Friday, June 11, 2010

Real Men Don't Have To Raise Taxes

Ed Rendell is taunting the Pennsylvania Legislature, saying lawmakers need to "man up" and raise taxes to cover Rendell's growing budget deficits.

Governor, a real man doesn't have to raise taxes. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

From a story by Mike Wereschagin in The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Gov. Ed Rendell on Tuesday told state lawmakers to "man up" and vote for tax and fee increases he proposed to plug about $1.7 billion in upcoming budget deficits.

Politicians' worries about losing their jobs over a tax increase are overblown, Rendell said during a visit to Pittsburgh.

As the June 30 budget deadline draws closer, the political caucuses remain in disagreement over Rendell's proposals, according to spokespeople. House Democrats say the state needs more money. Senate Republicans remain cool to Rendell's proposals. House GOP leaders are willing to discuss registration and license fee increases but oppose non-transportation-related taxes.

"To liberals, supporting higher taxes and taking more money out of the people's pockets seems to be a badge of courage," said House Republican spokesman Stephen Miskin. "In reality, tough decisions come with living within your means like every family does, paying with money you actually have like every family does."

Dozens of anti-tax protesters visited Capitol offices yesterday -- another sign of the anti-incumbent mood every House member and half the state's senators will face in November's election. Thomas Altman, 59, an investor from Hempfield who founded Pennsylvania Freedom Allies, stopped by the office of Rep. James Roebuck, D-Philadelphia, after the statehouse rally.

"We need him to protect us from the governor," Altman told Roebuck's secretary.
Read the full story at the newspaper's Web site.

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