% Want Everyone in Congress Kicked Out

While the mainstream media continues to underplay the impact of the tea party movement on American politics and works feverishly to shield the incompetent Obama Administration, more and more Americans are figuring out the only way change will come is to end the Democratic Party stranglehold on Congress this November.

A few highlights from the latest Harris Poll:
There is also a clear feeling of anti-incumbency among the public as half of Americans (49%) say almost everyone in Congress, including their representative should be thrown out, compared to 23% of U.S. adults who say there are a lot of problems in Washington and with the system, but their member of Congress has done a pretty good job and deserves re-election. Over one-quarter (28%) are not sure as to which way they fall on this issue.

One thing that is potentially feeding into this sense of frustration with Congress is listening to and watching the emerging Tea Party supporters around the country. More than four in five Americans (85%) say they are familiar with the Tea Party, up from three-quarters (75%) who said this in March. Among all U.S. adults, almost two in five (38%) say they support the Tea Party Movement while 30% oppose it and 17% are not at all sure. The Tea Party is getting their support from more Republicans than Democrats (70% vs. 14%) but almost half of Independents (45%) say they support the Tea Party.
Read more poll results at the link below:

Two in Five Americans Support the Tea Party, But Just One in Ten Consider Themselves Members

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reading My Teleprompter

Dick Morris: Capitalize on Sestak scandal

Dick Morris writes that Republicans must capitalize from the Joe Sestak claim that the Obama White House offered Sestak a top post to drop out of the race against Arlen Specter. That kind of arm-twisting is a federal crime. Either Sestak is lying or Obama is lying. Either way, it should help Republican Pat Toomey become the next U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania.

Capitalize on Sestak scandal -

Recount expected June 2 in Democratic PA lt. gov race

With just 3,862 votes separating H. Scott Conklin and Jonathan A. Saidel, an automatic recount will be triggered to determine the winner of the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor race in the May 18 primary.

Unofficial Returns Received from Counties in Close Lt. Governor Primary

Rep. Vereb to host Government Reform Forum on June 1 at Ursinus College

From the office of Montgomery County state Rep. Mike Vereb:
COLLEGEVILLE — Rep. Mike Vereb (R-Montgomery) encourages residents of the 150th Legislative District to attend his Government Reform Forum on Tuesday, June 1, at Ursinus College.

"When I was first elected to the House in 2006, it was on wave of voter outrage over the way things were being done in Harrisburg," Vereb said. "As a member of the Speaker’s Reform Commission last session, I worked hard to reform government operations and make state government more transparent. However, there is still much to be done. This forum will provide constituents with a chance to have an open dialogue with our panel to discuss what's next for the reform movement in Harrisburg and throughout the state. I encourage my constituents to come to the forum and let their ideas and opinions be heard."

A panel of local and county government officials, as well as news reporters who cover the different levels of government, will be on hand to give their view on what government reforms need to be enacted and to answer questions from the audience.

The evening's panelists include: Risa Vetri Ferman, Montgomery County district attorney; Jenny Brown, Lower Merion township commissioner; Stan Huskey, Norristown Times-Herald editor; Tony Phyrillas, Pottstown Mercury city editor; Alex Roarty, PoliticsPA correspondent; and Chris Freind, an independent columnist and investigative reporter based in Philadelphia.

This is an interactive event, with residents encouraged to submit questions for the panelists throughout the evening. Residents who are unable to attend are invited to submit questions for the panelists via Rep. Vereb's Web site,

The event will take place from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Guest should use the Ninth Avenue entrance to enter the Ursinus College campus. Signs will be displayed throughout the campus to direct residents to Kaleidoscope Hall.

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Obama's Latest Creation

National Debt Tops $13 Trillion

Another milestone set by the Obama Administration: The Outstanding Public Debt as of May 25, 2010, has topped $13 trillion for the first time, according to the U.S National Debt Clock.

The estimated population of the United States is 308,438,503 so each citizen's share of this debt is $42,156.59, according to the Web site.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $4.12 billion per day since September 28, 2007.

Under Obama, the annual federal budget deficit is more than $1 Trillion a year, so that $13 Trillion will just keep growing.

Heckavu job, Barack.

Keep track of the National Debt Clock here.

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Sestak 'job offer' scandal makes The New York Times

Don't look now, but The New York Times, the official state newspaper of the Obama Regime, is writing about the Joe Sestak "job offer" scandal, in which the Admiral claims the Obama White House offered him a top administration job if he would leave Arlen Specter alone.

Sestak didn't bite and ended up driving Specter into political oblivion in the May 18 Pennsylvania Democratic primary, much to the dismay of Barack Obama, who endorsed Specter.

But there is still that offer of a job in return for a political favor, which apparently is illegal.

From Peter Baker in the NYT:
WASHINGTON — For three months, the White House has refused to say whether it offered a job to Representative Joe Sestak to induce him to drop his challenge to Senator Arlen Specter in a Pennsylvania Democratic primary, as Mr. Sestak has asserted.

But the White House wants everyone who suspects that something untoward, or even illegal, might have happened to rest easy: it still will not reveal what happened, but the White House says it has examined its own actions and decided that it did nothing wrong. Whatever it was that it did.

"Lawyers in the White House and others have looked into conversations that were had with Congressman Sestak," Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said on Sunday on the "Face the Nation" program on CBS. "And nothing inappropriate happened."

"Improper or not, did you offer him a job in the administration?" asked the host, Bob Schieffer.

"I'm not going to get further into what the conversations were," Mr. Gibbs replied. "People that have looked into them assure me that they weren’t inappropriate in any way."

