Friday, January 23, 2009

Liberal media ignores pro-life march

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has a good point about the mainstream media ignoring pro-life events, such as the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., where 200,000 Americans protested abortion-on-demand.

From Perkins:
The media considers a dozen war protesters newsworthy, but why not 200,000 pro-life witnesses? As those of you who have visited Washington, D.C. on January 22 know, the tradition of the press ignoring America's biggest pro-life event is almost as old as the March itself. Over the years, the scant coverage hasn't deterred us. Instead, we have banded together to find new ways around it. One of the most popular vehicles has been the rise of the conservative blog.

Today, FRC hosted a power-packed line-up of the who's who in the online pro-life community, many of whom are changing the face of the abortion debate over the heads of the "mainstream" media. Along with a standing-room-only crowd, the fourth annual Blogs for Life conference attracted some key Hill leaders, including speakers Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wa). It was also the subject of a feature article in today's Washington Times.

Speaking of making a difference, a core group of Republican members marked the anniversary of Roe v. Wade by making pro-life speeches in the House chamber last night. We applaud them for remaining faithful to their convictions and representing the majority of Americans who believe that our inalienable rights include the right to life.
For more on the March for Life, check out this story in the Washington Times.

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