Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
First Christmas Card of the Season
I love Christmas lights. They remind me of the people who voted for Obama. They all hang together; half of them don't work, and the ones that do, aren't all that bright.
Labels: Merry Christmas
Conservative Groups' Letter to Lame Duck Congress: Keep Your Promises
Conservative Groups' Letter to Lame Duck Congress: Keep Your Promises: Independent Women's Voice
Monday, November 26, 2012
Pa. faces $41B in Pension Deficits
Watch Pennsylvania taxpayers get screwed again. It doesn't help that voters continue to return the same members of the permanent political class to Harrisburg every election.
From a report in Bloomberg by Romy Varghese:
Pennsylvania's two public pensions face a combined shortfall of $41 billion, and their costs will consume 62 percent of fiscal 2014 revenue growth, according to a report from the state budget office.
The State Employees’ Retirement System has 65 percent of assets needed to cover projected liabilities, and the Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System is 69 percent funded, the report said. The plans cover 817,000 people.Read more about the pension time bomb in Bloomberg.
Labels: Big Labor, Labor Unions, Pennsylvania Legislature, Pensions, Taxes
Brandie Kessler Bids Farewell To Mercury Readers
Reporter prepares for change as she says farewell to Pottstown
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Unionized federal workers want no part of this 'austerity' stuff
Unionized federal workers want no part of this 'austerity' stuff - Human Events
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
PA National Guard to Host Job Fair for Service Members, Veterans
PA National Guard to Host Hiring Expo for Service Members, Veterans (via PR Newswire)
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Service members and veterans of all military branches and components are invited to a Military Hiring Expo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 6, in building 8-80 located at the corner of Service Road and Bearty Avenue, Fort Indiantown…
Pa. Hunters Encouraged To Donate Venison To Help Feed Hungry
Pennsylvania Hunters Encouraged to Donate Venison to Help Feed Hungry (via PR Newswire)
HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Agriculture Secretary George Greig today asked hunters to donate deer meat to the "Hunters Sharing the Harvest'' program, which distributes to Pennsylvania food banks, soup kitchens and pantries. "Hunger affects more than 1.5 million Pennsylvanians…
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Handicapping Pennsylvania's 2014 Gubernatorial Field
Politically Uncorrected: Handicapping Pennsylvania's 2014 Gubernatorial Field -
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Guest Column: Our Message Has to Be for Every American

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Voter ID works like a charm in Tennessee
Voter ID works like a charm in Tennessee | Human Events
Byron York: For 2016, GOP needs candidate voters believe in
Can you say Marco Rubio?
Byron York: For 2016, GOP needs candidate voters believe in
Chutzpah! Pa. Dems call for investigation into possible voter fraud
Pa. Dems call for investigation into possible voter fraud - abc27 WHTM
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
'Buzz' off the air: Local AM station WBZH 'goes silent'
'Buzz' off the air: Local AM station WBZH 'goes silent'
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
PA State Rep. Tom Quigley concedes 146th Dist. race to Democrat
In light of the completed count of all absentee ballots, it is clear that the people of the 146th District have spoken and they have elected Mark Painter as their next Representative. I saw Mark in Harrisburg today, shook hands, congratulated him and wished him well.
Although he hasn't decided on his future yet, Quigley would not rule out another run for the state Legislature to reclaim his House seat in 2014.I would like to take this opportunity to say what a great privilege and pleasure it has been to represent the people of the 146th District. In the past eight years my staff and I have had the chance to meet and serve numerous people in our community. My district office staff; Karen, Joan and Veronika and my Harrisburg staff; Lauren, have provided outstanding service to the many people who have sought our help on numerous issues. I know I speak for them in saying that we will miss that daily interaction and the opportunity to truly make a difference in people's lives.
My district office will be closing at the end of November when my term officially ends. My staff will be contacting those with outstanding issues to direct them to the appropriate person.
Again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the people of the 146th District for allowing me to serve as your representative.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Columnist: Obama under the delusion of a second-term mandate
The biggest mistake President Obama could make now is to arrogantly overinterpret the election results.
One of the dumbest things politicians do in the aftermath of elections is to claim a mandate.
Even dumber is when they actually believe it. And re-elected presidents are especially susceptible to the mandate delusion.Mr. Obama ... don’t fall victim to the mandate delusion
Robert Samuelson: It's the Welfare State, Stupid
It's the Welfare State, Stupid
No prayer for Pa. school board after threat from atheists
No prayer for board at Elanco
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Florida Vote Twist: More Ballots Than Voters
TRR: Florida Vote Twist: More Ballots Than Voters - Washington Times
Friday, November 9, 2012
Berks County battery maker to lay off 150 workers
Exide to lay off 150 workers
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Obama Lost Every State With Voter ID
Check out this post at Pat Dollard.
Also check out the original post at The American Third Position
Labels: Barack Obama, Democrats, Pennsylvania, Voter Fraud
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The only bright spot in an otherwise awful day for Pennsylvania GOP
Without Obama on the ticket, Democrats have no chance of retaking any of the 13 seats in 2014.
And don't be surprised if Bob Casey resigns from the Senate to run for Pennsylvania governor in 2014, so Democrats wasted their vote on Senator Zero. Unless Ed Rendell decides to get back into politics, Democrats don't have any viable candidates for US Senate, so Pennsylvania could end up with both Senates seats held by Republicans heading into the 2016 elections.
Good day for Pa. Dems, but GOP keeps control
Rep. Quigley Won't Concede Until Absentee Ballots Are Counted
Area state lawmaker Tom Quigley, who has held the 146th House district since 2005, wants 1.200 absentee ballots counted before he concedes a projected Election Day loss by 200 votes to his Democratic challenger.
