Where did bailout money go?

Labels: Robert Ariail Cartoon
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
Friday, January 30, 2009
Labels: Conservatives, Republicans
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Labels: Bonusgate, Corruption, Democrats, Pennsylvania
Labels: Abortion, Barack Obama, Far Left
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Debt, Democrats, Economy
Labels: Health Insurance, Pennsylvania, Rendell
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Debt, Democrats, Economy, Ed Stein Cartoon
Labels: Debt, Government Spending, Pennsylvania
SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.Visitors can sign up for e-mail alerts, donate to the PAC or learn more about Palin.
SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.
SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals.
Labels: AP Photo, Conservatives, Republicans, Sarah Palin
Labels: Debt, Government Spending, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell, Taxes
Labels: Bailout, Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, Economy
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"I understand the combination of fear and anger that many people in our community are feeling. This string of intentionally set fires is robbing our families of the sense of security they demand and deserve. As community leaders and law enforcement personnel work together with local residents to catch the perpetrators, I ask everyone to remember that we are all on the same side in this battle against fear and injustice.
"I am personally committed to providing whatever assistance I can as a state lawmaker to our local leaders and law enforcement personnel. I am equally committed to working with the victims of these terrible incidents to acquire whatever assistance may be available through state programs and services.
"I ask local residents to join me in doing our own part to help combat this community-wide problem. Keep an eye out for suspicious behavior and alert local law enforcement officials by calling 610-636-0514 or the Citizens Crime Commission at 215-546-TIPS (215-546-8477) to report any information that may be helpful to their ongoing investigation.
"We are blessed to have brave local firefighters, who have repeatedly put their own safety on the line to battle these fires. I pray for their safety in doing their important work, and ask our community to follow their brave example of working together to combat a common enemy."
Labels: Chester County
Labels: Debt, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell
Labels: Pennsylvania, Property Taxes
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fast Eddie said his hiring freeze didn't apply to him since he granted himself exceptions. He also told reporters to "get off your butts" and go up to a state woodlands area to ask the people there about Mr. Surra.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's Web site.
Such imperiousness as Pennsylvania faces a $2.3 billion budget deficit, layoffs of state workers and possible tax increases is despicable.
Surra had been the House Democratic Caucus administrator. And as Rep. Mike Turzai, R-Bradford Woods, reminds, Surra voted for the 2005 legislative pay-jacking, to increase taxes and for Rendell's bloated budgets.
Labels: Democrats, Government Spending, Pennsylvania Legislature, Rendell
Labels: Movies
The Bottom LineRead more and learn how you can fight the effort to turn back the reform movement at the DemocracyRisingPA Web site.
The Democrats' proposals will make it much harder for citizens to know what their government is doing in time to express their opinion either for or against proposed laws. They would repeal reforms adopted with great fanfare just two years ago through the Speaker's Commission on Legislative Reform. Among dozens of proposals, House Democrats propose to:
* Render meaningless the rule requiring the House to stop session at 11:00 p.m. unless three-fourths of the members vote to continue.
* Repeal the rule allowing citizens and their representatives at least 24 hours to see amendments before voting on them, at least 24 hours to consider bills after their last amendment, and at least 24 hours before a vote on a report by a conference committee. Conference committee reports, such as every budget and the Pay Raise of 2005, are often the most complicated, controversial and important laws proposed in any session. As in the past, the proposal would allow action after as little as six hours.
* Repeal the rule prohibiting the Rules Committee from amending bills after they have been considered by another committee.
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform
Labels: Barack Obama, Congress, Democrats, Economy
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I found myself wondering how Ronald Reagan, entering office in 1981 with high inflation (12 percent) and unemployment (7.5 percent) higher than today (7.2 percent), and a contracting GDP approached hard times. In what turned out to be his first inaugural address, he, too, used the word "crisis" to describe "the economic ills" Americans were suffering. Noting that these ills were a long time coming and wouldn't go away "in days, weeks or months," he said: "But they will go away. They will go away because we, as Americans, have the capacity now, as we have had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom."Read the full column at The Mercury Web site.
"In this present crisis," he continued, "government is not the solution to our problem."
There's a twist. In this present crisis, according to the Obama administration and its stimulus-package trillions, government isn't just the solution, it's our only hope.
That's change for you.
