Thursday, November 6, 2008

So this is what Democrats mean by change

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, a Barack Obama supporter who ran on a platform of change last year, has announced 800 city job cuts to deal with a potential $1 billion budget shortfall.

Gov. Ed Rendell, a Barack Obama supporter, recently announced $300 million in budget cuts to deal with a state budget deficit that has topped $500 million in just the first four months of the current fiscal year. Legislative leaders say the state's deficit will reach $1.5 billion to $3 billion by next year.

Years of unchecked spending by Democratic politicians are coming home to roost now that the election is over.

In Philadelphia, Nutter plans to close libraries and swimming pools and delay promised business tax cuts to deal with the budget mess the previous Democratic mayor and city council created.

How long will it be before Obama reneges on his tax cut for 95 percent of Americans? That free health care Obama promised? Sorry. Affordable college? Nope. Energy independence? Not without massive new taxes on gasoline and electricity.

Check out this column by Michelle Malkin about the long line of moochers who will expect Obama to deliver lots of government goodies to them.

I hope Obama supporters have enjoyed their non-stop party. It's time to deal with the hangover.

It's time to face reality that this country has been destroyed by Democrats in Congress ... the very same Democrats Obama supporters reelected Tuesday.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The commentary is very timely and I could not agree more. It is a sad day for our country when the people who vote do so thinking the tax programs enacted by Congress will solve our problems. Such liberal, socialistic action can do nothing but turn us into a third world nation. The CEO's etc who are responsible for the financial mess should be fired and without the bonus packages etc. Barney Frank should be removed from office. Johnson and Raines of Fannie and Freddie demolished them and walked away with millions. From there they both went to Obama's campaign. People you have not seen nothing yet!

November 9, 2008 at 11:41 PM 

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