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the "trust us" response from the White House has not exactly put the matter to rest. Though Mr. Sestak stayed in the race, and defeated Mr. Specter in the primary last Tuesday, the questions have returned with intensity and remain unanswered. Mr. Gibbs deflected questions about the matter 13 times at a White House news briefing last Thursday, while Mr. Sestak reaffirmed his assertion without providing any specifics about what the offer was or who made it.

"I was offered a job," he said on Sunday on the "Meet the Press" program on NBC. Asked if the post was secretary of the Navy, as many people in Washington assume since Mr. Sestak is a retired admiral, the candidate refused to say. "Anything that goes beyond that is for others to talk about," he said.

Republicans have happily pounced on the situation to undercut Mr. Sestak. "Nearly 100 days after he told voters about the alleged bribe that he received from the Obama administration, Joe Sestak owes Pennsylvanians a full explanation about this potentially illegal activity," said Amber Marchand, spokeswoman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Read the full story, "For Sestak Matter, a 'Trust Us' Response From White House," at the newspaper's Web site.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

2010 Pennsylvania Fair Guide Offers Affordable Destinations for Families

Free 'I Served-Vietnam' Stickers Roll Into D.C. to Honor Veterans

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt

Mercury staffers win press awards

Staff members of The Mercury were among newspaper employees across Pennsylvania honored recently with awards at the Pennsylvania News Conference in Harrisburg.

Award recipients from The Mercury included (pictured above): Evan Brandt, Brandie Kessler, Nancy March, Tony Phyrillas, along with Carl Hessler Jr. and John Strickler.

Read more about the awards at the newspaper's Web site.


Finding Nemo 2

Governor Rendell Announces Nominations

Politicians in Congress should serve you, not rich contributors

Former U.S. Sens. Warren Rudman and Tim Wirth talk about the need for campaign finance reform in an excellent op-ed published by The Christian Science Monitor.

From their column:
The good news is that a bipartisan proposal to do just that is gaining momentum in Washington. The "Fair Elections Now Act" has gained the support of at least 170 members of Congress. Under such reform, candidates who reach a reasonable threshold of small constituent donations would qualify for federal matching funds to run competitive campaigns, regardless of wealth and connections.

At less than $6 per citizen per year, this approach could save billions in public funds over the long-term as incumbents no longer feel the pressure to approve wasteful spending programs backed by their contributors.
Read the full column at the link below:

Politicians in Congress should serve you, not rich contributors -

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GOP picks up Hawaii Congressional seat

A Republican winning a Congressional seat in Hawaii? This is almost as big as Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts.

Republican Djou wins Hawaii special - Alex Isenstadt -

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Friday, May 21, 2010

The Greecing of America, Simplified

Pennsylvania Unemployment Stays At 9%

Pennsylvania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 9.0 percent in April, remaining unchanged from the March rate.

Pennsylvania's Employment Situation: April

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3 in 5 Americans Give Obama Negative Job Ratings

Only 42% of Americans surveyed say Barack Obama is doing a good job as president, according to the latest Harris Poll.

Three in Five Americans Give President Obama Negative Job Ratings


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gerlach slams Trivedi for 'recycled attacks'

Manan Trivedi has never held political office and it's beginning to show. Trivedi, the surprise winner in Tuesday's Democratic primary, better get up to speed if he intends to give U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach a legitimate run for Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District seat.

Gerlach is a seasoned pro when it comes to campaigning, having fought back tough Democratic opponents in all four of his Congressional runs.

Trivedi at least has to get his facts straight before criticizing Gerlach. Claiming Gerlach supported the Iraq War when Gerlach wasn't even in Congress when the vote was taken is an amateurish mistake.

Trivedi also needs to find out more about his opponent's voting record before recycling Democratic Party talking points that previous opponents attempted to use against the moderate Republican.

For example, linking Gerlach to George W. Bush was tried unsuccessfully by losing Democratic challengers Lois Murphy in 2004 and 2006 and Bob Roggio in 2008.

It's time for Trivedi to come up with some new material.

From the Jim Gerlach for Congress campaign:
Manan Trivedi, far-left liberal for Congress, yesterday ignored the clear facts while attacking Congressman Gerlach for voting to send U.S. troops into Iraq. The problem for Trivedi is that Jim had not even been elected to Congress on October 10, 2002 when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to authorize President Bush to use military force against Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. While Jim was not in Congress when an overwhelming majority of Republicans and Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and then-Senator Joe Biden authorized sending troops into Iraq, Gerlach has been a strong supporter of our military to ensure they have the resources, funding and equipment to complete their mission.

"It's a new year, a new face, but the same old recycled attacks from a liberal Democrat so out of touch with the families, small business owners and seniors in our district that he has to resort to distorting the truth," said Gerlach Spokesman Mark Campbell. "It's pretty clear that Mr. Trivedi is following exactly the same failed script, with the same failed attacks that voters in our district have turned their backs on time and time again. The only thing new about Mr. Trivedi is the record-time it took him to ignore the facts."

Additionally, as Mr. Trivedi predictably dragged out the tired attack lines against George Bush, as well as comments made in today's Daily Local News stating the "Jim Gerlach votes with blinders on and in lockstep with the Republican Party," Trivedi ignores the fact that Jim has a long documented record of being one of the most independent Republicans in Washington. As an example, National Journal identified Jim as one of the "centrists" in the US House of Representatives (2/27/10).

