Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Obama Backs Planned Parenthood Abortion Mills
Obama: Abortion foes want return to 1950s
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Dr. Benjamin Carson to speak in Pottstown on Oct. 13
The speech, "Faith of Our Fathers: The Role of Faith in American Schools," will take place on Oct. 13 at Sunnybrook Ballroom in Pottstown, Pa.
Dr. Carson is a world-renowned neurosurgeon and the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore as well as a motivational speaker, philanthropist and best-selling author.
He catapulted to national prominence in February after delivering the keynote speech at the 61st Annual National Prayer Breakfast, which was attended by President Obama and Vice President Biden.
Dr. Carson used his time at the podium to talk about the great challenges facing America today - specifically moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility - comparing the U.S. to the decline of ancient Rome.
"I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading."
Dr. Carson criticized Obamacare as well as the growing dependency on government programs during the Obama administration.
The National Prayer Breakfast speech has been viewed more than 2.7 million times on YouTube.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for the Oct. 13 fundraiser. Dinner will begin at 5:15 p.m., followed by Dr. Carson's speech.
Reservations are being accepted for what is anticipated to be a sold-out event. Tickets are $150 per person, but can be reserved at the early-bird price of $100 per person until May 15.
Visit www.CoventryChristian.com or call 610-326-3366 for ticket information.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Report: Richest 7% got richer under Obama
From The Associated Press:
The upper 7 percent of households owned 63 percent of the nation’s total household wealth in 2011, up from 56 percent in 2009, said the report from the Pew Research Center, which analyzed new Census Bureau data released last month.Report: Richest 7% got richer under Obama
Sen. Toomey: Obama White House Wants Flight Delays
In remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) countered assertions from the White House and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) that current flight delays and furloughs are the unavoidable result of the sequester's spending cuts.
Sen. Toomey reminded the chamber that he and Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) had previously introduced a bill to give the administration broad flexibility to reconfigure the spending cuts to avoid this kind of economic disruption, but President Obama threatened to veto it.
"The flight delays, the furloughs among air traffic controllers, the shutting down of air traffic towers is entirely, utterly unnecessary," Sen. Toomey said. "This is a willful choice being made by this administration in order to inflict as disruptive a process as possible on the American public and on our economy all to further a political agenda. And the political agenda is to try to convince the American people that there are no circumstances under which we can ever cut spending at all."
A full transcript of Sen. Toomey's remarks:
"I would like to respond to the comments from the Leader about the sequester that has gone into effect. I want to be very clear about this: the flight delays that are occurring, the furloughs among air-traffic controllers, the shutting down of air-traffic towers is entirely, utterly unnecessary.
"This is a willful choice being made by this Administration in order to inflict as disruptive a process as possible on the American public and on our economy – all to further a political agenda and to try to convince the American people that there are no circumstances under which we can ever cut spending at all.
"Now, if you question why I say that this is a willful decision on the part of this Administration, I would refer you to legislation that Sen. Inhofe and I offered prior to the beginning of this sequestration. That legislation would have granted to the Administration complete flexibility in how they achieve the savings of the sequester.
"What did we hear from the Administration, Administration officials and White House spokespeople? What we heard was 'that this is terribly unfortunate but they have no choice, they have no alternative, the law requires that they make these cuts.' But when Sen. Inhofe and I introduce legislation to explicitly grant them all the flexibility they could ask for – complete flexibility – to find the most wasteful, the most redundant, the most unnecessary programs and to cut there instead of cutting essential services, what did the Administration say? They said 'if you send us that legislation we’ll veto it.'
"The White House put out a statement of administrative policy insisting that this was a terrible idea – a terrible idea to give them the flexibility to avoid exactly what they are doing.
"I don’t know how one can come to any conclusion other than this Administration wishes to impose this inconvenience, this disruption, and this cost on the American people and our economy, because they had it within their ability to accept the device we offered to avoid this entirely. I am extremely disappointed that the Administration would choose to inflict this kind of harm to our economy, this kind of inconvenience to our travelers, all for the purpose of furthering a political agenda. This is no way to run this government.
"I would suggest that what we do is revisit the legislation that Sen. Inhofe and I offered. Our bill would have allowed us to cut some of this waste, excess and duplication and would have avoided all of this inconvenience.
"This is entirely unnecessary and it is unacceptable. The proper function of any executive, including the President of the United States, is to look throughout the spending over which he or she has control to find the lowest priority, the least necessary, the least disruptive way to achieve the savings that we need.
"We are running unacceptable deficits. The very modest savings of the sequester could be achieved in a way that wouldn’t be disruptive at all. We have a federal budget that has more than doubled in size in the last 12 years. To suggest that it’s not possible to find two and a half percent savings is simply ridiculous. And it’s not true.
"So I would urge my colleagues: Let’s fix this. We know how to do it, we have the tools available. Sen. Inhofe and I offered an approach. But we need to achieve the savings of the sequester and we need to do it in a way that is not disruptive, and that can be done."
