Sarah Palin looks to 2012

Much to the chagrin of the elite media that despises a strong female leader who espouses traditional America values, Gov. Palin has launched her own Political Action Committee.
The move could be a prelude to a presidential run in 2012 and it can also help the Alaska governor raise money for other conservative candidates.
Sarah Palin's Official PAC is dedicated to "to building America's future, supporting fresh ideas and candidates who share our vision for reform and innovation," according to the Web site.
More on the committee's mission:
SarahPAC believes America's best days are ahead. Our country, founded on conservative principles and the fight for freedom, must confront the challenges of the 21st century with integrity, innovation, and determination.Visitors can sign up for e-mail alerts, donate to the PAC or learn more about Palin.
SarahPAC believes energy independence is a cornerstone of the economic security and progress that every American family wants and deserves.
SarahPAC believes the Republican Party is at the threshold of an historic renaissance that will build a better future for all. Health care, education, and reform of government are among our key goals.
The Web site is
Labels: AP Photo, Conservatives, Republicans, Sarah Palin
Please make this woman go away. She needs to remain in Alaska and go back to being unknown once again. I surely hope in my lifetime she does not become a president - of anything.
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