"What we didn't hear from Mr. Trivedi was any push-back on the far-left policies he has publicly supported which our campaign outlined yesterday. That's because he is in full agreement with the misguided, big government agenda of the far-left and MoveOn. No wonder he wants to talk about George Bush - once voters understand the far-left policies he supports, his campaign will collapse before it even gets started," added Campbell. "Again, Trivedi's belief that the government didn't go far enough in taking over our health care system, his support of amnesty for illegal immigrants, and pledging never to be a part of the moderate Blue Dog Democrat coalition in Congress means this tax-and-spend liberal is way out-of-step with this district and unelectable in November."

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Arlen Specter Lands New Job

National Missing Children's Day is May 25

Change boomerangs on Obama

Change is Barack Obama's political calling card and the fuel that propelled his never-waste-a-crisis agenda — but change is boomeranging big time on the president in a turbulent and unpredictable 2010.

For the first time since he emerged as a national political figure six years ago, Obama finds himself on the wrong side of the change equation — the status quo side — with challengers in both parties running against him, his policies or his handpicked candidates.

Tea party conservative Rand Paul romped in the GOP Kentucky Senate primary by pledging to overturn virtually every major Obama initiative. And both Pennsylvania’s Joe Sestak, who knocked off a Democratic incumbent, and Bill Halter of Arkansas, who forced another one into a runoff, were spurned by Obama despite running on throw-the-bums-out platforms that could have been lifted from the president’s 2008 playbook.
Read the full story at the link below:

Change boomerangs on President Obama - Glenn Thrush -

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Real Joe Sestak

The clear choice for Pennsylvania's next U.S. Senator is Pat Toomey. Find out more at Toomey's campaign Web site.

Rendell blames Specter loss on 'rain'

Ed Rendell actually blamed Arlen Specter's defeat in Tuesday's Democratic Primary on bad weather that kept Philadelphia voters from going to the polls.

From The New York Times:
"The rain killed Arlen," Mr. Rendell said dejectedly. "Whatever chance he had went down with the rain."
It's a shame Rendell isn't on the ballot this year. Voters would like to send a message to this clueless career politician.


FRC Action: Elena Kagan's Pro-Abortion Record Is Far Outside the Mainstream

Bailing Out on Rendell

With the clock ticking down on the failed Rendell Administration, more of his top aides and cabinet officials will bail out for lucrative jobs in the private sector.

Governor Rendell Announces Resignation of Secretary of the Commonwealth Pedro A. Cortes

The American Legion to Congress: Don't Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Activists seize control of politics

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Specter Out! Obama losing streak continues!

The Associated Press has called the Democratic Party primary in Pennsylvania for U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak over incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter.

This was the most watched race in the country on Tuesday as voters continued to punish incumbents for the many failures of Washington. It also marks another humiliating defeat for President Obama, who endorsed Specter.

From the wire service:
U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter has been defeated in a Pennsylvania primary in his bid for a sixth term after taking the risky step of switching to the Democratic Party.

Voters Tuesday picked U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak as the party's nominee and rejected the 80-year-old Specter in his first Democratic campaign.

With 65 percent of precincts reporting, Sestak received 339,402 votes, nearly 53 percent. Specter received 304,179 votes, about 47 percent.

The vote also was a defeat for President Barack Obama, who supported Specter when he abandoned the Republican Party last year.

The moderate Specter cast his switch as a decision of principle after inflaming the GOP by voting for Obama's economic stimulus bill. But many Democratic voters questioned his motives.

Sestak faces Republican Pat Toomey in the fall election.

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Video: Even Democrats Know Onorato Will Raise Taxes

The Primary Election results are still being counted, but the Republican Governor's Association has already launched an attack on Democrat Dan Onorato, who like his mentor Ed Rendell, has a history of raising taxes.

Pennsylvania voters tonight selected Attorney General Tom Corbett as the Republican nominee for governor and Dan Onorato as the Democratic nominee. Tim Murtaugh, spokesman for the Republican Governors Association, today issued the following statement.

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Corbett vs. Onorato for PA Governor

The next governor of Pennsylvania will come from the western end of the state.

The Associated Press has declared Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato the Democratic Party nominee over three challengers. Onorato will face Attorney General Tom Corbett, who easily defeated Berks County state Rep. Sam Rohrer to capture the GOP nomination.

From The Associated Press:
Dan Onorato, a county executive from western Pennsylvania, has won a four-way race for the Democratic nomination for governor.

Onorato, the highest elected official in Allegheny County, had 44 percent of the vote with returns Tuesday night from one-third of the state's 9,233 precincts.

Each of the other candidates had 25 percent or less. They are state Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams of Philadelphia, state Auditor General Jack Wagner of Pittsburgh and Joe Hoeffel, a suburban Philadelphia county commissioner.


PA GOP: Mark Critz Illegally Campaigning Inside Polling Locations

The heated race to replace the late John Murtha continues to draw controversy even on Primary Election Day.

Pennsylvania Republican officials say that the Democratic candidate, former Murtha aide Mark Critz, broke state election laws by campaigning inside a polling location.

The Republican Party of Pennsylvania even submitted the photo of Critz inside a polling location in the 12th Congressional District.

From a PA GOP press release:
HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Spokesman Mike Barley released the following statement regarding Democratic Congressional candidate Mark Critz campaigning inside polling places in Cambria County.

"I guess Mark Critz has picked up some pointers from President Barack Obama, namely Chicago-style politics," Barley said. "Reports have come in from voters who have seen Mark Critz showing up and campaigning inside a number of polling locations all over Cambria County."

"Get out of the polls Mark! Your presence breaks the law, intimidates voters and election workers and could influence the outcome of this election.

"If Mark Critz refuses to follow the law as a candidate, how can we trust him to represent the people of the 12th Congressional District in Pennsylvania? There is no room for these types of Chicago-style politics in southwestern Pennsylvania."

