Thursday, October 16, 2008

Viguerie: Obama's 'Spread the Wealth' Blunder Reveals His Real Goal is Socialism

Conservative icon Richard Viguerie says Barack Obama's comment to Joe the Plumber about the reason he wants to increase taxes on Ameicans is to "share the wealth."

"On taxes, on spending, on regulation, on redistribution of wealth, the Obama economic policy can be summed up in two words: Marxism/Socialism," Viguerie says.

Read more of his comments at the link below:

Richard Viguerie: Obama's 'Spread the Wealth' Blunder Reveals His Real Goal for America - Socialism

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sen. Obama's middle name is SOCIALISM-COMMUNISTIC!

PEOPLE please recall your HISTORY LESSONS from grade school! SOCIALISM IS A BAD THING! It is a close relative to COMMUNISM. REMEMBER??

DON'T be FOOLED by the FREE COOKIES Sen. Obama is offering. Your SACRAFICE is your FREEDOM to work as you wish & choose as you wish, be it insurance, housing, building a home business, being an independent sales agent for a company. ALL will be TAXED at 20% above the 33% we now pay!

PLUS $250,000 - Is that before expenses? Or after? Sen.Obama has NOT said.

My little travel business will DIE under Sen. Obama's plans and that is with gross sales of $1 million! The NET after expenses is ONLY $4,600!

Sen.Obama's mandatory health insurance for my 6 employees would cost about $8000, plus an additional $1300 for his new corp. tax system.

I AM THINKING IRELAND AS MY MOVE TO COUNTRY! The business tax there is ONLY 14% !

October 16, 2008 at 1:49 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt that your business will go under and I strongly suspect that the taxes are after expenses since that's the way it usually works. If you don't pay for your employee' health insurance and you don't want the "socialists" to pay for it, then who will pay for it? Well, at the end of the day we all do - either in emergency room care, and/or sicker people who didn't take care of things before they got serious. As far as I can see McCain's plan is more of the same old "trickle down" economics that has worked so well for the past 8 years! P.S.I'd love to see your business tax form because how exactly do you live on $4,600 a year - in a tent someplace??? I'm surprised you can run your business even now!

October 20, 2008 at 5:00 PM 

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