Rep. Quigley: Still in it
The United States of Obamastan
Stupid won on Tuesday. Stupid is no way to go through life.
And imagine the mess Barack Obama will inherit in his second term.
We learned on Election Day that 50% of the people are happy with record unemployment, record use of food stamps, record gas prices, record poverty.
They're OK with a president who lies to them all the time ... and leaves Americans to die at the hands of terrorists.
Half the voters on Tuesday took their "revenge" on the rest of the country, plunging us deeper into debt, doubt and despair.
We have become Greece.
When the rioting starts, the mob won't care if you supported Obama or not.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
A silent protest in Pa. over voter ID?
My take on the matter: A silent protest by Pennsylvania residents against the Democratic Party and its media allies who fought so hard to delay the state's common-sense Voter ID law for this election.
Polls show two-thirds of Pennsylvania residents support the state's Voter ID law.
By the way, with a photo ID to see the correct spelling of the person's name, the poll workers were able to find names quicker in the voter rolls and the line moved quickly. So much for the Democrats' claims that showing an ID would delay people voting.
Monday, November 5, 2012
46 newspapers switch endorsements to Mitt Romney
The list of 46 newspapers that switched their endorsements to Romney includes The Des Moines Register, the Orlando Sentinel, Florida’s Sun Sentinel, the Wisconsin State Journal, the Houston Chronicle, The Tennessean, the Los Angeles Daily News, Newsday and the New York Daily News.
Many of the newspapers have liberal leanings, but most admit they can't support Barack Obama after four years of failure and broken promises. Most also believe Mitt Romney has the only sensible approach to help restore the U.S. economy.
Read more here.
The New York Sun Endorses Romney for President
The Sun's Palm Card
How To Report Voter Fraud
Concerned citizens are encouraged to report any incidents outside of polling locations using True the Vote’s official Election Integrity Hotline. Citizens may submit incidents over the phone by calling 855-444-6100. Descriptions and photos should be directed to True the Vote will verify credible reports and submit those appropriate local authorities.
For more information, visit the group's website here.
President Obama owes nation answers on Benghazi attack
Editorial: President Obama owes nation answers on Benghazi attack
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Panic: Bill Clinton to Pennsylvania for four rallies on Monday
With the Keystone State set to give Mitt Romney a win on Tuesday, the Obama campaign is turning to Bill Clinton to try to save Obama one last time. Too little, too late?
Panic: Clinton to Pennsylvania for four rallies on Monday - Human Events
New York Daily News Endorses Romney
The ultra-liberal New York Daily News becomes the fourth New York City newspaper to endorse Mitt Romney for president. (Only the New York Times held out. Surprise, surprise).
From the New York Daily News:
The presidential imperative of the times is to energize the economy and get deficits under control to empower the working and middle classes to again enjoy the fruits of an ascendant America.
So The News is compelled to stand with Romney.
Newsday Endorses Mitt Romney
Newsday says: Had Barack Obama done the job of president with the same passion and vision he displayed in seeking it, he would likely deserve another term. He did not.
Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Obama in panic over losing Pa., calls in Bill Clinton to salvage campaign
After a Saturday visit by Paul Ryan to the central part of the state and a scheduled Sunday campaign stop by Mitt Romney to the Philly suburbs, the Obama campaign wants to phone-a-friend.
How worried is Obama about losing the Keystone State? Enough to call in Bill Clinton to shore up his sagging campaign in Pennsylvania.
The Obama campaign announced late Saturday (I'm talking really late - nearly 11 p.m. Saturday) that Clinton would make four campaign stops for Obama in Pennsylvania on Monday.
That's a lot of campaigning by the former president with a bad heart on behalf of the current occupant of the White House.
President Clinton will speak at rallies for the Obama-Biden ticket in Philadelphia, Blue Bell, Pittsburgh and Scranton.
Why the panic?
In addition to the surprise visit by Romney to Bucks County on Sunday, the Republican National Committee announced a $3 million TV ad buy in Pennsylvania. The Karl Rove-backed super PAC American Crossroads also launched a major TV ad campaign in Pennsylvania last week.
Obama's road to re-election could collapse in Pennsylvania if he doesn't carry the state on Tuesday.
Investor's Business Daily Endorses Romney For President
From the newspaper's endorsement editorial:
Because we have a president bent on radically changing America in ways few of us want, Tuesday's vote will be the most important most of us will ever cast. Fortunately, a challenger has stepped forward with the experience, capabilities and character to save the country at this time of peril.Read the full editorial at the newspaper's website.
The nation needs a president who understands how business works; enter Romney of Bain Capital. It needs someone who knows how to turn around a failing enterprise; enter Romney of the Olympics. It needs someone who can work across party lines to get things done; enter Romney the Republican governor of Massachusetts.
Of course, it's a big jump from Boston and Salt Lake to gridlocked Washington, or from private equity to the broken global economy. There's never anything quite as big as the presidency. But Romney is as ready as anyone could be. And if we've learned anything about him by now, it's that he has a way of rising to the occasion.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Romney to visit Bucks County on Sunday
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Romney will campaign in Pennsylvania Sunday
Although the Romney camp has not announced the location yet, my bet is somewhere in Bucks County. You want to stay close to Philadelphia to take advantage of the Philly TV market and Romney already has Chester and Delaware counties wrapped up. Montgomery County is still a question mark, but Bucks is where Romney needs to do well on Nov. 6.
Romney will campaign in Pennsylvania Sunday - The Hill's Ballot Box
John Fund: Voter fraud more common than you think
Voter fraud is no myth -- it's more common than you think - Human Events
Labels: Democrats, Voter Fraud