Democratic Congressional candidate Mark Critz was spotted campaigning inside a number of Westmont polling locations in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

According to the Pennsylvania Election Code, 25 P.S. Section 3060, campaigning inside the polling place is illegal.

(C) No person, when within the polling place, shall electioneer or solicit votes for any political party, political body or candidate, nor shall any written or printed matter be posted up within the said room, except as required by this act.


Pennsylvania Recognizes 11 People and Places with New Historical Markers

The L-Word

New Survey Shows Most People Don't Plan to Die

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Dismal turnout in Berks

I voted around 1 p.m. today and I was the only person at my polling site. I did see another voter coming in as I was leaving, but turnout appears to be as dismal as the weather.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Poll: Majority in PA favor Arizona-style immigration law

This could be good news for state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the arch-conservative from western Pennsylvania seeking the Republican Party nomination for Lt. Governor in Tuesday's Primary Election.

A new poll released by Scott Rasmussen says nearly 6 in 10 Pennsylvania voters support tougher immigration laws patterned after Arizona. Metcalfe has proposed enacting similar immigration legislation in Pennsylvania.

From Rasmussen Reports:
Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Likely Pennsylvania Voters favor a law like the one recently adopted in Arizona that authorizes local police to check the immigration status of individuals they stop, according to a recent Rasmussen Reports telephone survey. Thirty-two percent (32%) oppose such a law.

These numbers are roughly in line with the national average.

But 54% of Pennsylvania voters are at least somewhat concerned that a law like Arizona's, which critics view as racial profiling, will violate the civil rights of some U.S. citizens. Forty-three percent (43%) don't share that concern.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters in Pennsylvania was conducted on May 6, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports.

In Pennsylvania, 68% of likely voters believe in a welcoming immigration policy that keeps out only “national security threats, criminals and those who would come here to live off our welfare system.” Just 20% disagree with a policy like this, while 12% are undecided.

Republicans support the tougher policy against illegal immigrants more than Democrats and voters not affiliated with either party.
Read more poll results at Rasmussen Reports.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Help put Uncle Sam on a diet

Help put Uncle Sam on a diet. Vote on spending cuts you want Congress to enact. For more information, click here.

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Special interests pour cash into Pennsylvania race

All eyes will be on Pennsylvania Tuesday as a Republican could win the late John Murtha's Congressional seat (and Sen. Arlen Specter could be tossed out by voters). Now that's what I call change.

Special interests pour cash into Pennsylvania race - Jonathan Martin and Alex Isenstadt -


Pennsylvania Freedom Foundation endorses Rohrer, Diamond

The Pennsylvania Freedom Foundation today announced its unanimous support for two candidates in the May 18 Republican Primary: Sam Rohrer for Governor and Russ Diamond for Lt. Governor.

"These two candidates represent the true spirit of reform desperately needed here in Pennsylvania," said Foundation spokesperson Tom Lingenfelter. "We believe Rohrer and Diamond best represent the unique and historic mandate of our Constitutional government to defend, preserve, and promote personal freedom and responsibility. Anything less, or anything else is bad government."

Read the full release at the link below:

Pennsylvania Freedom Foundation Endorses Rohrer and Diamond

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Sam Rohrer: Will You Stand With Me?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taxpayer groups back Rohrer, Wagner for PA governor

From the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition, which represents 36 grassroots taxpayer groups working for the elimination of school property taxes in the Keystone State:
The time for choosing has arrived! This Tuesday, May 18, is the date for the Pennsylvania primary election.

As you know, the Pennsylvania Taxpayers Cyber Coalition (PTCC) and The Pennsylvania Coalition of Taxpayer Associations (PCTA) have endorsed Sam Rohrer for Governor because of his unwavering efforts for property tax elimination and his promise to accomplish this if elected. PLEASE be sure to vote for Sam on May 18 if you’re a registered Republican. I know that many of you have changed your party affiliation so you can vote for Sam and your help is greatly appreciated.

If you're a Democrat, please consider voting for Jack Wagner for Governor. His stance on property tax elimination is not nearly as definitive as Sam's but at a gubernatorial forum in Hershey a few weeks ago he said about property taxes, "Sam Rohrer has some great ideas and it's really time to listen to him." This is more than any of the other Democratic candidates have offered and it's great to hear a possible Democratic opponent considering Sam's plan.

All 203 seats in the PA House of Representatives are up for grabs as well, although there are not very many primary election contests. If you live in a district where there is a primary opponent, please do some research before you vote to determine who supports property tax elimination. Remember, "relief" and "reform" are not what you want to hear. ELIMINATION is the only acceptable word!

One last note on the election: This Saturday, May 15, at 10:00 AM, Sam Rohrer will be having a rally on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg with country music star Aaron Tippin. It's going to be a great event, the weather forecast is for a beautiful day and a huge showing should get lots of media attention, so please attend, bring some friends, and help to swell the crowd! There will be buses available from some areas to make transportation simple. Details of the rally are here: It's free!

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Liberty Institute Says 'Stop Rewriting History'

Who's responsible for this mess?

Tea Party PAC Endorses Jim Gerlach for Congress

Four-term U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach is considered a moderate Republican, but he has the right stuff, according to the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, which has endorsed Gerlach in Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District.

The PAC is supporting Gerlach because it says he shares the group's goals of fighting against big government, new spending and higher taxes.

From a press released issued today:
(Philadelphia, PA) -- The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC has voted unanimously to endorse Republican Congressman Jim Gerlach in the Republican Primary for Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District, a seat he has held since 2002.