Monday, April 22, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Replace every Congressional Democrat in 2014
Top Democrat on ObamaCare: 'I see a huge train wreck' coming | Human Events
Obama eyes raid on 401(k) accounts
EDITORIAL: Grand theft Cyprus - Washington Times
Thursday, April 18, 2013
FBI releases photos, video of Boston Marathon bombing suspects
Look for more still photographs of the suspects on the FBI's website:
FBI releases photos of 2 suspects in Boston Marathon bombings, seeks public's help to ID them
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Democrats link Boston bombing to sequestration
Democrats link Boston bombing to sequestration | Human Events
Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell says Gosnell abortion case not the result of politics
Rendell was governor from 2003 to 2011, a time period in which many of the horrific events at the Gosnell abortion clinic took place. (Also, let's not forget Rendell was mayor of Philadelphia before he became governor).
But Rendell claims he knew nothing of the conditions at the clinic, where 1,000 babies were butchered ever year in late-term abortions performed by Gosnell.
And even though Rendell ordered the state health department to stop inspecting abortion clinics to appease Rendell's liberal base, the guv claims it wasn't political.
Former Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell says Gosnell abortion case not the result of politics - Washington Times
Monday, April 15, 2013
$200? You call this property tax relief?
HARRISBURG, Pa., April 15, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Budget Secretary Charles B. Zogby today certified that more than $778 million in gaming revenue will be available for property tax relief in 2013. The 2006 Taxpayer Relief Act established the Property Tax Relief Fund as a way to use gaming…
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Berks County GOP Chairman Steps Down
Keeping a chairman has been a problem for Berks County Republicans in recent years.
The tumult in party leadership has coincided with loses in countywide elections. Republicans lost the district attorney's office they held for decades and also lost a county row office.
Give Furer credit for reaching out to the growing Latino community in Berks County during his brief tenure as party chairman, but his reason for stepping down (work responsibilities) is pretty weak considering he's in the same job he had when he ran for the party chairman post.
Berks County Republican Committee Vice Chairwoman Christine Gordon told a local newspaper she has no interest in taking over the top post, so it will be interesting to see who emerges as the county leader in the coming month.
Furer defeated two other candidates in July 2012 to win the county leadership post: Reading entrepreneur Jim McHale, who ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2011, and John A. Fielding, an attorney in private practice and longtime member of the Antietam School Board.
Berks County Republican Committee chairman resigns
Labels: Berks County, Republicans
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Area Lawmakers Honor State Champs From Spring-Ford Area High School
State Sen. John Rafferty (R-Montgomery) and State Sen Andy Dinniman (D-Chester) honored the Spring-Ford Area High School Girls' Basketball team at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on Wednesday for the team's 60-45 win over Cumberland Valley in the 2013 PIAA Class AAAA state championship on March 22.
Labels: Chester County, Montgomery County
Good news: Obama fiscal hole won't be as deep this year
If this trend keeps up, Obama will finish the current fiscal year without the usual $1 Trillion-plus deficit. He's still spending more than we're taking in, but the hole won't be as deep. Yea!
U.S. budget deficit for March grows by $107 billion
Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettes
Obama proposes 94-cent tax hike on cigarettes
Obama's new middle class tax hike
Barack Obama's new middle class tax hike | Human Events
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Thatcher: A Leader Vindicated by History
What Reagan and Thatcher showed – and it is a lesson that may seem at odds with the conservative impulse that the private sector is the most significant – is what a difference political leadership can make. (Later Rudolph Giuliani showed the same thing – he was for urban policy what Reagan and Thatcher were for national policy.) They both inherited a mess: In Thatcher’s case she took over in 1979 following the “Winter of Discontent” when Britain was paralyzed by multiple strikes and high unemployment. As the Conservative advertising slogan had it, "Labour isn’t working." Reagan, of course, took over from Jimmy Carter in the wake of the failed hostage-rescue mission and in the midst of a severe recession characterized by "stagflation." Worst of all was a widespread loss of confidence in the future – both in Britain and America it was fashionable back then to imagine that the "the West" was finished and that the Soviet Union was ascendant.Thatcher: A Leader Vindicated by History
'The world has lost a tireless advocate for liberty' - Margaret Thatcher (1925 - 2013)
The world has lost a tireless advocate for liberty. Lady Thatcher was a true heroine, fighting for the liberation of oppressed people under communism's rule and to ease government's burden on her own people. Revitalizing the economy, the Iron Lady introduced the idea of competition and personal responsibility back into British life. She will be missed, but her legacy will long endure.For more on the organization, visit its website at www.iwf.org
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Columnist: Time for Pennsylvania to get out of the liquor business
Last year, my husband and I traveled to Hong Kong on business. When we walked into a little grocery store, we found shelves stocked with wine, champagne and other alcoholic beverages. "China is more free than Pennsylvania!" I joked.Time for Pennsylvania to get out of the liquor business
Saturday, April 6, 2013
1 Government Worker to Every 5 American Working Adults
1 Government Worker to Every 5 American Working Adults | FrontPage Magazine
Friday, April 5, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Abortion clinic staffer: 'I felt like a fireman in hell'
Abortion clinic staffer: 'I felt like a fireman in hell'
Taxpayer-subsidized solar energy plant shuts down
From The Associated Press: Flabeg received $9 million in state grants and loans and $10.2 million in federal clean energy tax credits from the Obama administration under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, more commonly known as the stimulus bill.
Taxpayer-subsidized solar energy plant shuts down
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Obama administration pushing home loans for people with bad credit
"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
Obama administration pushing home loans for people with bad credit
Poverty soars under Obama to post-60s high
Poverty soars to post-60s high | Human Events
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Obamacare forces medical business out of Pottstown
Obamacare regs force medical business out of downtown Pottstown