Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The corrupt liberal media

PBS anchor Gwen Ifill is the scheduled moderator of Thursday's vice presidential debate between Sen. Joe Biden and Gov. Sarah Palin.

Gwen Ifill has written a book about Sen. Barack Obama.

If the Obama/Biden ticket wins in November, Ifill could have a best seller on her hands.

If the Obama/Biden ticket loses, nobody will buy her book.

So who do you think Gwen Ifill will be rooting for to win the election? Will she throw softball questions at Joe Biden? Will she go on the attack against Palin?

Why is such an obvious partisan moderating the debate?

Columnist Michelle Malkin is wondering that too.

From Malkin's column posted at the Investor's Business Daily Web site:
Nonpartisan my foot.

Random House, her publisher, is already busy hyping the book with YouTube clips of Ifill heaping praise on her subjects, including Obama and Obama-endorsing Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick. The official promo for the book gushes:

"In 'The Breakthrough,' veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama's stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African-American politicians forging a bold new path to political power.

"Drawing on interviews with power brokers like Sen. Obama, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vernon Jordan, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and many others, as well as her own razor-sharp observations and analysis of such issues as generational conflict and the 'black enough' conundrum, Ifill shows why this is a pivotal moment in American history."

Ifill and her publisher are banking on an Obama-Biden win to buoy her book sales. The moderator expected to treat both sides fairly has grandiosely declared this the "Age of Obama." Can you imagine a right-leaning journalist writing a book about the "stunning" McCain campaign and its "bold" path to reform timed for release on Inauguration Day — and then expecting a slot as a moderator for the nation's sole vice presidential debate?

Yeah, I just registered 6.4 on the Snicker Richter Scale too.
Read the full column at the newspaper's Web site.

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