Don Adams, President of the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC said, "We appreciate Congressman Gerlach's commitment to limited government and fiscal responsibility, as evidenced by his votes against ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, and the so-called "Stimulus Bills."

The PAC's Board of Directors weighed the platform, credibility, and viability of the primary candidates and voted, without dissent, to endorse Congressman Gerlach.

The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC, formed in February, 2009, is one of only seven federally registered Tea Party PACs in the nation.

The PAC's Board is comprised of representatives from 15 Congressional Districts in the tri-state (PA, NJ, DE) region.

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PennDOT Offers Safety Tips After Bicyclist Deaths Rose in 2009

Times Square Bomber's Immigration History

Governor Rendell Announces Nominations, Appointments

FCC Considers Preventions for Cell Phone 'Bill Shock'

Send In The Clowns

National Dog Bite Prevention Week

Poll: Vast Majority Approve of Arizona Immigration Laws

Despite what you hear from the corrupt liberal media, a majority of Americans approve of the tougher immigration laws adopted by Arizona in the face of the federal government's inaction to control the U.S. border with Mexico.

From a new Pew Research Center survey:
The public broadly supports a new Arizona law aimed at dealing with illegal immigration and the law’s provisions giving police increased powers to stop and detain people who are suspected of being in the country illegally.

Fully 73% say they approve of requiring people to produce documents verifying their legal status if police ask for them. Two-thirds (67%) approve of allowing police to detain anyone who cannot verify their legal status, while 62% approve of allowing police to question people they think may be in the country illegally.

After being asked about the law's provisions, 59% say that, considering everything, they approve of Arizona's new illegal immigration law while 32% disapprove.
Read the full survey at the Pew Center Web site.

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Kagan: Speech is free if government decides it has more value than 'societal costs'

We're learning more about Elena Kagan and it's not pretty. And I'm not referring to the fact that she looks like Kevin James in drag.

Barack Obama has tapped another far-left radical who has never read the U.S. Constitution for the Supreme Court.

Freedom of speech doesn't really mean freedom of speech in Ms. Kagan's world.

To quote Ms. Kagan: "Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs."

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Kagan: Speech is free if government decides it has more value than 'societal costs' | Washington Examiner

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Video: The Truth About Dan Onorato

Absentee Ballots for Primary Election Due Friday

American Legion Says Vets' Job Preference 'Ignored By Numerous Agencies'

Obama deficit sets all-time record

The federal budget deficit hit an all-time high for the month of April, reports Martin Crutsinger of The Associated Press.

The Treasury Department said Wednesday the April deficit soared to $82.7 billion, the largest imbalance for that month on record, according to the wire service.

That was significantly higher than last year's April deficit of $20 billion and above the $30 billion deficit private economists had anticipated, Crutsinger notes.

More from The Associated Press:
The government normally runs surpluses in April as millions of taxpayers file their income tax returns. However, income tax payments were down this April, reflecting the impact of a severe recession which has pushed millions of people out of work.

Revenues for April were down 7.9 percent from a year ago, dipping to $245.3 billion.

That decline included a fall in individual income tax payments. That reflected not only the impact of millions of people out of work but also tax relief provided through the economic stimulus program that Congress passed in February 2009.

The back-to-back deficits in April marked a first, according to monthly budget records that go back to 1954. During that period, the government has run April surpluses in 43 of 56 years.

Through the first seven months of the current budget year, which began on Oct. 1, the deficit totals $799.7 billion, down only slightly from last year's deficit during the same period of $802.3 billion.

The Obama administration is forecasting that the deficit for this year will hit an all-time high of $1.56 trillion, surpassing the current record of $1.4 trillion set last year. However, many private economists believe this year's imbalance will be closer to the $1.4 trillion set last year.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

War Memorial Torn Down by Vandals!

Sounds like another hate crime by the far left.

War Memorial Torn Down by Vandals!


PA State Police Make Record Number of DUI Arrests in 2009

Islamic Terminology Banned From Times Square Bomber Investigation?

Columnist: The welfare state's death spiral

Robert J. Samuelson, writing in The Washington Post, warns Barack Obama and his socialist administration that the collapse of the Greek economy should be a lesson for the United States.

From Samuelson's latest:
What we're seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state. This isn't Greece's problem alone, and that's why its crisis has rattled global stock markets and threatens economic recovery. Virtually every advanced nation, including the United States, faces the same prospect. Aging populations have been promised huge health and retirement benefits, which countries haven't fully covered with taxes. The reckoning has arrived in Greece, but it awaits most wealthy societies.

Americans dislike the term "welfare state" and substitute the bland word "entitlements." Vocabulary doesn't alter the reality. Countries cannot overspend and overborrow forever. By delaying hard decisions about spending and taxes, governments maneuver themselves into a cul-de-sac. To be sure, Greece's plight is usually described as a European crisis -- especially for the euro, the common money used by 16 countries -- and this is true. But only to a point.
Read the full column at the newspaper's Web site.

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Letter Carriers Food Drive Tops 1 Billion Pounds in 18 Years of Helping to 'Stamp Out Hunger'

The Amazing Onorato

Also check out Dan's Land Of Make Believe, an anti-Onorato blog that launched in March.

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Newspaper: Elect Tim Burns in 12th Congressional Dist.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is urging voters in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District to elect Republican Tim Burns to fill the unexpired term of the late Jack Murtha. Sending Burns to Congress would be Pennsylvania's equivalent of electing Scott Brown to the Senate seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy.

In the 12th & 4th: Burns & Rothfus - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Toomey earns endorsement of 3 major newspapers

Republican Pat Toomey continues to collect endorsements for the upcoming May 18 primary.

