Arlen Specter has to go

At the very least, Specter should change his party registration to Democratic since he has abandoned the Republican Party time and time again.
From political commentator Lowman S. Henry, writing at Lincoln Blog:
Specter's willingness to abandon his party on the stimulus package is an ominous sign for what will happen on what will be the most critical vote of this legislative session: Card Check. The bill that would take away from workers the right to a secret ballot when deciding whether or not to form and join a union is the litmus test. If Specter defects, labor unions will have the 60 votes they need in the senate to invoke cloture and pass the bill. It would be the single biggest legislative defeat for the business community and worker rights in history.Also check out a new column from pundit Dick Morris on "Benedict Arlen."
Morris says Specter, along with fellow RINOs Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe "have sold out their party, their state and their supporters."
From Morris' column:
Collins, Snowe and Specter had a chance to send a message to Obama that he had to deal with the Republican Party to avert a filibuster. They could have made it clear that genuine bipartisan cooperation was necessary to pass legislation. These three senators, pledged to cut taxes and oppose massive growth in federal spending, could have demanded a 2-to-1 ratio for tax cuts over spending, rather than the reverse, as Obama is succeeding in getting.Specter has no business running as a Republican. Pennsylvania voters deserve better.
Instead, the three wimped out and caved in for peanuts from Obama. In doing so, they completely stripped their party of any leverage. There was no point in having gotten 41 votes if the three weakest links could sell the party out.
Labels: Congress, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, RINOs
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