The Greeks of Philadelphia

The Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia has launched a capital campaign to raise funds to build a museum honoring Greek-Americans in the Delaware Valley.
The group has set up a charitable foundation to accept tax-deductible donations in any amount toward the project.
It has also launched a Web site,, to promote the effort.
Its short-term goal is to locate traveling classrooms "where young people will observe displays of objects, videos and other means to inspire an interest in the Greek culture," according to the Web site.
The long term goal is to locate a permanent site for a museum, library and study area.
"After many years of planning, the founders of The Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia were able to obtain sufficient funds in order to create a venue to perpetuate the Wonders, the Glory, and the founding of our own American Democracy and our own American Freedom of which we are so proud," according to the Web site.
If you'd like to make a donation, make checks payable to "The Greek American Heritage Society of Philadelphia" and send them to P.O. Box 103, Broomall, PA 19008
The group is also looking for volunteers to help spread the message about its cause. You can contact the Society at 610-356-5329 or e-mail:
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