Three major Pennsylvania newspapers - the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Harrisburg Patriot-News and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - recommended Toomey election in weekend editorials.

From the Patriot-News endorsement:
Toomey believes strongly that what unites Republicans in Pennsylvania and much of the country is push back against big government and continued overspending.

His track record backs that up. He was a three-term congressman representing the 15th District, which covers most of the Lehigh Valley and beyond to all of Northampton and parts of Berks and Montgomery counties. During that time he voted against his party and the Bush administration on the farm bill and Medicare expansion. He also was a vocal critic of the financial bailout, believing the government should have let the giant American insurance company AIG fail instead of propping it up with billions in financial support.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

From the ultra-liberal Post-Gazette:
He is socially conservative, doesn't like taxes, believes strongly in the free market, opposes excessive government spending, including taxpayer-funded bailouts and is against what he terms the government-controlled health care plan that recently became law.

The Post-Gazette endorses Pat Toomey as the best choice to carry forward Republican hopes for a Senate seat.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

From the Tribune-Review editorial:
Simply put, Toomey's conservative credentials are rock solid and he's a voice of economic sanity so rare in politics today.

Republicans should do on May 18 what they should have done in 2004 -- make Pat Toomey Pennsylvania's Republican nominee to the U.S. Senate.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.

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Feed Off The Crisis

Judicial Watch Opposes Kagan for Supreme Court

'Mental Health Month' Blog Party

Anti-Military Views Place Elena Kagan Well Outside the American Mainstream

Columnist: Tired of Rendell, the 'Tax King'

Brad Bumsted says Pennsylvania is tired of Ed Rendell and his never-ending calls for more taxes. State spending has increased by more than $8 billion under Rendell, but he is leaving office with a $4.25 billion budget deficit. Where did all that money go?

From his latest column in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Like a bad dream, Rendell is back for another bite out of taxpayers' wallets before leaving office in January.

He's never met a tax he didn't like. And he has quite a few dangling out there now -- from taxes on oil company profits, natural gas and smokeless tobacco, to higher gasoline taxes and driver's license fees, to an expanded state sales tax. Such hikes are supposed to address a projected $1.3 billion budget shortfall and a stated $3.5 billion annual need to repair roads and bridges. On transportation issues, Rendell would say he is just throwing them out for lawmakers to consider.
Read the full column at the link below:

Tired of the 'Tax King' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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Tale of two tough mudders

Two of my colleagues at The Mercury, Brandie Kessler and Diane Hoffman, recently competed in the Tough Mudder endurance challenge last week at Bear Creek Mountain Resort.

Honestly, how bad could it have been? I heard 8 out of 10 contestants were men.

Check out their first-hand account of surviving the event at the link below.

Tale of two tough mudders - The Mercury: (

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Bias on immigration coverage?

Newspaper: PA should follow Arizona's lead

A Pittsburgh newspaper says Pennsylvania should follow the lead of Arizona and crack down on illegal aliens. Let the debate begin!

The Metcalfe proposal: The time has come - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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U.S. jobless rate jumps to 9.9%

Despite some positive signs on the job front, the U.S. unemployment rate was up in April from 9.7% to 9.9% as the Obama Recession continues.

U.S. adds 290,000 jobs in April; jobless rate 9.9% Economic Report - MarketWatch

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The Florida Panhandle

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Columnist: The Jihadists' Deadly Path To Citizenship

It's no coincidence that terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have increased since Obama took office. Our enemies sense Obama's weakness and will exploit it. So far, they've failed to kill any of us. But a terrorist only has to get lucky once.

Michelle Malkin exposes one of the many weaknesses Obama has failed to address.

From her latest column:
America's homeland-security amnesia never ceases to amaze.

In the aftermath of the botched Times Square terror attack over the weekend, Pakistani-born bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad's U.S. citizenship status caused a bit of shock and awe. The Atlantic magazine writer Jeffrey Goldberg's response was typical:

"I am struck by the fact that he is a naturalized American citizen, not a recent or temporary visitor."

Well, wake up and smell the deadly deception.

Shahzad's path to American citizenship — he reportedly married an American woman, Huma Mian, in 2008 after spending a decade in the country on foreign student and employment visas — is a tried-and-true terror formula.

Jihadists have been gaming the sham marriage racket with impunity for years. And immigration benefit fraud has provided invaluable cover and aid for U.S.-based Islamic plotters, including many other operatives planning attacks on New York City. As I've reported previously.
Read the full column at the link below:

The Jihadists' Deadly Path To Citizenship -

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2 Weeks After Censoring 'South Park,' Comedy Central Debuts Cartoon Jesus Show

Video: We're A Nation of Prayer

UNITEPA endorses Rohrer for PA governor

A coalition of grassroots political activists has endorsed Berks County state Rep. Sam Rohrer for governor of Pennsylvania.

UNITEPA is a non-partisan grassroots organization comprised of five Pennsylvania chapters in Lancaster, Reading/Berks, South Eastern PA Region, Pottstown and Chester County with more than 1,000 members.

The groups are "dedicated to upholding the principles and values set forth by our Founding Fathers" and have vetted each gubernatorial candidate in accordance with those principles and values, according to a UNITEPA press release.

