Conservative Newspaper Endorses Liberal Bob Casey!
Apparently, the newspaper doesn't trust businessman Tom Smith because he spent most of his life as a registered Democrat before he switched to the Republican Party and defeated several better-known candidates for the right to challenge Casey.
Pretty harsh words against Smith. Wasn't Ronald Reagan a Democrat before he saw the light?
The race still comes down to far-left Casey, who has rubber-stamped the failed Obama agenda over the past four years or a "conservative Democrat" who is pushing fiscal restraint, smaller government and accountability.
The Tribune-Review editorial says Casey is a nice guy who has treated Republican Sen. Pat Toomey, a conservative idol, with respect, but the bottom line is that Tom Smith's platform is a lot closer to Toomey's than it is to Bob Casey's.
Sending Mr. Smith to Washington as part of a Republican majority in the Senate would go a long way to repairing the damage Barack Obama has done over the past four years.
Labels: Bob Casey Jr., Congress, Conservatives, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania Politics, Tom Smith
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