Labels: Bailout, Barack Obama, Congress, Conservatives, Democrats, Economy
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
Friday, January 23, 2009
Labels: Government Spending, Government Waste, Pennsylvania
Labels: Abortion, Barack Obama
Labels: Bailout, Barack Obama, Economy
The media considers a dozen war protesters newsworthy, but why not 200,000 pro-life witnesses? As those of you who have visited Washington, D.C. on January 22 know, the tradition of the press ignoring America's biggest pro-life event is almost as old as the March itself. Over the years, the scant coverage hasn't deterred us. Instead, we have banded together to find new ways around it. One of the most popular vehicles has been the rise of the conservative blog.For more on the March for Life, check out this story in the Washington Times.
Today, FRC hosted a power-packed line-up of the who's who in the online pro-life community, many of whom are changing the face of the abortion debate over the heads of the "mainstream" media. Along with a standing-room-only crowd, the fourth annual Blogs for Life conference attracted some key Hill leaders, including speakers Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wa). It was also the subject of a feature article in today's Washington Times.
Speaking of making a difference, a core group of Republican members marked the anniversary of Roe v. Wade by making pro-life speeches in the House chamber last night. We applaud them for remaining faithful to their convictions and representing the majority of Americans who believe that our inalienable rights include the right to life.
Labels: Abortion, Liberal Media Bias
Labels: Barack Obama
Labels: Broken Promises, Rendell
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Labels: Debt, Government Spending, Pennsylvania, Republicans
Labels: Education, Pennsylvania, Rendell
Labels: Health Insurance, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Labels: Barack Obama, Far Left
Labels: Barack Obama
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Labels: Barack Obama
Labels: President Bush
Monday, January 19, 2009
Labels: AP Photo, Barack Obama
Labels: AP Photo, Barack Obama, Liberal Media Bias
(Ramos and Compean) were convicted of shooting admitted drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete Davila in the buttocks as he fled across the Rio Grande, away from an abandoned van load of marijuana.The Bush decision has drawn widespread praise.
The border agents argued during their trials that they believed the smuggler was armed and that they shot him in self defense. The prosecutor in the case said there was no evidence linking the smuggler to the van of marijuana.
The prosecutor also said the border agents didn't report the shooting and tampered with evidence by picking up several spent shell casings.
The agents were fired after their convictions on several charges, including assault with a dangerous weapon and with serious bodily injury, violation of civil rights and obstruction of justice. All their convictions, except obstruction of justice, were upheld on appeal
Labels: Immigration, President Bush
Even Albert Shanker, the late American Federation of Teachers labor union president, recognized the need for systemic change when he candidly said: "It's time to admit that public education operates like a planned economy, a bureaucratic system in which everybody's role is spelled out in advance and there are few incentives for innovation and productivity. It's no surprise that our school system doesn't improve: It more resembles the communist economy than our own market economy."Brouillette offers several solutions to improving our schools and invites the teachers' union to become part of the solution.
In spite of the inherent problems noted by Shanker, most public schools are able to teach our children to read, write, and figure. But when comparing the academic performance of our students to those in other countries, it's clear our current system is failing both our children and our nation.
Labels: Education, Labor Unions, Reform
Friday, January 16, 2009
"Let me stress, I reserved the right when I announced the hiring freeze to make exceptions," Rendell told reporters while visiting the Pennsylvania Farm Show. During a speech at the farm show, he boosted his predicted budget deficit for 2008-09 from $1.6 billion to $1.9 billion.The Democratic governor's decision to hire Surra, a Democrat who failed to win re-election to the state House of Representatives in November, has been universally panned by the state's newspapers.
Rendell said he did not create a special job for Surra, but he acknowledged the DCNR job was not posted and others weren't considered.
THORNS to Gov. Ed Rendell for creating a job for a former state legislator, violating a hiring freeze imposed during the current state budget crisis ... Rendell also has slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from the budget to help offset a projected $1.7 billion shortfall this fiscal year. Creating a job for an ousted legislator in this fiscally-stressed environment was a slap in the face to state taxpayers. The governor should know better.