More from the group's endorsement of Rohrer, a Republican challenging Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett for the Republican nomination on May 18:
It has become crystal clear to UNITEPA, that Rep. Sam Rohrer, a true constitutional conservative, is the only gubernatorial Candidate that reflects our principles and values. He is the epitome of what our Founding Fathers and William Penn envisioned when they passed the baton onto the next generation of statesmen. This is an opportunity for Pennsylvania to finally see the return of a "culture of honor and integrity". Rohrer has been a humble servant to the people of Pennsylvania for over 18 years, and has a Constitutional voting record of over 20,000 votes. He wholeheartedly supports the second amendment, personal privacy rights, the 10th amendment, and the elimination of school property tax. He is a champion for the 'right to life', religious freedom, the expansion of school choice and is a sponsor for the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment.

UNITEPA's mission statement is "To educate and motivate voters to affect elections, preserve the principles and values set forth by America's founding documents and uphold the ideals of our Founding Fathers." We have educated and motivated voters and upheld the ideals of our founding fathers - it is time to affect elections by making a choice for Governor, before the choice is made for us!

This decision to "come out of the political closet" was not taken lightly as many of us are simply just concerned citizens moving into the political spectrum. But our hope is that by UNITEPA spearheading this endorsement effort, other Grassroots organization will follow suit. We are in a 'Freedom Recession' and this election is about Freedom, Liberty and Truth. With the encroachment and commandeering of the Federal Government on our Commonwealth, we have to elect a Governor that has conviction in what he/she believes. They must have humility, integrity, honor, good judgement and believe in personal responsibility. Sam Rohrer represents those values.
UNITPA goes on to say that its endorsement is a 'Principled Statement' - not a financial endorsement on behalf of the organization. "We have asked our members to support Sam Rohrer as individual citizens for the survival of our Constitution through financial contributions to his campaign and volunteering."

For more on Rohrer, visit his campaign Web site at

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Auditor General Jack Wagner Says Taxpayers on Hook For Lost Transportation Funds from Interest-Rate Swaps

Legislators Urge Governors to Withdraw From Regional Climate Initiative

Governor Rendell Announces Nominations, Appointments

Your tax dollars at work

I just came across this item from a recent column by Peggy Gibbons of The Doylestown Intelligencer and I had to share:
State Rep. Tom Murt, R-152nd Dist., has gone Hollywood.

Why else would Murt, as a member of the state House Republican Policy Committee, host a hearing on the state's child labor laws and how they relate to film and television production?

What a waste of time.

Just how many kids from the Hatboro area are appearing in these realty shows?

Could it be that the hearing, with a former child actor and relatives of the infamous Jon and Kate Gosselin as witnesses, was designed to boost Murt's recognition in this re-election year?

When are these folks going to learn that they should focus on real issues such as the budget, taxes, jobs and health care rather than signing proclamations for National Moose Month or holding hearings on issues having minimum impact on their constituents?
Another great example of why we have too many legislators who have too little to do in Pennsylvania.

Read Gibbons full column at the newspaper's Web site.

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Toomey family welcomes baby boy!

Something tells me this is going to be a good year for Pat Toomey.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey and his wife, Kris, welcomed a new addition to the family on Tuesday.

From a Toomey for Senate press release:
Allentown – Last night, at 11:45 P.M., U.S. Senate candidate Pat Toomey's wife, Kris, gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Duncan Olin Toomey was born 2 weeks early and weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Both mother and baby are doing well.

Duncan is Kris Toomey's maiden name and Olin is a family name from Kris' side.

Mr. Toomey has canceled all his campaign events for today, including two editorial boards, and will be taking a short respite from the campaign trail to spend some time with his wife and three children. Pat and Kris have two other children, Bridget, 9, and Patrick, 8.

Mr. Toomey issued the following statement: "This is a very happy and exciting time for our family. There's nothing quite like the birth of a child to focus one’s attention on what really matters most in life. Both Kris and Duncan are doing very well. Duncan is a bundle of joy, and he is already being doted upon by his brother and sister. Kris and I are very grateful for all the well wishes we've received from so many people and look forward to being back on the campaign trail soon."


Judicial Watch Announces a Special Presentation: 'Is Obamacare Constitutional?'

Auditor General Jack Wagner Says Department of Health Failed to Oversee HIV/AIDS Prevention Money

Little sympathy for fan who ran onto field

There is little sympathy for the teen who ran onto the field at Monday's Philadelphia Phillies game only to be brought down by a Taser fired by a Philly police officer.

The vast majority of readers voting at The Mercury's Web site (nearly 8 in 10) say the teen deserved what he got.

Here's the question and the results so far.
Do you think the Boyertown teen should have been tasered for running onto the field during the Phillies' game?

Yes, he violated the rules, he deserved it. (78%)

No, it was excessive. (22%)

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Great moment in opportunism

The Washington think tank industry has launched a thousand blue-ribbon commissions and furrowed-brow panels to brood over the public's loss of trust in government and its leaders. Why are people so cynical?

Last week, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist raised his hand with the answer.

It turns out that one big reason people assume that politicians are slippery opportunists whose words can't be trusted is that many of them are slippery opportunists whose words can't be trusted.
Read the full article at the link below:

Great moments in opportunism - James Hohmann and John F. Harris -

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Video: How NOT to Profile

Newspaper: Gulf spill is Obama's Katrina

As the Gulf Coast braced for an ecological disaster, President Obama yukked it up with White House correspondents, notes Investor's Business Daily, adding that Obama's Saturday radio address didn't even mention the oil spill. "President Bush, call your office."

Exhibit A in the latest case of liberal media bias is the free pass Obama and his administration have received following the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

From an editorial in Investor's Business Daily:
Rarely has media sycophancy been on such sharp display as in the largely indifferent response to President Obama's own indifference to the oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The coverage has been far different from that given to President Bush's handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Other than mobilize the resources of the federal government, there's little the president personally could have done. But words are important, Obama has said, and pictures are worth thousands of words. We remember President Reagan's stirring words and the images of a nation comforted after the Challenger disaster. We will not remember the jokes at Saturday's correspondents dinner.

