Friday, November 29, 2013
Free Shipping for Pa. Booze on Cyber Monday
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, PLCB, today announced it will offer free shipping on Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, to consumers who order from the PLCB e-commerce…
Despite video evidence, NY Times: 'So-Called Knockout Game' Could Be A 'Myth'
Despite dozens of videotaped incidents of young black thugs attacking white victims, the New York Times is saying the rash of "Knockout" attacks are not happening. In other words, don't believe your own eyes, just keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
NY Times: "So-Called Knockout Game" Could Be A "Myth"…
NY Times: "So-Called Knockout Game" Could Be A "Myth"…
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Real U.S. Unemployment Rate is 11.8%
Business Daily has calculated the real unemployment rate in this
country and it's a lot higher than the numbers released by the Obama
administration. One of the Labor Department's "dirty little secrets" is
that the monthly jobless rate does not count people who have given up
looking for work. When you factor in those folks, the real unemployment
is in double-digits: 11.8 percent to be exact.
From Investor's Business Daily:
From Investor's Business Daily:
Census employees "faked" employment survey data, possibly accounting for an unemployment drop just before the 2012 election, claims the New York Post.Read the full story at the newspaper's website.
But even taking the government figures at face value, the jobless rate is radically distorted — and by far more than a short-term drop of a few tenths of a percentage point.
The unemployment rate was 7.3% as of October, still high but essentially at the lowest level since the end of 2008. However, almost all of the apparent improvement has come from a historic exodus from the labor force.
Excluding this dramatic shift, the jobless rate would be 11.8%, 4.5 percentage points above the official figure and virtually unchanged from peak levels.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Bill Clinton throws Obama under the bus
Bill Clinton helped get Barack Obama re-elected in 2012, but now Clinton sees Obama dragging the Democratic Party down with him as Obamacare sinks. So what does Bill do? It's every man for himself.
Bill Clinton throws Obama under the bus | Human Events
Bill Clinton throws Obama under the bus | Human Events
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Lotto winners bilk the Pa. welfare system by continuing to collect after hitting huge jackpots
An outstanding investigative report by Chris Papst, a onetime columnist for The Mercury, on loopholes in Pennsylvania that allow massive welfare fraud.
Lotto winners bilk the welfare system by continuing to collect after hitting huge jackpots - WHP CBS 21 Harrisburg - Top Stories
Lotto winners bilk the welfare system by continuing to collect after hitting huge jackpots - WHP CBS 21 Harrisburg - Top Stories
Whistleblower accuses Pa. Dept. of Public Welfare of fraud, waste
Pennsylvania taxpayers are on the hook for more than $11 billion a year for welfare programs. That's 40 percent of the entire state budget. And according to this former Welfare Dept. employee, there's massive fraud and waste in the Welfare Dept.
Whistleblower accuses Dept. of Public Welfare of fraud, waste - WHP CBS 21 Harrisburg - Top Stories
Whistleblower accuses Dept. of Public Welfare of fraud, waste - WHP CBS 21 Harrisburg - Top Stories
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Real U.S. Unemployment: 13.8%
The state-run media reports the October unemployment rate was 7.3 percent, but that number doesn't tell the entire picture. People who have given up looking for work are not counted as "unemployed" by the Labor Dept. When you factor those people in the mix, the real unemployment rate, known by economists as the U-6 number, is 13.8 percent!
'Real' Unemployment: 13.8% | CNS News
'Real' Unemployment: 13.8% | CNS News
Colorado Woman Who Championed Obamacare Loses Insurance Plan
And another Kool-Aid drinker faces a harsh dose of reality.
Colorado Woman Who Championed Obamacare Loses Insurance Plan « CBS Denver
Colorado Woman Who Championed Obamacare Loses Insurance Plan « CBS Denver
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Pennsylvania's Voter ID law is still without any power
Thanks to activist judges, Pennsylvania's Voter ID law will not be enforced for the fourth consecutive election since the law was enacted. Two of the people who blocked the law are facing a retention vote on Nov. 5. You can send a message to activist judges by voting NO to retain Pa. Supreme Court Justices Max Baer and Ron Castille.
Pennsylvania's voter ID law is still without any power
Pennsylvania's voter ID law is still without any power
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Newspaper Endorses Vic Stabile for Pa. Superior Court
Republican Vic Stabile is the most qualified candidate for an open seat on the Pennsylvania Superior Court, according to the state's leading conservative newspaper, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. (Stabile has also been endorsed by The Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the state's most liberal newspapers.)
For Superior Court: Elect Vic Stabile
For Superior Court: Elect Vic Stabile