Labels: Debt, Government Spending, Reform, Rendell, Taxes
Labels: Berks County, Chester County, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Legislature
Labels: Bailout, Congress, Corruption, Economy
Labels: Pennsylvania Legislature
On Monday, the Pennsylvania Legislature's "new" majority leader, Todd Eachus, announced that the House of Representatives was under "new management." The same day, the "new" majority whip, Bill DeWeese, introduced HB 21 to promote table games at Pennsylvania casinos. The next day, Dan Surra, former majority caucus administrator, landed a "new" job during a hiring freeze.As that great British philosopher Pete Townshend once said, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Alakazamm! Whoosh! Everything is fine.
Wait a minute. I think we've seen this magic act before.
Who is the new magician?
Eachus voted to increase his salary 22 percent from $69,648 to $85,102, defended the pay grab and kept the money. Mr. New Management never paid back the unconstitutional pay raise.
Eachus is a protégée of indicted former Whip Mike Veon. In fact, it was Mr. New Management who retired Veon's campaign debt. "Mike's contribution as a leader to our collective effort meant a lot to us," said House Majority Policy Chairman Eachus of Luzerne County, who chairs the campaign committee. But the committee's other three leaders -- Reps. Joe Preston, Dan Frankel and Jennifer Mann -- apparently had no knowledge of the two payments
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform
Thursday, January 15, 2009
She was inspired in the bizarre money-making scheme by her sister Avia, 23, who lived comfortably during her own degree course after working as a prostitute for just three weeks.Do you get the idea that it's an academic exercise? Don't you think that Ms. Dylan is planning to write her thesis on the subject or probably a book? Can film rights to her story be far behind?
"I was quite shocked at the time when Avia told me she was prepared to sleep with people for money," said Natalie.
"But Avia was determined to raise some money quickly and she researched it all and told me how it could be done safely through a legal brothel.
"She is very beautiful and confident and so she attracted a lot of clients and made several thousand dollars in just three weeks."
Natalie began researching prostitution for her own degree course, as well as how virginity was prized in different cultures.
"I looked at other cases of where women had been paid for their virginity and realised that men were willing to pay large sums in return," she said.
Right Democrat is the voice of Democrats who believe in economic populism and social traditionalism. This site is dedicated to revitalizing the mainstream populist wing of our party. For too long, both parties have ignored the concerns of working and middle class Americans. The Democratic Party must embrace mainstream values. We need to appeal to people of faith. It is imperative that Democrats win back the values and national security voters. Democrats can then build a governing majority around on issues like health care, education, protecting Social Security, fair trade and defending the rights of workers and consumers.Who can argue with such a common-sense viewpoint?
Kincaid suggests poor coverage of the scandal by NBC News may be related to the fact that Jeffrey Immelt, chairman and chief executive officer of NBC parent company General Electric (GE), is on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose president is Timothy Geithner.Read Kincaid's full column, "Why Are the Media Protecting Geithner?," at the Accuracy In Media Web site.
"It is also interesting to note that a subsidiary of GE, GE Capital, is getting some of the federal bailout money that Geithner, if he is confirmed, will have a role in managing," Kincaid notes. He asks, "Conflict of interest, anyone?"
He adds, "Another member of the board of the New York Fed is Lee C. Bollinger, the president of Columbia University, who serves on the board of the Washington Post Company. This is the media conglomerate whose media properties include the Washington Post newspaper, Newsweek, and Slate."
"Connections like this help explain why Geithner's tax problems won't become a scandal or even much of a controversy for major elements of the media," the AIM editor concludes.
Labels: Barack Obama, Liberal Media Bias
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats
Labels: Open Records, Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform
Labels: Radio/TV
-- Over 82 percent of respondents believe nuclear power is important toThe survey specifically asked about two of the state's nuclear plants - Three Mile Island in Dauphin County and Limerick Generating Station in Montgomery County.
meeting America's energy needs;
-- 82 percent believe nuclear power is a reliable source of electricity;
-- 73 percent believe nuclear power will lead the country to greater independence from foreign energy sources;
-- Over 66 percent believe nuclear power is safe;
-- Nearly 60 percent believe nuclear power will lead to increased national security;
-- 57 percent believe the use of nuclear power will reduce the effects of global warming.
Labels: Energy, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Labels: Economy
Labels: Education
Labels: Smoking Ban, Taxes
Labels: Montgomery County
Labels: Democrats, Pennsylvania Legislature, Reform, Rendell