We also remember the harsh and largely unwarranted criticism of President Bush after Hurricane Katrina, although the state of Louisiana and the city of New Orleans, both governed by Democrats, dropped the ball as first and primary responders.

During his presidential campaign, Obama vowed that the federal government would never again let the residents of the Gulf Coast down, a pointed rehash of criticism that the Bush administration had been slow to respond to Katrina. On this vow, the jury is still out.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says it could be 90 days before a relief well is completed to address the Gulf spill. Nearly two weeks after the oil rig exploded, Obama appears at the site of a disaster not yet under control. Heckuva job, Mr. President.
Read the full editorial, "Obama's Katrina," at the newspaper's Web site.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April Slot Machine Revenue Up 30% Over Previous Year

Another Uncontrollable Spill

There may be another mess that Barack Obama has no means of cleaning up.

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PA warns of Obamacare scams

Al Gore Gets Rich From Global Warming

The global warming hoax has its rewards ... for has-been politicians like Al Gore.

Stunning Pictures of Al Gore's New $9 Million Mansion Media Totally Ignored |

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PA Absentee Ballot Deadline is May 11

Metcalfe pitches 'Arizona-style' immigration law in Pennsylvania

A state representative from western Pennsylvania, who is also running for Lt. Gov., wants to crack down on illegal immigration in the Keystone State.

Metcalfe pitches 'Arizona-style' immigration law in Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Video: Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Says 'Find Us Before We Find You'

New Study Outlines $3.5 Billion Annual Funding Gap for Transportation

What's this? Pennsylvania needs to come up with $3.5 billion to fund transportation projects? How can this be? Gov. Ed Rendell promised the state's transportation funding needs were taken care of when he signed Act 44 into law in 2007? Would "Fast Eddie" lie to the taxpayers of Pennsylvania?

New Study Outlines $3.5 Billion Annual Funding Gap for Transportation

Cyrano Onorato fudges

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review columnist Colin McNickle says Democrat Dan Onorato will say anything to get elected governor of Pennsylvania, regardless of how far from the truth it is.

Cyrano Onorato fudges - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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Pawlenty Co-Chairs U.S. Chamber's Bipartisan Governors Summit on Job Creation

Apple Sells One Million iPads

Recession? What recession?

Apple Sells One Million iPads

Rendell Budget Shortfall Reaches $1.1 Billion

It's officially time to panic.

When the March tax revenue collection numbers were released showing a $243 million shortfall, Gov. Ed Rendell said there was no need to panic. The numbers in April, which is one of the best months for tax revenues, would rebound, Rendell promised.

This is what Rendell said after the March numbers were released and the state's budget shortfall reached $719 million.

"With the significant revenue month of April just ahead, it is important to wait and see how the major tax category collections come in before we make assumptions about end-of-year revenues," Rendell said. "At this point it would be premature to deviate from the plan that I have already presented to balance the budget.

Well, the April numbers were released Monday ... and it's worse than anyone anticipated.

When it comes to fiscal matters, Rendell couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.

Pennsylvania collected $2.9 billion in General Fund revenue in April, which was $390 million, or 11.8 percent, less than anticipated, according to Secretary of Revenue C. Daniel Hassell.

Fiscal year-to-date General Fund collections total $22.8 billion, which is $1.1 billion, or 4.6 percent, below estimate, Russell reports.

Rendell was conspicuously silent after the release of the April numbers, leaving it to his underlings to explain how screwed up things are in the state.

"Revenues continued to deteriorate during the major tax collection month of April," Budget Secretary Mary Soderberg said in a press release. "We will have to develop options to address the shortfall to be able to enact a balanced budget for FY2010-11. It will require difficult choices by all involved in state government,"

Grasping for straws, Hassell and Soderberg pointed out that $100 million the state had budgeted to receive by April from casino operators for one-time table games license fees was not yet submitted, but should arrive by June 1, as required by statute.

That makes the $390 million April shortfall and the $1.1 billion year-to-date figure appear worse than they actually are by $100 million. The state faces at least a $1 billion deficit for the 2009-10 fiscal year, according to the dynamic duo.

How bad is the Rendell Administration's math?

In February, the year-end deficit was projected to reach $525 million. Two months later, the year-to-date shortfall (not counting the expected table games fees) is $1 billion.

Pennsylvania finished the 2008-09 fiscal year with a $3.25 billion deficit, which means Rendell will have spent $4.25 billion more than the state took in over the past two years. That's an achievement only Barack "Red Ink" Obama would be proud of.

From the Department of Revenue:
Pennsylvania's April corporation tax collections showed the most severe shortfall among tax categories. Revenue of $436.9 million was $147.4 million below estimate. Year-to-date corporation tax collections total $4 billion, which is $430.6 million, or 9.8 percent below estimate.

Sales tax receipts totaled $708.5 million for April, $26.7 million below estimate. Year-to-date sales tax collections total $6.6 billion, which is $342.9 million, or 4.9 percent less than anticipated.

Personal income tax (PIT) revenue in April was $1.4 billion, $128.6 million below estimate. This brings year-to-date PIT collections to $8.2 billion, which is $264.5 million, or 3.1 percent below estimate.
For more on the lousy tax revenue numbers, click on the link below:

Pennsylvania Revenue Department Releases April Collections

For another perspective on the state's fiscal woes, check out, "Maybe Gov. Rendell Needs to Listen to Different Advisers," at POLICY BLOG

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